HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 40 Levy for Park Maintenance in 1924 --....--.......--.-......- . .. . -.. .--....-.-.- --- -- - CITY COl\!lMISSION RESOLUTION NO'. 40. A RES'OL1'.ITION OF TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EOZEMAN,MONTAUA, ASSESSING AND rl. LEVYING SPECIAL T,mS IN SPECIAL UIPROVEII'lENT DISTRICTS IN SAID CITY, IN ACCORDAJ!J"CE :'tJ WITH THE SEVERAL R"ESOLUT IONS CREATING SAID DISTRICTS AS HEm: IN NUM:E-:P..ATED, FOR P !IRK- ING MAINTENANCE, SPRINKLING, OHNA!Vm:NTAL LIGHTING, CUTTING VTP:EDS AND REMOVAl, OF S:NOW, FOR THE YEAR 1924. BE IT RF.SOVn1m BY THE CITY C01VIMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Secti on 1. That there be, and there j,s hereby. levied and assessed against the property in the several Parking Maintenance, Sprinkling, Ornamental Lighting , 'Districts of the said City of Bozeman, Cutting Weeds and Removal of Snow, in accord- ance with the several Resolutions creating said Districts, as herein enumerated, the f~llowing special taxes,to-wit: \1 Parking Maintenance District No.6, created by Council Resolution No. 306, on South Willson Avenue from Babcocl{ Street to College Street, a total frontage of 4355.37 feet, the sum of $371.65 at an apprj'Ximate rate per front foot of $0.08533. ,Parking ~JIaintenance District No.9, created by Council Resolution No. 32fJ, Lindley Place, a,total area of 209440 squareJ feet, the sum of $58.9:3, at an approxi- mate rate per square foot of ~~0.0002814. Parking Maintenance District No. 16, created 'by Council Resolution No. 356, Babcock street from Black Avenue to Tracy Avenue, a total area of 93955 square feet, the sum of ~~25.50, at an approximate ratePj square foot of :j~0.0002714. Parking Maintenance District No. 17, created by Council Resolution No.355, Grand Avenue from Babcock Street to College Street, a total area of 581481 square feet, the sum of ,$234.61, a.t an approximate fate per square foot of $0.0004035. Parking Maintenance District No. 18, created by Council Resolution No.55?, Tracy Avenue from Babcock' Street to Dickerson Street, a total area of 457782,2 equare feet, the sum of $161.71, at an approJimate rate per square 'foot of ~~O. 0003532 Parking Maintenance District No. 31, created by Council Resolution No.385, Black Avenue from Babcock Street to College Street, a total area of 267523 square feet, the sum of $291.30, at an approximate fate per square foot of $0.0010889. Parking Maintenance District No . 4L'J, created by Council Resolution No. 432, Eighth Avenue (center and sideB) from Koch Street to Dickerson Street, a total area of 66000 square feet, the sum of $154.15. at an approximate rate per s quare foot of $0.0083356. ,,', J ParkIng Maintenance District No. 48, created by Council Resolution No.435, Eighth AV'en.ue (sides only) from Main Street to Koch Street, a total area of 116104 square feet, the eum of $247.64, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.002133: ,J Parking Maintenance Dis:trict No. 50, created by Council Resolution No. 474, Third Avenue from story Street to Cleveland Street, a total area of 378774 square feet, the sum of $157.53, at an approximate jate per square foot of $0.0004159. Parking Maintenance District No. 52, created by Council Resolution No.476, Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total area of 173400 square feet, the sum of ~~75.91, at an approximate rjteper squ~re foot of $0.0004377. Parking Maintenance District~o. 57 ,created by Council Resoluti on No. 529, Cleveland Street from Willson Avenue toSeve~th Avenue, a total frontage of 3196 feet, the sum of $233.21, at an approximate ate per front foot of $0.07297. Parking Maintenance Districtlio.6l, created by Council Resolution No. 535, Eighth AVE;!r;rue (oenter On'l.i)frOmJllfainStreet to KoohStreet,a. total,frontar of 2321.~ll feet, .thcsumof 152.43, atanapP7x;materate per front foot of' 0.06565. Parking Maintenan(}e District No. 68. created by Council Resolution No. 539, Wi11aonAvl;!nue from Colleg~$treet to Cleveland Street. atotalfront?-geof 1260 f,~et. the sum of $109 ;'42, at a.n approximate/ate per front foot of $0.08684. Parking Maintenance District No. 72; created by Council Resolution No.564, COllege street from ,Grand Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total area of 513794.7 square feet, the sum of $186.27. at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.00036254. ---..----.-..