TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1996
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Hixson, Project Engineer; Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer;
Dave Skelton, Senior Planner/Chairperson; Phill Forbes, Public Service; Chuck Winn, Fire
Marshal; Craig Brawner, City Engineer '
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planner/Impact Fee Coordinator; Jody Olsen,
Assistant Planner/Critical Lands Specialist; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director; Carol
Schott, Recording Secretary
VISITORS PRESENT: John Marks, Joan Rudberg, Mike Potter, Lowell Springer, Glen
Wood, Bill Martell, Dick Andriolo, Ken Weaver
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dave Skelton.
1. Aaker/Payne MPA #P-9614 - (Saunders)
West of S. 19th, between Lincoln and Kagy
A Master Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from "AS"
to a combination of "R-4", "RO", and "B-2" on a 21.5289 acre tract of land.
Chairperson Skelton introduced the project. Planner Chris Saunders reviewed the project.
Mr. Hixson presented the comments of the project engineer, John Paysek, which included: (1)
...At a minimum, the Developer will need to provide a comprehensive analysis to determine the
impact of the proposed development on the service area sewer capacity. ... (2) ...In order for
the proposed project to incorporate a looped water system, a proposed 12" water line extending
from Tai Lane westerly towards S. 19th Avenue will need to be completed prior to approval of
this project. (3) Consideration must be given to the potential for street and/or traffic signal
construction at South 19th Avenue and at the intersection with Kagy Boulevard. (Complete text
of the comments on file at the Planning Office.)
Planner Saunders noted that there have been no comments from Wildlife and Parks. Mr.
Woodward had no comments.
Mr. Marks noted that he'd need time to look into Mr. Paysek's comments to have a response.
Chairperson Skelton noted that these details need to be handled before subdivision happens, so
he has time yet to do a response. Planner Saunders noted that waivers for SID's may be
required. Mr. Marks asked how the waivers tie in with annexation. Planner Saunders
explained. Mr. Marks asked if he should submit the annexation and the zoning plan at the same
time. Planner Skelton noted that was usually the best method.
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1996
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Hixson, Project Engineer; Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer;
Dave Skelton, Senior Planner/Chairperson; Phil[ Forbes, Public Service; Chuck Winn, Fire
Marshal; Craig Brawner, City Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planner/Impact Fee Coordinator; Jody Olsen,
Assistant Planner/Critical Lands Specialist; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director; Carol
Schott, Recording Secretary
VISITORS PRESENT: John Marks, Joan Rudberg, Mike Potter, Lowell Springer, Glen
Wood, Bill Martell, Dick Andriolo, Ken Weaver
2. Northern Lights MiSP #Z-9633 - (Arkell)
1716 W. Babcock
- A Minor Site Plan Application to allow construction of a storage addition,
re-build the upper deck and stairs, and add 5 new parking spaces.
Chairperson Skelton noted that a final decision needs to be made on this project today. Planner
Debbie Arkell noted the Planning Office has no conditions for this project. In fact, no further
plans need to be submitted, as the previously submitted site plan will be used as the final site
plan unless there are changes as required by condition(s) of approval. If there are changes to
the site plan, then the standard seven copies of the revised final site plan showing how all
conditions of approval will be addressed must be submitted within six months of final approval
of the application.
Mr. Hixson, Mr. Forbes, and Mr. Woodward had no comments. Mr Winn spoke with Mr.
Garcia yesterday and told him of the Fire Department's condition - the basement as it currently
exists requires either a fire sprinkler system or the installation of compliant access/egress
openings per Appendix 1-A of the Uniform Fire Code. The owner shall present to the Fire
Department a plan for meeting this requirement and include a mutually agreeable timetable to
have the improvements completed. Mr. Winn noted that Mr. Garcia was receptive to this
condition, however, he needs a letter from Mr. Garcia to be sent to the Planning Office agreeing
to the condition.
Mr. Forbes moved, Mr. Hixson, seconded to conditionally approve the project subject to the
condition by the Fire Department. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Chairperson Skelton noted that this decision may be appealed to the City Commission by
notifying the Planning Office of your intent to appeal by 5:00 Friday, then follow with a formal
letter detailing the part(s) of the decision you are appealing.
TUESDAY, MAY 71 1996
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Hixson, Project Engineer; Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer;
Dave Skelton, Senior Planner/Chairperson; Phill Forbes, Public Service; Chuck Winn, Fire
Marshal; Craig Brawner, City Engineer '
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planner/Impact Fee Coordinator; Jody Olsen,
Assistant Planner/Critical Lands Specialist; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director; Carol
Schott, Recording Secretary
VISITORS PRESENT: John Marks, Joan Rudberg, Mike Potter, Lowell Springer, Glen
Wood, Bill Martell, Dick Andriolo, Ken Weaver
1. Valley Commons Amended Plat P-9621 - (Arkell)
Intersection of Fallon and Ferguson
A Preliminary Plat Application to amend wording on the Final Plat to
allow one-way access from lot 1 to Fallon Street.
