10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer; Dave Skelton, Senior Planner,
Chairperson; Al Scholes, Fire Department; John Paysek, Project Engineer; Karen Finke,
Project Engineer; Rick Hinson,Project Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Dean Patterson,Associate Planner; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning
Director; Chris Saunders,Associate Planner
VISITORS PRESENT: Reg Easton, Keith Belden, Lowell Springer, Doug Morley, Bruce
Foley,Doug Rand, Carl Tange,Jerry Gaston, Per Hj almarsson
1. Bridger Creek 2 & 3 MaSub #P-9601 - (Skelton)
North of Bridger Creek and South of the City of Bozeman Landfill, on both sides
of McIlhattan Road
A Major Subdivision Application to allow 47 single family lots and 1
condominium lot in Phase 2, and 44 single family lots in Phase 3, for a total
of 92 lots.
Senior Planner Dave Skelton reviewed the project. He noted Staff is to submit written comments to
the applicant next week.
Mr. Belden summarized a meeting held last week with Gallatin County officials. Discussion followed
on the location of the water main and the surfacing of Story Mill and McIlhattan Roads. Mr. Belden
expressed a concern that the road right-of-way may not be adequate for a standard road width. He
noted Mr. Gianfrancisco stated a need for an application for a deviation from the County to allow the
narrower than standard roadway. Planner Skelton suggested that Mr. Belden visit with Mr.
Gianfrancisco about the conditions his Staff report will impose. Mr.Paysek noted that he will talk
to Mr. Forbes about graveling rather than paving. Mr. Easton stated the paving would tie in better
with Phase III.
Mr.Belden indicated there are other problems. There isn't enough right-of-way for Story Mill Road
and the looping of the water main is a problem. He asked for an explanation for looping.
Mr. Paysek stated the line will become City property and, therefore, the City will eventually be
responsible for it. He continued about a concern with the two creek crossings with the water main,
since the plans don't reflect a looped water system. He's concerned about reviewing plans that aren't
for an approved subdivision. He stated that he needs to know what the plans are for the water before
he can make conditions. Mr. Woodward concurred and stated that he'd like to see the whole picture
in the southeast comer. Chairperson Skelton stated that the conditions can hinge upon the approval
of the water system by the State of Montana.
Mr. Belden requested Mr. Paysek to supply him with a complete list of his needs for writing the
conditions. Mr. Belden continued with an explanation of the completion of the project plans.
A discussion followed on what will happen to Story Mill Road, water/sewer line approvals, getting
water installed before high water. Chairperson Skelton stated these concerns can be handled with an
extension to the appropriate conditions, such as: "...is contingent on the County Commission's
approval". He also noted that the applicant is asking to waive installation of the second access until
Phase III.
Discussion followed on the monitoring wells and who owns the spaces between the lots. Mr. Belden
stated it is common space and owned by the partnership. Discussion ensued on guard rails, road
shoulders,not widening the roadway, and riprapping.
Chairperson Skelton asked Mr.Belden if he can get revised plans to Mr. Woodward and Mr. Paysek
this week and Mr. Belden stated he could. Mr. Paysek set up a tentative meeting for February 7,
1996, for himself,Mr. Belden, and Mr. Woodward.
Chairperson Skelton reminded the Committee Members that written comments are due next week
for recommendations to the Planning Board.
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer; Dave Skelton, Senior Planner,
Chairperson; Al Scholes, Fire Department; John Paysek, Project Engineer; Karen Finke,
Project Engineer; Rick Hixson, Project Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Dean Patterson, Associate Planner; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning
Director; Chris Saunders, Associate Planner
VISITORS PRESENT: Reg Easton, Keith Belden, Lowell Springer, Doug Morley, Bruce
Foley, Doug Rand, Carl Tange, Jerry Gaston, Per Hjalmarsson
1. Osterman MaSP #Z-95156 - (Patterson)
1800 N. Rouse
- A Major Site Plan Application to allow the construction of a mini-storage
warehouse facility.
Planner Dean Patterson reviewed the project. Mr. Springer stated the water main will go
straight across the property to the 18" main to the east. He noted the original sewer was
designed by Morrison/Maierly, and he has the drawings in his office. Mr. Springer and Mr.
Woodward agreed that the next step is to run a camera through and attempt to certify it.
Mr. Hixson stated that he needs another week to look at this project as he hasn't seen the new
plans. Mr. Springer explained that the changes were made due to comments from last week.
Mr. Paysek agreed that another week is needed. Mr. Hixson stated this is really a first week
review. Mr. Springer stated that the plans haven't changed. Mr. Hixson noted that the
infrastructure has changed and he needs time to look over the changes. Mr. Woodward
concurred as he has only talked to the applicant and not seen the plans.
Chairperson Skelton stated that due to scheduling, the staff report has to be done next Tuesday
for Planning Board. This Committee has to decide how to handle this project by next week.