---... Parking Maintenance District No. 77 , created by Council Resolution No. 576, Eighth Avenue (center andsidefil) f:tomDic,kerson street to Harrison Street, a total froritage of 1971 feet, the suI1] of $415.58, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.210847. j , ,... ,j Parking Maintenance District No. 86, created by CourJ,ci;t.ResolutionNo.620, South side Story Street from Sixth Avenue to Eighth:A.vert1.le. and both 'sides Sixth Avenue from Story Street to College Street, a total frontage of 2426.2 feet, the sum of $13@.89, ~'~ ,an approximate rate per front yot o~ $0,057658. Parking Mairttenance District No. 90, created by Council Resolution No.M6, East side Seventh Avenue from Story Street to COllege Street, a total 'frontage of 934.2 feet, the sum of $53.58, at an~pproxi~te rate per front foot of $O~057354. parking Maintenance District No.1 7, created by Council Resolution l)"o. 658, East Story Street from Tracy Avenue to Bozeman Creek, a total frontage of 22.54 feet, the sum of $162.94,' an approximate rati per front foot of $0..07229. Parking Maintenance Diertrict No. 1 4, created by Council Resolution No. 722, West slde G,rand Avenue from College Street to -Arthur Street, a total frontage of 930 feet, the,'sum of $69.63, at an approx:;Jate rate per front foot of $0.~7487. Parking Maintenance District No. 117, created by Council Resolution 'No. 719, Tracy Avenue from Dickerson Street to College Street, a total frontaie of 1348.2 feet .. the sum of $99.57, at an approx,ate rate per front footof,~O. 07385. Parking Maintenance Dia.trict No. 151, created by Council R~solution No. 810, East side Fifth Avenue froni Olive Street to Koch Street, a total area of llli89.06 square feet, the sum of $32.09, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.0002886. " J Parking Maintenance District No. 189, created by Council Resolution No; 1004, East side Grand 'Avenue from College Street to Arthur street, 'a total frontage of 930 feet" the sum of $65.58 at j approximate rf1;te per front' foot of $0.070516. Sprinkling District No. 1, created by Council Resolution No. 424-~, Main street from Wallace Av.enue to Fourth Avenue, a total frontage of 9363.89 feet, the sum of $863,19,\being75% of the enle amount, or at an approximate rate per fro'nt foot of $0.0921828. .. .'1 . Sprinkling District No. 130; created by Council Resolution No .765, West Main Streetfrom'FourthAvenue to Eighth Avenue, a total frontage of 2612.5 feet, the sum of $31.46, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximat-e rate per front foot of $0.0120044. I Sprinkling District No. 131, created by Council Resolution No. 766, South Bozeman Avenue from 1st alley south to Koch Street, a total frontage -of 2458.3 feet, the sum of ~~28.94, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approxfmate rate per ' front fOot of $0. Oll 77.,/ , Sprinlcling District No. 132) created by Council Resolution No. 767, South Black Avenue from 1st a'lley south to Olive Str-eet, a total frontage of 887 feet, the sum of $26.'30, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.02965. ' j Sprinkling Dis:trict No. 133, created by Council Resolution No. 768,South Tracy Avenue from 1st alley south to College Street, a total frontage of 4724'.2 feet, the sum of ~~50.00, being 75% of the entil'e amount, or at an approximate 'rate per front foot of $0.010584. / Sprinkling District No. 134, created by Gounail Resolution No. 769, South Willson Avenue from 1st alley south to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 5937.37 feet, the sum of i~98.07, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per froht foot of $0.0165174. J Sprinkling District No. 135, created by Council Resolution No. 770, South Grand Avenue from lst alley south to Colle'ge Street, a total frontage of 46l4.4~' feet, the sum of $72.86, belng75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front fo~t of ~~0.01579., J ,', ",,' , Sprinkling District No. 13/5, created by Council Reoolution No. 771, Third Avenue from Main Street to Babcock Street and from Olive Street to Cleveland Street,;;: and Fourth Avenue from Babcock Street to Olive Street, a total frontage of 6160.45'" feet, the sum of $50.74, being 75% of the entiream6unt, or at an.approximate rate per front foot of $0.0082364. I , Sprinkling District No . 137. creater:l by Council Resolution No. 772, North Wallace Avenue from Main Street to Tamarack Street and Tamarack Street from Wa;Llace ..---.----.--.------ .--.......--- -.------- ,. to N.P. Station, a total frontage of 6410.2 feet, the sum of $109.91, being the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.017146. .