Members Present:
Skip Hoagland
Rick Hixson
John Paysek
Roger Sicz
Phill Forbes
Bud Tuss
Fred Shields
Craig Brawner
Staff Present:
Therese Berger
Dave Skelton
Dale Beland
Visitors Present:
Dave Penwell
Bonnie Sank
Greg Vidmar
Gerry Gaston
A. Final Week Review
1 . Lucky Lil' s Casino
Planner Skelton reviewed the proposal and noted for the record
a letter from Bob Ward. He reminded Gerry Gaston that a request
for landscaping in lieu of parking would need to be submitted
before Thursday, January 26th.
Planner Skelton reviewed Staff condition #2 in regards to a
pedestrian link to the southern property line . He opened the
condition to a discussion as he expressed uncertainty whether a
sidewalk should extend northerly as well .
Planner Skelton reviewed conditions #9 and #10 and explained
that although the 310 permit is supposed to include a
recommendation from the Farmer' s Canal, Staff wished to reiterate
the importance of feedback from that body. He indicated that the
two conditions could possibly be combined. He further explained
that all of the conditions from DRC and DRB would be combined in
the Staff Report to the Planning Board.
Planner Skelton remarked that before the Planning Office can
recommend approval for the stream encroachment variance, some sort
of documentation from Dick Vincent would be required.
Planner Skelton commented that runoff from 191 should be
handled with the Department of Transportation' s (MDOT) enhancement
project . Roger Sicz said he is not going to comment on runoff as
MDOT is handling it .
Planner Skelton gave Gerry Gaston the boilerplate conditions .
Fred Shields submitted his comments . Planner Skelton added that a
condition would need to be added that the stream easement be
provided to the Clerk and Recorder prior to final site plan
approval .
Bud Tuss remarked that he has no problem with the building
permit .
Roger Sicz confirmed with Planner Skelton that the subject
streets are private and would not be repaired or maintained by the
Skip Hoagland reiterated the Fire Department' s condition that
a second ingress/egress for fire access to the north east of the
site and an unobstructed connection with U.S . 191 be provided.
After a general discussion concerning Staff conditions 11 &
12, Craig Brawner recollected that the 36" culvert under US191 has
been frequently bottle-necked and clarified that the condition
would require that the drainage system handle the load or all of
the drainage from the. 48" pipe . Roger Sicz commented that,
regardless of the language of the condition, that it should be made
clear that the City of Bozeman will not be responsible for
maintaining the drainage system and that the developer should be
responsible for installing and maintaining a trash rack.
Craig Brawner questioned whether condition #14 is adequate and
whether a time limit should be placed on the installation of
sidewalk after occupancy. Dave Skelton remarked that 9 months
after occupancy might be adequate . Craig Brawner asked if the
applicant should be required to extend the sidewalk if the State
fails to. Planner Skelton responded that to maintain consistency
with the conditions of Oakwood Square, that the condition be worded
such that the sidewalk installation is tied into the improvements
agreement with specific language . Gerry Gaston voiced concern that
the Highway Department might not install the sidewalk if they know
the developer will be required to. Craig Brawner remarked that the
Highway Department is moving forward with the project and that the
bid documents have been secured.
Planner Skelton asked the Committee members if they are
comfortable with the 40' wide with utility/public road easement .
He clarified that the road is public but not dedicated. Roger Sicz
remarked that he doesn' t have any comments in regards to parking on
the street if the road is not dedicated.
Planner Skelton indicated that he will meet with Bill Wright,
a representative of the Soil Conservation District, to discuss the
possibility of combining conditions pertaining to the ditch
Craig Brawner remarked that pedestrian facilities for the
interior of the development should be closely looked at . Dave
Skelton remarked that he would feel more comfortable requiring a
pedestrian circulation system to the north of the site if there was
more commercial development to the north. He pointed out that a
sidewalk is proposed from the south end of the larger building to
the south end of the property line as well as pedestrian signing
from the west end of the large structure to the south end of the
St . Esteve Street . He continued that the sidewalk, as proposed on
the west end of the site, would serve the use . Craig Brawner
voiced concern that the sidewalk should extend from the north end
of the property to Main Street . Planner Skelton reiterated that
delineated crosswalks on both sides of the southern east-west
driveway should suffice .
