Members Present:
John Paysek
Doug Hughes
Chuck Winn
Craig Brawner
Fred Shields
Rick Hixson
Roger Sicz
Dave Skelton
Staff Present:
Therese Berger
Debbie Arkell
Dave Skelton
Patrick Morris
Dale Beland
Visitors Present:
Dave Crawford
Nick Salmon
Lowell Springer
Carl Solvie
Doug Rand
Doug Daniels
Gerry Gaston
Mike Potter
Joe Sabol
Don Hannah
A. Second Week Reviews
1 . Bridger Blacksmith
Planner Arkell briefly reviewed the project and noted likely
conditions concerning parking requirements, a 20 ' wide future trail
easement, a trash enclosure detail, and SID waivers .
Roger Sicz voiced concern how the subject proposal will fit
in with other developments in the area.
Craig Brawner confirmed with Planner Arkell that the applicant
is not proposing to annex the site. Planner Arkell explained that
the applicant proposes a septic system and well. She confirmed
with Fred Shields that sewer would not be available to the subject
2 . Montana Kids Daycare
Planner Morris reviewed the proposal and noted the trail
system to the adjoining property. He indicated that the lot line
will be adjusted to reflect the vacation of the Reeves Road
extension through the Walker PUD.
Planner Morris remarked that the entrance might be shifted to
align better with Reeves Road and indicated that the applicant is
willing to provide a stop sign on Reeves Road.
Rick Hixson voiced concern about the right turn into the
parking lot. He commented that he would prefer a better alignment
of the streets .
B. Initial Week Reviews
1 . Montana Travel
Planner Morris reviewed the project and explained that the
northern parking lot would be on property which the applicant would
lease . He indicated that the project meets the basic provisions of
code with a few minor deficiencies .
Roger Sicz questioned the northerly parking lot .
Fred Shields asked how the applicant will irrigate the
landscaping on the northern lot. Planner Morris responded that the
issue would need to be addressed since it is a code requirement.
Planner Morris indicated that the applicant will need to
address concerns in regards to landscaping and access across
Babcock as well . Craig Brawner remarked that he would like to see
the pedestrian crossing at the corners of the intersection of W.
Babcock and S . llth Street. Planner Morris confirmed the existence
of stop signs on West Babcock on both sides of S . llth. Roger
Sicz noted that traffic stacks up entering S . 11th from Babcock,
especially traffic attempting to go northerly from West Babcock.
He continued that he doesn't want to encourage "J-walking" across
West Babcock to reach the Montana Travel building. John Paysek
voiced concern that client pedestrians would not cross at the
Craig Brawner suggested the applicant be required to create a
permanent plastic crosswalk at the intersection and provide curb
gutter and sidewalk for the northern site.
John Paysek inquired if there is a secondary access from the
northerly parking lot. Planner Morris responded that the northern
parking lot is unpaved and the northern portion of that lot (not
shown on the site plan) contains a number of vehicles . He said
that there is a possibility of a secondary access out of the
subject lot. He indicated that the lot for Montana Travel will be
strictly for their use.
Craig Brawner voiced concern that the access distances from
the corners of the intersection be checked. He remarked that he
would like to have the access from the northerly parking lot line
up with the access from the building site so that clients will not
be making a diagonal crossing between the two lots . Planner Morris
noted a possibility that the applicant could lease more space to
redesign the accesses to meet that concern.
Doug Hughes noted for the record that if a basement is
constructed, the building would need to be sprinklered.
2 . Gran Tree Conoco
Planner Beland reviewed the proposal and noted an opportunity,
with the subject submittal, to improve the North 7th/Baxter Lane
intersection. He indicated that the applicant has been diligent in
dealing with the Montana Department of Transportation regarding the
accesses and suggested that the two middle accesses be narrowed.
Planner Beland remarked that he suggests a condition that the
applicant install boulevard trees in the right-of-way similar to
was required of Scrubby's Car Wash. He suggested that the
southeast corner of the site needs more curbing to delineate
traffic flow. He asked that the Committee give careful attention
to the on-site traffic flow.
Craig Brawner remarked that he feels four accesses to the site
are unnecessary. He suggested that the two middle accesses be
combined to form one access; both the Days Inn access and the
Baxter Lane access also serve the site. He continued that sidewalk
should be installed along North 7th for pedestrian movement.
Planner Beland distributed to the Committee copies of a memo
regarding the applicants ' position on maintaining all of the
accesses . Doug Daniels remarked Baxter Lane will handle all
traffic coming from the south and that since the traffic from the
interstate is generally at high speed, the northerly middle access
is required. He explained the southernmost of the two middle
accesses will assist the on-site traffic circulation.
He explained that the Days Inn access will remain primarily for
their use.
Craig Brawner confirmed with Doug Daniels that the two middle
accesses are both proposed to be two-way drives . He noted the
danger in exiting the site to drive south on 7th.