Mr. Springer stated the biggest concern is getting the building permit before impact fees go into
Discussion ensued indication that such an endeavor would be difficult to accomplish even with
the current schedule. Mr. Morley noted where the water will be looped. He continued that he
is in negotiations with adjacent land owners as to the best place to get easements for sewer and
water. Mr. Morley stated that they had addressed all concerns from last week.
Chairperson Skelton noted that the Committee needs to look at parking and the Sabena sewer
easement. The Committee has a choice of three recommendations to offer the Planning Baord
next week -- approval, conditional approval, and denial.
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer; Dave Skelton, Senior Planner,
Chairperson; Al Scholes, Fire Department; John Paysek, Project Engineer; Karen Fluke,
Project Engineer; Rick Hixson, Project Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Dean Patterson, Associate Planner; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning
Director; Chris Saunders, Associate Planner
VISITORS PRESENT: Rex Easton, Keith Belden, Lowell Springer, Doug Morley, Bruce
Foley, Doug Rand, Carl Tange, Jerry Gaston, Per Hjalmarsson
2. Magic Diamond CUP #Z-9603 - (Patterson)
1615 West Main
A Conditional Use Permit Application to allow the leasing of a space in
the Buttrey Shopping Center to develop into a 4200 square foot casino to serve
alcoholic beverages.
Planner Dean Patteson reviewed the project. Chairperson Skelton noted only interior cnanges
are being proposed. Planner Patteson indicated on the plans where snacks will be served. He
noted that the applicant indicated that nothing will be cooked on site. He reviewed the concerns
from last week. Planner Patterson went on to discuss the proposed signage with a central
emblem and rays of neon emanating from the emblem. He suggested the applicant remove the
rays. Mr. Gaston stated he has a revised sign that he will bring to the Planning Office today.
Mr. Woodward expressed a concern with changing the water meters. Mr. Gaston noted the
meters may be in the shaded part of the plan, which is part of the Mall. Mr. Paysek inquired
if there will be a dishwasher. There is none on the plans. Mr. Gaston stated the applicant
intends to use disposable serving utensils.
Chairperson Skelton led the discussion on parking lots. Mr. Gaston stated that the applicant has
little control over striping in the parking lot.
Chairperson Skelton reminded the Committee members to bring written comments to next
week's meeting.
10:00 A.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Woodward, Water/Sewer; Dave Skelton, Senior Planner,
Chairperson; Al Scholes, Fire Department; John Paysek, Project Engineer; Karen Finke,
Project Engineer; Rick Hixson, Project Engineer
STAFF PRESENT: Dean Patterson, Associate Planner; Debbie Arkell, Assistant Planning
Director; Chris Saunders, Associate Planner
VISITORS PRESENT: Rex Easton, Keith Belden, Lowell Springer, Doug Morley, Bruce
Foley, Doug Rand, Carl Tange, Jerry Gaston, Per Hjalmarsson
3. Hampton Inn MaSP #Z-95133 - (Arkell)
75 Baxter Lane
- A Major Site Plan Application to allow the construction of a 69 unit
Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arkell reviewed the project and the conderns from last week.
Chairperson Skelton noted we need to make a reacomendation to the Planning Baord next week.
Mr. Paysek stated that MDOT has conditioned a restriction of left turns from Baster with the
use of pork chops rather than a center median. He continued that a forces sewer main with a
privately owned pump would not be allowed in a public right-of-way. Mr. Woodward
concurred. Mr. Paysek suggested moving it to the west side of the road on privately owned land
in an easement. He continued that the aCity is not equipped to handle a forced main.
Discussion followed on this and other alternatives. Chairperson Skelton inquired about the
failure of the system and the problems that would cause. Mr. Rand responded there are two
pumps, one of which is on standby. Ms. Finke stated that this is a State requirement. She
suggested a short section of gravity flow before the manhole to eliminate pressure building
within the city's sewer system. Mr. Woodward stated he's not sure the City owns the third
manhold. Mr. Rand stated that when he worked on the adjacent property's project, he found
the third manhole did belong to the City. A duscussion followed on manholes.
Mr. Paysek noted a need for some kind of analysis and hydraulic report on the engineer design
report. He continute the City prefers the sewer to be gravity flow. He also recommended
relocating the pump station in a private easement. It cannot be located in a public right-of-way.
discussion ensued on a looped water system, the location of current water mains, and dead end
mains. Planner Arkell stated that water will be installed on Oak this summer. Mr. Paysek
noted there will be a recommendation for a looped water system. Mr. Rand indicated this
property id difficult to develop due to the creek running through it. Discussion followed on a
new service line to Days Inn. Mr. Tange asked where the measurement for dead ends begins
and ends. Ms. Finke suggested looking at the code to be sure they meet each section of it. She
would give them a copy of the applccable sections.
Planner Arkell reminded the Committee Members that final comments are due next week.