Members Present:
Phill Forbes
Chuck Winn
Bud Tuss
Craig Brawner
John Paysek
Fred Shields
Roger Sicz
Staff Present:
Therese Berger
Dave Skelton
Visitors Present:
Gerry Gaston
A. Second Week Review
1 . Lucky Lil' s Casino
Planner Skelton reviewed the proposal, pointed out adjacent
developments, and explained the review schedule .
Bud Tuss asked if the applicant has liquor licenses for both
of the buildings . Gerry Gaston remarked that he believes they will
have separate licenses for each.
Planner Skelton confirmed with Gerry Gaston that the easement
exists . Gerry Gaston indicated that they would most likely enlarge
the culvert .
Planner Skelton reviewed the three variances. He recommended
that the applicant provide landscaping in lieu of parking instead
of requesting a variance for the one less space and indicated that
he would need to proved 350 SF of landscaping per space. Gerry
Gaston was agreeable to the suggestion.
Planner Skelton commented that Dick Vincent is working on a
stream enhancement and storm surface runoff plan for I91 . He
indicated that there may be some requirements from the State
Highway Department in relation to the plan. He remarked that he
will ask Rob Bukvich to work with Dick Vincent . Roger Sicz pointed
out that the location floods quite often. Gerry Gaston remarked
that they plan to enlarge and reposition the 36" culvert under the
existing northeasterly drive approach.
Planner Skelton indicated that there is some question
regarding the storm retention area on northwestern corner of the
site . He said that he doesn' t see a problem with grading some of
the ground to the south. Gerry Gaston pointed out that the culvert
under the south easterly access has been covered and they will
install their own storm drainage in the area. He continued that
the Highway Department is planning a storm sewer down the middle of
the highway and will abandon that culvert .
Roger Sicz confirmed with Gerry Gaston that ownership of
the street is private and runs downn the middle of the street .
Craig Brawner voiced concern that all the road easments are
aquired. Gerry Gaston gg to find out . rs one of the problems is
that everybody parks in the street andit becomes impassable . ds
only solution , other than requiring the required offstreet parking
req, there may be the opportunity to impose additional parking
requirements by cc. rs if private, not too concerned, but public it
becomes an issue . cb-additional use of the bobcat access, gg that
is an inplace easement . cb asked gg to provide documentation of the
easements for clarity. Fred still a question regarding the mains
to the west, being a private sewer to serve the two buildings as
indicated. gg don' t want to tear up the road if he doesn' t have to.
gg the treas is why we made private. Fred under the parking lot in
an easment, possiblilty that it could be extended to the east in
the future as there is enough land over there to build. rs wasn' t
sure what theyare going to do on garbage . , ds pointed out the
dumbper on the southe east access only problem is getting back on
to main street . going to get worse once 4 lanes . Fred might want
to look into two water service and locate the meters Chuck is
the ingress/egress on the south east corner is this gg is an
existhgn easement will ensure e adequate paving. chuck asked if
any way to provide a turnaround or a secondary drive . not amenable
to grass creep, plenty of fire proptection for the sturcure but
cncernted with car fies in the parking lot on the north east
section. Chuck will have to ask for some sort of turnaround is not
the best anscwer, if some sort of extend an access from the private
Road. gg sugested puncehed a little drivway out at the northen tip
of the western buildings . cb will make the last parking lot more
usable .
ds exp that the parking issue will come up in City Commission, do
not sure if staff in a posistion to support . cc may ask for
additional parking. gg indicated that Dick vincent and talked to
Jim stevens can exit out property on the north east corner would
give us another 6-71 . not sure if can get a letter out of him or
not . rc asked about flooding, gg if it floods from property line
down not changing, a pool betwen the two culverts on the
easternmost point, 4-5 foot bank in there and will change the
culvert . ds only other loophole is SCS, Farmers Canal Cc and Fish
Wildlife and Parks will need to comment . thats why it is almost
imperative to get somehting from Vincent . gg going to meet with Bob
Davis from Farmers Canal . need to make a recommendation to PB next