After a general discussion regarding the widths of the middle
accesses, Carl Solvie remarked that he would be willing to narrow
the accesses, but not give one up. Dave Skelton suggested an on-
site traffic study. Carl Solvie argued that a traffic study
wouldn 't be representative of the traffic that the proposed site
improvements would generate.
Roger Sicz remarked that the any reduction in traffic on
Baxter Lane would be an improvement.
After further discussion regarding the middle accesses, Carl
Solvie agreed to reduce the widths to 32 ' and suggested signing the
northern access as an "enter only" and the southern middle access
as an "exit only" . Craig Brawner remarked that there would still
be crossing of traffic even if they are adequately signed.
Fred Shields inquired about the relocation of the property
lines . Planner Beland explained that the current proposal would set
the building on the property line and that there is enough
available land to adjust the property lines to meet setback
requirements .
Fred Shields remarked that the water line would need to tap
into the main on North 7th and not into the existing Gran Tree Inn
water service line.
Phill Forbes confirmed with Doug Rand that the existing RV
dump station will be abandoned.
After a general discussion on possible locations for the water
service line, Fred Shields noted that the water line could be in an
easement; but not under the gas pump islands . Doug Daniels agreed
to work out the details with the Water/Sewer Department and the
Engineering Department.
Doug Hughes confirmed that the restaurant would sell no
alcoholic beverages and noted that it would need to be limited to
50 seats or a fire separation would be required between the seating
area and the convenience portions of the building.
3 . Ranch Home & Supply
Planner Skelton reviewed the proposal and noted adjacent
developments . He explained that the applicant is in the process of
annexing the site.
Roger Sicz asked if an update was available on the time frame
for the proposed signal for the intersection of Griffin and North
7th or the westbound off-ramp at North 7th. Planner Skelton
indicated that the signalization schedule is unknown. Roger Sicz
voiced concern that the subject proposal will impact the North 7th
intersections .
Planner Skelton noted the proposed accesses on Flora Lane and
North 7th. He indicated that Flora Lane will be developed to half
a City standard with curb, gutter and sidewalk from the centerline
east with the west side developed to a County standard. Planner
Skelton questioned the improvement of Mandeville Lane and whether
waivers for SIDS should be required for it.
Fred Shields voiced concern regarding the possibility of
underground storage tanks on the site. Chuck Winn remarked that
the abandonment of the tanks would not be an option if they can be
removed. Fred Shields commented that the applicant would need to
confirm the number and location of any tanks .
Doug Hughes remarked that the building will need to be
Planner Skelton indicated that he will ensure the Committee
members receive the storm water calculations . He continued that
the applicant could possibly get a building permit prior to
annexation. Fred Shields remarked that the applicant would not be
able to obtain a building permit until the infrastructure is in
Planner Skelton remarked that the applicant 's engineers would
need to work out the infrastructure extension details with the
Thompson project. He noted the concerns of the Committee to the
applicant representatives, Dave Crawford and Nick Salmon, who
arrived late to the meeting.
Nick Salmon said that the issue of underground tanks will be
investigated and any existing tanks will be removed. He indicated
that, to his knowledge, there is only one concrete tank
underground. Chuck Winn remarked that a permit would be required
for removal of the tank.
Planner Skelton explained that prior to issuance of a building
permit, the infrastructure must be extended. Nick Salmon remarked
that their intention is to have the water/sewer plans and specs
submitted in roughly 6-8 weeks, at which time the Building
Department will receive an application. Dave Crawford explained
that Will Thompson, the owner of the property south of the site,
has agreed to cooperate with the water and sewer main extensions .
He indicated that the Thompson Project will extend the water main
to the Ranch & Home Supply southern property line. He continued
that the Ranch & Home Supply developer will then run the water main
to the north end of the site, along the northern property line, and
back down to make a complete loop with the existing main. Dave
Crawford said that they will try to coordinate all of the
construction under the same contract and the costs will be shared
between the two developers .
Fred Shields confirmed with Chuck Winn that the fire line
would need to be approved prior to occupancy of the building. Doug
Hughes indicated that the retail area requires a fire sprinkler
system. After a general discussion on sprinklerization as it
relates to building size, use, and setbacks, Nick Salmon remarked
that they anticipate having to put two hydrants on the site if they
are not required to put in a sprinkler system. Chuck Winn
indicated that a sprinkler system would be required and the
location of the hydrant would be determined by where the connection
for the sprinkler system would be made. Nick Salmon, Dave
Crawford, Chuck Winn, and Doug Hughes agreed to meet to iron out
the details of the fire protection system.
C. Two Week Reviews
1 . Lucky Lil 's Casino CUP
Planner Skelton reviewed revised site plan.
Fred Shield remarked that trees are shown in the easement.
