HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 30 Levying of Sidewalks and Curbs in 1923 ",:1',',.,',,'\:";"" \":&'OMJI[fS~:i()NEESO];iUT IDN NO. 30. , ,'..;.' ":".:",\".. ,'"..,:, '",.' . , OF THECI:L'Y, OOMMr SSI ON OF 1'HECITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING AS~1:JSSME:tlTSFOJ;,'Q)Ij$,LNSTA:c.LATIONOF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS DURING THE SEASON of 1923. Sec. 1. WHEREAS, on .the12th day of July, 1923, and on the 30th day of 1923, the City ComIniseion of the Oi ty of Bozeman, Montana, pursuant to ) the provisions of section 5~44, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, duly adopted and entered upon the Minutei3of,i ts meetings orders for the construction of sidewalks and curbing as in said order,s specified; an~ WHEREAS, side'Walkaand gUTba have been inetalled .pursuant to said orders and the City 'Engineerhal;!d1.1::~Ygertifiedtothe Oi ty Commission a list showing 'the cost qf such installationa.n~ithe property subject to assessment; NOW,THEREFORE, in..<ponsideratiQn of the premises and provisions of law in such cases made and provi~led, there is hereby levied and assessed against the several lots, pieces andpa.rq'els of property as specified, and described in exhibit "A" attaohe,(j;"heret'o, and.Q;l';~j;S Resolution made a part, th,eamounts set ::,: ',,":::.;fi,r:',:' ' each separatepleceor,pa.I'Q:e~;.:ioflandasspecified in saigexhibit "A". ;' " :" " : ~, ~',: {.':/", " , . ...<:V Sec. 2. Tha.taa1d\~:;pecial assessments shall bear l:Q.terest at the: rate' <::','/-:': ':),' :':':'::::'::.:,~",;;.""':l' ':'>:1)t:;:,j;~:,: " :,:.', \ of six'(6) cent per aririumpfrom the' date Jiereof until paidandsucn :peyme:t1tm~y .",' , be . '. ..... . ............. ....{ installments commencing wi th the year 1924, and' I not later than November:;O;$h,",~~ the y.ear 1924, and each November 30th '. .... "};'I'i until all of said payments, together with the interest thereon, shall paid lri:f'ull. Tha.t if any payment shall become all of said payments shal1be:,\iieemed delinquent payable, and shall be certi;f'.t~p. to the County Treasurer for collection as other ;::,(1 '::,:':(, taxes at the option oftheCi#Y of Bozeman. Se'c. 3. That~fte:rtjhe adoption of this Resolution, signed by the Mayor, and the Clerk of the City C9mmisslon, it shall be kept on file in the office of said Clerk. and a Notice signed by him stating that the Reeolut ion ing special assessments herein provided for is on file in his office, open to inspection for a period of five days, shall be published, by said Olerk at least onceina newspaper publiSh~,d,in theOl1:.Y of Bozeman. Such time and plac.e at which ()bJ,ecti~ons t'o the final adoption of this Resolution ',:::': ':" >:,:',::: ,:' :', :<~\:,i<, be heard by the City Cornmie.s19~.. and the time for such hear ing shall not be than five (6) days afterth~'P1J.$UCa'j;.lon of such Notice. Provisi.onal1y ad,op,'j;.e~al'1d;!i<;pproved this 8th da;v 0