Planner Debbie Arkell presented the project. She stated that no access was to be allowed onto
Fallon in the original Valley Commons Final Plat. The applicant is requesting an amendment
to the Final Plat to allow an out-only exit onto Fallon. There will be a public hearing before
the Planning Board with the final decision being made by City Commission.
Mr. Potter noted that had they known then what they know now, they would have requested
access from Fallon in the original proposal. The fact is that convenience operations have three
requirements: (1) a major oil company, (2) a convenience store, and (3) a fast food operation.
He cited Conoco/Hardy's on North 7th as an example. He explained that they need the egress
for the exiting drive-through window traffic. He distributed sketches of the buildings to be built
this summer on Lots 1 and 2. The total project will be about 25,000 square feet. He noted that
this was the first commercial PUD acted upon by the City. He's had to overcome the bad
reputation that PUD's have in the real estate market. He continued that the proposed egress is
252 feet from the intersection of Fallon and Ferguson.
Mr. Forbes asked what is directly across the street. Mr. Potter noted that Ken LeClair is
planning to construct office buildings in that area. Planner Arkell explained LeClair's position
in the process.
Planner Arkell noted that the no-access note on the original plat would remain for Lots 2, 3 &
4. She noted that neighbors to the eastwere concerned with an increase in traffic when the
original subdivsion was reviewed. Discussion ensued on the envisioned traffic patterns in the
Discussion of the original PUD and the original access followed. Planner Arkell noted that a
two way access, as suggested by Mr. Hixson, would have cars coming against the drive-through
traffic. Mr. Potter explained the accesses into the project. Discussion followed on traffic
patterns, parking, egress, width of driveways. Mr. Brawner noted that a one-way drive has a
minimum width of 16'. Mr. Potter noted that he plans to meet all requirements.
Discussion ensued as to whether this project needed to come back before DRC or if a decision
could be made today. It was decided to discuss this project again next week. Chairperson
Skelton noted that a recommendation to the Planning Board will be made next week.
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1996
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Hixson, Project Engineer; Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer;
Dave Skelton, Senior Planner/Chairperson; Phill Forbes, Public Service; Chuck Winn, Fire
Marshal; Craig Brawner, City Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planner/Impact Fee Coordinator; Jody Olsen,
Assistant Planner/Critical Lands Specialist; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director; Carol
Schott, Recording Secretary
VISITORS PRESENT: John Marks, Joan Rudberg, Mike Potter, Lowell Springer, Glen
Wood, Bill Martell, Dick Andriolo, Ken Weaver
2. Wheeler Mobile Home Park P-9620 - (Arkell)
2715 W. Babcock
- A Preliminary Plat Application to expand an existing 12 unit mobile home
park, which also contains one house, into 46 lots.
Planner Debbie Arkell presented the project. She noted that a mobile home park review is
called a subdivision review, however, it is not filed at the County Clerk and Recorders Office.
She continued that the existing house and garage will stay. She noted that when the 15' is taken
out for Babcock, the mobile in the first lot will be in the right-of-way. She will be
recommending that the applicant relocate the mobile and, also, the mobile across the street as
it may be within 5' of the right-of-way. She noted that these are not true lots as the tenants will
not be purchasing them as they are not for sale. The applicant proposed to bring in a water
service line to the back of the homes. The mobile homes will be served from the service lines
and by direct connection to the water main in the private street. Mr. Woodward noted that there
were supposed to be four meter pits and the City's responsibility ends at the meter pits.
Planner Arkell noted that Meghan's Way is proposed as a private street. The site plan shows
a 30' easement for sewer and water. She is suggesting Meghan's Way be moved so there is a
boulevard then the sidewalk. The applicant proposes to lay a 26' strip of pavement, stripe off
4' for the sidewalk, and leave the rest for the street. Discussion ensued on the private street and
subdivision regulations. Chairperson Skelton interjected that even if it is a private street, it
needs to have a sidewalk. Planner Arkell noted that the street will have no parking. She'd like
to see a boulevard between the street and a "real" sidewalk.
The applicant is asking for a variance from lot width for lots 2 through 13 in Block 1 due to the
location of existing mobile and for Meghan's Way to have no curbs. She noted that most lots
are large enough for a double-wide mobile.
