HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 32 Maintenance of N. 7th Ave. ..-..------ CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 32. A BESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSrONOFTHE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ri PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF NORTH SEVENTH A VENtT.E.' j' BE IT RE~OLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA:t., That in ~he matter of the maintenance of state highway improvements con~ ~. etructed within the city of {3ozeman, Montana, atld particularly referring to that certain resolution passed and adopted by the State Highway Commission of Montana on February 28, 1924, a copy of which resolution is hereto attached, Commissioner Hill offered the following resolution which on motion duly made and carried was adopted, thosy voting Aye being Commissioners Burke, Parkin and, Hill , those voting No being none. WHEREAS the State Highway Cqmmission of Montana has resolved to assume responsibility for anQ. to prosecute the maintenance of Federal Aid highway improvemente conl5tructedwithin the several cities of the State, in conformity with certain provisions: and stipulations expressly set forth in said resolution, and WHEREAS. the cityc of Bozeman, thru its duly qual~fied and acting Board ofCfty Commissioners desires to avail, itself of the benefits of said resolution; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED that for and on be1;1alf of said City ,its Board of City Commissioners does hereby assent to and accept all of the provisions of said resolution; and, BE IT FtrnTHER RESOLVED that said City agrees wi ~h the, State Highway Commission that iCwl11 and by ttJ-is resolution hereby does appropriate and set a.side the sum of Sixty-seven ar:d l5/tOO Dollars ($67.15), being fifty percent (50%) of the estimated cost of said maintenanoe for the following road or roads , , in s~id city, to-wit: NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the moneys so set aside and appropriated, or !i!,.n amount equ1valenttoone-half the actual coat of such maintenance ah1}ll be paid or remitted as provided in the resolution herein ref~rred to and hereto a.t. ..ta.. ch,~d. ~.... .. ~vUA,cI/!J~t Attest: Ma.yor. ~ C1F.k. . 0... f... t.h... e. ....c.o...rnm.......1ssion. ...0.. ..... STATE OF MONTANA ) ss ' County of Gallatin )L"" r, Walt~rDav'is, Clerk of the City Commission, in and for the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of J1!.esolution No.- 32 appearing in the record of the City of Bozeman, meeting held on the3q. day of . April ,19;?4, recorded on>Page t of Resolution Book No.9. .. .... rA-b~~.4F7~/ Clerk of ,theCommi~liIion. ~_..~~~,.,_.,._-