Gerry Gaston asked for clarification of the wording for
condition #14 . Planner Skelton remarked that the language would
dictate that the sidewalk would need to be installed within nine
months after the Department of Transportation improvements are
completed. He added that he would discuss the issue with Rob
Bukvich. Craig Brawner commented that, even if the sidewalks are
not financially guaranteed, the City Commission can order sidewalks
Planner Dave Skelton moved, seconded by Roger Sicz, to
recommend conditional approval of the project . The motion carried
with a unanimous voice vote of the members present .
B. Discussion Item
1 . Penwell COA
Planner Beland reviewed the project and explained that
although the proposal is a minor site plan review, he wants to
ensure that any site development issues are addressed prior to the
afternoon' s DRB meeting. He pointed out the 30' sewer easement at
rear of property, the proposed valve box, and the applicant' s
intention to preserve the existing evergreen within a median
installed in the driveway access .
Dave Penwell indicated that the units will be fire sprinklered
and noted a problem with the depth of the two lots . He remarked
that the structures would not sit on the property line . He further
commented that there would be two domestic water service lines as
well as two fire lines serving the site .
Dave Penwell remarked that members from the SOS group voiced
concern only about the amount of asphalt and suggested that one way
to reduce the asphalt would be to eliminate the curbs on both sides
of the driveway. He explained that drainage will be two-
directional, some of the runoff would go to the creek and some
would be retained possibly in the lawn via a crowned drive . He
continued that although Jeff Downhour, Southeast Bozeman
Neighborhood Association, suggested a rotation of the units; the
footprints of the structures are limited by the setbacks and the
stream easement even with the elimination of the driveway
Dave Skelton commented that there needs to be some reasonable
alternative to a concrete curb for runoff . Roger Sicz remarked that
the curb would keep the road from disintegrating at the edges .
Roger Sicz confirmed that the accessway is private .
Skip Hoagland inquired about the distance from the nearest
hydrant to the furthest end of the structure. Greg Vidmar
indicated that the closest hydrant is approximately 200 feet from
the entrance to Dell Place . He explained that the applicant is
willing to build a box with extra hose at the corner. Skip
Hoagland remarked that he doesn' t like the precedence that such a
hose box would create . Skip Hoagland remarked that the hammerhead
design is a minimum of what is required for emergency vehicle
turnaround. He commented that people will park on the hammerhead
given the number of bedrooms per unit, further complicating
emergency response . Greg Vidmar suggested "no parking" signs .
Roger Sicz commented that "no parking" zones would be
unenforceable . Bonnie Sank argued that the units will be
upper-scale, that the residents would wish to preserve the view by
not parking in the hammerhead, and that parking will most likely
occur in the two-car garages . Dave Penwell added that he can
insert a declaration that parking is prohibited in the hammerhead
as the units will be "condominiumized" .
Fred Shields asked for clarification of the lot lines as the
site plan only shows one lot . Mr. Penwell said that the setback
from the northern unit to the property line is more than 8 feet .
Fred Shields concluded that water access to the southern most unit
is through the northern lot . Dave Penwell remarked that the lot
lines will be eliminated when the units are "condominimized" . Fred
Shields commented that if the property line is to remain as is,
there will need to be water line easements on both lots . He
continued that a 4" water main is in the street .
Planner Skelton confirmed that with the sprinklerization of
the units, , the developer would not need to loop .the water main.
Craig Brawner questioned the bridge across the creek. Dave
Penwell remarked that the bridge is over a headgate and that he is
not proposing to do any modifications to it . Bonnie Sank commented
that the subject proposal would eliminate kids running across
bridge as it will be made private .
Craig Brawner confirmed with Fred Shields that there is no
manhole in the area.
Phill Forbes questioned the median tree maintenance . Greg
Vidmar remarked that the tree will be trimmed to the height the
Fire Department would require . Phill Forbes suggested the driveway
wind around the tree more rather than trimming it up to 14 feet .
Dave Penwell remarked that he would need a variance to extend the
driveway further. Planner Skelton suggested moving the driveway
further south. Dave Penwell reiterated that the driveway is drawn
where a variance would not be required.
Fred Shields questioned the adjacent neighbor' s (Van
Chadbourne) sewer line which runs onto the subject property. Dave
Penwell indicated that the sewer line would remain. Greg Vidmar
commented that even the City has no record of the exact location of
the sewer line . Fred Shields remarked that the line is in the area
south of the entrance and voiced concern over liability if the City
puts the water lines in. He indicated that he would need to review
the situation further and feels the sewer should be moved to the
Chadbourne property. He continued that a sewer easement would be
required even if it is grandfathered in. Dave Penwell said that
Mr. Chadbourne wants to leave it as is and he would be glad to give
him an easement .