Mr. Woodward inquired where the easements are. Planner Arkell noted the location on the site
plan. She asked Mr. Woodward if each mobile hooked into the sewer main. He indicated that
is true.
Mr. Winn noted only 2 fire hydrants are shown, and more will be required.
Planner Arkell noted that due to the adjacency of this project to Balian's Yellowstone Peaks
project to the east, there may be a need for an easement through the park to the east property
line to ensure water/sewer can connect to the Balian property.
Mr. Woodward asked for specifics on utility locations. He'd like to see them located in the rear
of the lots. He noted that if the utilities are located in the front, then the road will need to be
wider to accommodate them. He also noted that they need a 10' easement for the utilities if
located in the front. DRC needs to know the location before it can make a recommendation on
the project. Planner Arkell noted that subdivision regulations allow buffering to be required,
if deemed necessary.
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1996
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Hixson, Project Engineer; Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer;
Dave Skelton, Senior Planner/Chairperson; Phill Forbes, Public Service; Chuck Winn, Fire
Marshal; Craig Brawner, City Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planner/Impact Fee Coordinator; Jody Olsen,
Assistant Planner/Critical Lands Specialist; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director; Carol
Schott, Recording Secretary
VISITORS PRESENT: John Marks, Joan Rudberg, Mike Potter, Lowell Springer, Glen
Wood, Bill Martell, Dick Andriolo, Ken Weaver
3. Cafe' Internationale' CUP Z-9641 - (Olsen)
207 West Olive
- A Conditional Use Permit Application to allow serving beer and wine with
meals and catered events.
Assistant Planner Jody Olsen presented the project. She noted that this is an existing business
that proposes to serve beer and wine. She noted there are no other changes planned, the
applicant is not adding a bar. Mr. Forbes inquired if there was a problem with the church being
on the same street. Planner Olsen stated that according to the State it is no longer a problem
as the address is on a different street than the church's address.
Chairperson Skelton noted that the outdoor eating area presents an enforcement issue. Planner
Olsen noted that the Emerson hasn't installed all the improvements and the letter of credit has
Mr. Brawner asked about the parking. PIanner Olsen explained that the Emerson hasn't
expanded its parking as the building became more occupied.
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1996
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Hixson, Project Engineer; Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer;
Dave Skelton, Senior Planner/Chairperson; Phill Forbes, Public Service; Chuck Winn, Fire
Marshal; Craig Brawner, City Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planner/Impact Fee Coordinator; Jody Olsen,
Assistant Planner/Critical Lands Specialist; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning Director; Carol
Schott, Recording Secretary
VISITORS PRESENT: John Marks, Joan Rudberg, Mike Potter, Lowell Springer, Glen
Wood, Bill Martell, Dick Andriolo, Ken Weaver
4. MSU Foundation Preliminary Plat P-9606 - (Skelton)
2501 West College
- A Preliminary Plat Application to subdivide 63 acres into 2 commercial
or industrial lots.
Senior Planner/Chairperson Dave Skelton presented the project. He noted that DRC will review
the project one more time. Because it is a minor site plan, it will go to the Planning Board,
Public Service Director, City Commission, and County Commission. He continued by
explaining the process. The project will go to the Planning Board on May 21, to the Public
Service Director May 22, City Commission June 3, and County Commission June 4. Once the
lot is created, then a Major Site Plan review process can begin, which will take approximately
6 weeks to complete. Planner Skelton reviewed the letter sent to Mr. Springer dated February
20, 1996 (on file at the Planning Office), Page 2 notes that the applicant must request with the
application for preliminary plat review to waive the requirement for an environmental assessment
and community impact statement, if so desired. He inquired of the DRC if the applicant needs
to do an impact study on population.
Planner Skelton continued that the applicant is requested to identify the utility easements. He
noted that a narrative on the easements is appropriate now, then it can be changed during
subdivision review. The applicant is required to obtain an easement for the Farmers' Canal.
The easement should be a minimum of ten feet on each side of the Farmers' Canal and the true
location of the canal is to be identified on the preliminary plat. The Certificate of County
Commissioners must be provided on the Preliminary Plat or all said property must be annexed
to the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman. The Preliminary Plat must contain all of the
required certificates and appropriate language as required in the Bozeman Area Subdivision
Regulations. He noted that Susan Swimley and the Montana Attorney General have received
copies of this letter.
Mr. Brawner noted that the Farmer's Canal easement is to be 10' from the high water mark on
each side.
Discussion ensued on the roads. Planner Skelton has asked Mr. Gianfrancisco and Mr. Bukvich
to comment on the project. Mr. Bukvich had no comments. Mr. Gianfrancisco noted that
easements are required for Garfield and Fowler. He noted that there is no shared access
between lot 1 and lot 2 and the access should be addressed in the conceptual plan for the
subdivision's internal road system and its ultimate plan to link or intersect with Technology
Boulevard West. Mr. Brawner inquired if the access should be located on the subdivision plat.
