HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 37 Create SID No. 247 . CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 37. A RESOLUT ION OF TH!!: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA, DECLARING IT i1 TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIST- 'RICT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SPmCIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.. 247 OF SAID . CITY . FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SANITARY SEWER WITH THE <NECESSARY CONNEC- I >TIONS .Am> MANHOLES, ONMF.:NDENHALLSTRP:ETBETWEENROUSE A VENUE NORTH AND WALLACE ,L.. J AVENUE. NORTH, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID \~. . IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE LAND WITHIN SAID DISTRICT" AS CREATED . BE IT RESOLVED BY TBE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana. to create a Special Improve- ment District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 247 of the said city, for the purpose of making improvements within said Special Im- provement DiI5:trict herein described. Section 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 247 to be created ~re 13.6 follows: "Beginning at a point in the center line of Rouse Avenue where the same is intersected by the north line of Mendenhall Street: thence eaat along saldnorth line of Mendenhall Street to a point 50 feet east of the east line of Rouse Avenue; thence north to the south line of the alley north of Mendenhall Street; thence east along the south line of said alley to a. point 50 feet west of the west line of Wallace Avenue; thence south to the north line of Mendenhall Street; thence east to the center line of Wallace Avenue; thence south to the south line of Mendenhall Street; thence west along the said south line of :fl. Mendenhall Street.to a point 50 feet west of the west line of said Wallace Avenue; thence south to the north line of the alley south of lJ' Mendenhall Street; thence west along the north line of said alley to a point ',50. feet east of the east line of Rouae Avenue; thence north parallel with Rouse Avenue to the south line of Mendenhall Street; thence west. to the center line of .said Rouse Avenue; thence north along said center line of Rouse Avenue to the place of beginning". Section 3. That it is her:,eby declared to be the intention of said City Commission of the City of Bozemari, State of Montana, that all of the land within said proposed Special Improvement District as defined in Section 2 'Of this Reso- lution. abutting on said improvement, will be specially and equally benefitted by .the construction of said sanitary sewer. connections and manholes, and all of said improvement. and should equally bear the coat of said improvement in accord- ,. ance with the laws of the state of Montana in such caae made and provided. Section 4.. That the character of the improvement within s aid proposed Special Improvement District No. 247 is the construction of a sanitary sewer with necessary connections and manholes, on Mendenhall Street between Rouse Avenue north and Wallace Avenue north. Section 5. That an approximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the work of 'constructing all the said improvements, including. excavation. furnish- n , I ing and laying necessary pipe. and the construction of the necessary manholes. lJ. and including engineering inspection and all incidental expenses. is One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-six Dollars ($1866.00) . Section 6. That the total frontage of all property within said district exclusive of streets. avenues, alleys and public places ia 1344.28 feet, and an ~,'" ~.~-,.. approximate estimate of said improvements to be specially taxed and assessed against the above-mentioned frontage i8$1.388 per front foot. Section 7. That the entire cost and expense of making said Special Improvements ineaid proposed District No. 247 shall be paid by Special Improve- ment Diatria:t Coupon Bonds as authorized by the laws of the State of Montana, . which bonds ahallbe in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each and infractions where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund to be known as the Special Improvement District No.2 47 Fund, said bonds to be redeemable.. at the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Improvement District No. 247 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, whichahall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said improvement and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds until said bonde are paid. Section 8. To pay said bonds and interest thereon representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all lands wi thin s aid proposed Special Improvement District No. 247 as hereinbefore defined, each front foot of entire frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate share of such entire cost exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places. Section 9. Said assessment and xaxes shall be payable in five annual installments with six per cent annual interest on deferred payments commencing with the year 1925, but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full payment at any time. Section 10. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby, directed to prepare plana and specifications for the doing of said work and the making of said improvement. Section 11. That the. regular session of the City Commission of the Ci ty of .B'ozeman, State of Montana, to be held in the City Commissioners' room the eit~ Hall, City of B,ozeman, on Thursday, the 28th day of .August, 1924, at 7: 30 9.' clock p .tn. of said day, are the time and place designated when and where the salde! ty Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed, against said proposed improvement and the creation of said pro- posed im'provement district, a.nd the extent and character thereof, or of either thereof. Section 12. That the Clerk of the said City Co.mmission of the Bozeman, State of Montana,be, and he is hereby, directed to give notice as re- , . , quiredby law,of the adoption of this Resolution. Passed byt'heCityCommiasion.of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and, ap- proved''bythe'Ma;yoro'taaid City, this lth day of August, A.D. 1924. ATTEST: . ~.1'Jah4n~/1~4/ '~~J,f~ Clerk. of the Commission Ma.yor '>/