Gerry Gaston indicated that he would relocate the trees out of the
Roger Sicz voiced concern regarding traffic trying to exit
back onto Huffine Lane as the islands tend to be heavily used to
access both directions .
John Paysek voiced concern that the two parking spaces at the
smaller building entrance would be difficult to exit. Planner
Skelton remarked that he will condition the proposal to include
that the parking be reviewed and approved by the Engineering
Department. Gerry Gaston commented that it would be a simple
adjustment to allow for a little parking space pullout.
2 . Nelson PUD Concept Plan
Planner Beland reviewed the proposal .
Roger Sicz confirmed with Planner Beland that all of the
streets will be public and of standard width.
Craig Brawner asked if the Committee would review the
individual site plans, once the PUD is approved. Planner Beland
explained that the intent is to approve a PUD plan (with design
guidelines) that would require minimal future review. He remarked
that the Committee would need to ensure that the total PUD plan is
complete so that the minor site plan reviews can be done in-house.
Planner Beland noted that the main accesses will be off of
Fowler and that there will be no direct access off Huffine Lane.
3 . Sundance Springs PUD Concept
Planner Arkell reviewed the proposal and explained that the
streets are proposed to be private and would be constructed to
county paved standards with barrow pits and sidewalks on one side
only and a pedestrian trail throughout.
Don Hannah remarked that the PUD would develop in phases and
that the southeast area and the second access, Arrowhead Drive,
would be part of phase two.
Planner Arkell remarked that the city sewer and water would be
extended and that the open space would be held in common. Don
Hannah remarked that he is considering dedicating the open space to
the public.
Roger Sicz voiced concern that the city, at some time, would
be required to maintain the private substandard streets . Planner
Arkell noted that Arrowhead Drive will have a 60 ' right-of-way and
could be widened in the future.
Craig Brawner confirmed with Planner Arkell that there will be
no connection with Good Medicine Way. He remarked that he would
like to see a transportation system without a bunch of dead end
streets .
Don Hannah explained that the neighbors would prefer not to
have a lot of through traffic on Sundance Street considering its
width and the blind corner at its beginning.
Planner Arkell noted that Sourdough Creek Road to the east of
the site is in a major wetland and, although platted, it would most
likely never be built.
Phill Forbes asked if any of the proposed roads or trails
impact the wetlands . Planner Arkell pointed out the wetlands
crossings . Dave Crawford remarked that the pertinent permits for
the crossings have been obtained from the Corps of Engineers .
Dave Crawford explained the overall master plan for water
service and noted the proposed location of the sewer main
extension. Fred Shields questioned the sewer easement shown
through Good Medicine Way. Dave Crawford said that the developer
has agreed to offer an easement for further connection in the event
the adjacent property owner eventually obtains annexation.
Fred Shields questioned the timing of infrastructure
improvements on the subject proposal in relationship to the Middle
School infrastructure improvements . Dave Crawford explained that
the Middle School hopes to being construction in the spring;
however, the subject project would have to be approved.
Planner Skelton confirmed with Don Hannah that the road
proposed from Graf to Goldenstein would be a 24 ' wide paved county
road. Dave Crawford remarked that they would work with the Fire
Marshall in regards to the turning radiuses of the culdesacs .
Craig Brawner voiced concern that the subdivision plat be
reviewed with the PUD.
Roger Sicz inquired whether bikes would be able to access 3rd
Avenue. Dave Crawford indicated that the submittal addresses
pedestrian and bike movements .
Roger Sicz remarked that 24 ' streets are not safe considering
bike and pedestrian traffic. Bob Lee indicated sidewalks will be
installed on at least one side of the streets . He pointed out the
trail system. Roger Sicz voiced a preference for 32 ' wide streets .
Dave Crawford said that the design of pavement section is not done,
but they are looking for a compromise .
Craig Brawner questioned the depth of the drainage ditches .
Bob Lee said the ditch depth will be driven by the culverts to the
driveway. Roger Sicz confirmed with Bob Lee that the County Road
Offic did not offer any comments although the applicant has
discussed South Third. Dave Crawford added that they have applied
for approach permits for South Third and Goldenstiein.
Bob Lee indicated that waivers for SIDS for signalization of
Kagy and Willson are required through the annexation. Don Hannah
remarked that they are hoping to complete Phase I before the end of
1995 .
Dave Skelton voiced concern that the private streets may
become public in the future. Bob Lee remarked that if the
neighbors want to have the City maintain the streets in the future,
they will ahve to improve them to City standards . Bob Lee added
that the property owners will most likely appreciate the luxury of
having the streets plowed better than what City maintenance
provides .
Planner Arkell asked Phill Forbes and Craig Brawner to think
how Graf Street fits into the proposal as it will be a collector
that will become a local private street. Bob Lee asked for
feedback regarding Graf Street as well .
Doug Hughes asked that geotechnical studies be done on the
soils .