Planner Skelton stated that it should. Mr. Martell noted that the building design is already done.
Planner Skelton noted that Mr. Martell is ready to submit the site plan as soon as the lot is
created. He noted he will check on the width of the right-of-way on Garfield.
Planner Skelton distributed a utilities exhibit. Discussion ensued on infrastructure. Planner
Skelton noted that a looped water system is required. Mr. Brawner noted that the infrastructure
information should be shown on the preliminary plat along with a schematic layout.
Mr. Wood noted that he can submit drawings by the end of today. He explained the
water/sewer proposals. There is a 10" water main proposed in the Master Plan. Both domestic
and fire service would be off that main. Sewer would be serviced through two manholes. He
explained how they proposed to install the sewer lines.
Mr. Brawner noted that he needs to see a phasing of infrastructure. Mr. Springer noted that,
conceptually, he needs to plan how to loop the water. He asked that since water and sewer are
available for lot 1, can the subdivision be phased so Mr. Martell can get started on the Chronicle
building. Mr. Brawner noted where the City would want the water and sewer lines located.
Mr. Woodward asked where the hydrant would be on the water line. Mr. Wood explained.
Mr. Wood and Mr. Woodward discussed distances and locations of services. Discussion on
water flow in regard to fire protection with sprinklers. Mr. Springer wants to know if there can
be a phased proposal and get started on lot 1. Mr. Forbes stated that it cannot be phased at this
point. Discussion ensued on the phasing. The group decided that what Mr. Springer wants to
do is file a preliminary plat for two lots then only file a final plat for one lot. Discussion ensued
on filing only on one lot. Mr. Springer wants the project to go through fast. Planner Skelton
noted that to get it to go fast} the project should have been presented in January, not March, as
agreed upon in November.
Planner Skelton noted that at next week's meeting the applicant needs to show on the site plan
where sewer and water need to be placed. Discussion ensued on the approval of water
infrastructure. Mr. Andriolo inquired if the site work and infrastructure can be installed before
site plan review. Mr. Springer noted that the project could be dealt with as an artificial lot.
Planner Skelton stated that the site work and infrastructure cannot be installed before site plan
review and the project cannot be dealt with as an artificial lot. He noted that the schedule set
up last November for the January submittal of the project was not kept, at no fault of the DRC.
Discussion ensued on the sewer system. Mr. Wood created a feasibility study assuming that the
new facility would use a similar amount of water as the current facility or 3300 gallons a day.
He also assumed that the waste water would be similar or 1500 gallons a day. He noted the
difference between the water used and waste water produced is that currently the ink used is
concentrated and mixed with water. He estimated the parking spaces to be installed and
calculated additional water usage based upon 2 gallons of water per parking space (he figured
approximately 1000 parking spaces). He also calculated the water usage for the employees and
office spaces. This gave him a total water usage for the project.
Discussion ensued on Mr. Wood's calculations. Mr. Brawner inquired if zoning will allow the
office spaces. Planner Skelton discussed the proposed zoning, then noted that the Planning
Office calculates usage on maximum usage of a site. Mr. Brawner noted that the parking spaces
wouldn't necessarily give an adequate estimate. He continued by discussing the issue of fine
tuning of the plan at a later date.
Mr. Wood noted that though this is a large development, it doesn't require a large amount of
sewer capacity. Mr. Brawner noted that DRC needs to be able to look at the whole picture.
Planner Skelton asked if the committee needs a special meeting before next Tuesday to go over
the information that Mr. Wood will be providing. He noted that the committee will be making
a recommendation on this project next week to Mr. Forbes and to the Planning Board. It was
agreed that Mr. Andriolo, Mr. Wood, Planning Director Epple, and Planner Skelton should meet
to discuss the site plan before the subdivision is recommended for approval, today if possible.
Planner Skelton noted that Mr. Wood needs to forward a letter on the necessary easements and
the CIS study to the Planning Office as soon as possible. The letters need to be infrastructure
related. Mr. Brawner noted that there needs to be an agreement on the asphalt pit. Mr. Wood
asked about water/sewer plans, could he turn those in sooner to expedite the review. Mr.
Brawner noted that would be okay, but Mr. Wood should understand the stipulation that there
may have to be changes made if capacity wouldn't handle the proposed flows. Planner Skelton
noted that the other agencies contacted have been asked to have comments to him by next week.
Mr. Forbes moved, Mr. Hixson seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried
unanimously by voice vote.