~ I. Sprinkling District No.. 1~8, created by Council Resoluti on No. 773, North '1 T. racy Avenu.8 from l.st. alley north to Short Street, a to.tal frontage of 2797.45 feet, .:1.. the 'sum of $36.51, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per J front loot of $0.01305. " , J Sprinkling District No. 139, created by Council Resolution No. 774; Soutb Sixth Avenue from Olive street to Story Street, a total ftontage of 1793.7 feet, the sum'of $13.77, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.007677, J Sprinkling Distriot No. 140, created by Council Resolution No. 775, South Eighth Avenue from Main Street to Uarrisori Street, a total frontage of 5472.85 feet, the sum of $70.43, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0;012869,) Sprinkling District No. 141, created by Council Resolution No. 776, Story Street from Tracy Avenue to Third Avenue ,a total frontage of 1727',5 feet, the sum of $19.16, being 75/~ of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.01109. .J Sprinkling DiBtrict No. 142, created by Council Resolution No. 777, Story arid Koch Streets from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total frontage of 214,0 feet, the sum of :$35.19, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.016444. .' Sprinkling District No. 1~3, created l)y Council Resolution No. 778, Cleve- land Street from Willson Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total frontage of 3196 feet; the sum of $27.(50, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per frdnt foot of PO.00B6. ' ,. ~ J , Sprinkling District No. 144, created by Council Resolution No. 779, Olive street frow Grand Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 2262 feet, the 8 urn of n $39.,95,.. .b.eing75%of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate .per front foot of .......J $0.01 766. . J " Sprinkling District No. 160, created by Council Resolution No. 856, College ".' street from Tracy Avenue to Fourth Avenue, a total frontage of 2025.1 feet, the sum of $20.22, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an appreximate rate per front foet ef$0.0099847. J Sprinkling District No. 161, created by Council R'esolutio'n No. 857, North Ch,urch Avenue from Main Street to Peach Street ,a total frontage of 4038.65 feet, the sum of $74.06, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front ['eot. of $0.018338. J Sprinkling District No. 162. created by Ceuncil Resolution No. 858, Eabcock street frem Bozeman Avenue to Fifth Avenue, and Fifth Avenue from Babcock Street to. Ma,in stree:t;;a total frontage of 4686.5 feet, ,the sum of $34.80, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate late per front foot of 1~0;007442.. Sprinkling District No. 163, created by Council Res'olution No. 859, Clirtis Street from Third Avenue to. Sixth Avenue" a total frontage' of 1576.5 feet, the sum of $16 .59,b'eing ?q% of the entire amount, or at an' appreximate rate per front foot of $0,'01052. . J Sprinkling District No. .164, created by Council Res ol'ution No. 860, Fifth, Avenue from01ive Street to Koch Street, a to.tal frontage of 1155.5 feet, the rum of $15.25, being 7fS% of the entire amount, or at an ap'proxiniate rate per front foot of $0.0132. J Sprihkling District No.. 192, created by Councll Resolutien No.. 992,Olive Street from Grand Avenue to Church Avenue, a total frontage of 1795 feet, the sum of ~~23..9Z), being 75% of {~he entire amount, o~ at an appraximate rate per front foot af ~~O. 01333. .. . . J.. . .' , Sprinkling Distriot No. 193, created by Council Re80l~tion No.. 993, Curtiss Street be. twe. en E. .lack an.c1 Thi...rd, a. tjt... al fr.. ont. ag. e 'of 1727 feet, th. e .sum of qi13. 35, being 75% of the entire amount, or jt an approximate ra.te per front foot ef $0.00773. Sprinkling District No. 194, created by Council Res olution No. 994, Kech Street from Tracy Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage. of 3282.8 feet, the sum of $20.03,. being 75% af the entire amount, ar at an appreximate'rate per frent foot of $0.0061. . --.---...--..--- .....--. --...--- J Sprinkling District No. 1915, created by Council Resolution No . 995, Col- lege street from Fourth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage or 1759.77 feet, the sum of $26.18, being 7fj% of the entire amount, or at. an approximate rate pe r front foot of ~~O. 014877. . j Sprinkling District No. 196, created by Council Resolution No. 996, Sixth Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 1886.2 fee t , the sum of .$30.32, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.0161. J Sprinkling District No. 197, created by Council Resolution No. 997, Sev- enth Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland street, a total frontagecof 1868.7 feet, the sum of $25.73, being 75% of theJentireamount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.01377. . Sprinkling District No. 198, created by Council Resolution No. 998, Lind- ley Place.and on Koch from Lindley to Bozeman (paved portion), a total frontage of 1496.3 feet, the s urn of $27.15, being 713% of the ent ire amount, or at an ap proxima te rate per front foot of $0.018145. J Sprinkling District No. 199, created by Council Resolution No. 999, Button- wo od Avenue from Main Street to the Cemetery, a total frontage of 1;40.2 feet, the sum of $14.54, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.007494. j Sprinkling Dis1trict.No. 204,createdby Council Resolution No. 1000,.Main Street from Wallace Avenue to Buttonwood Avenue., a total frontage of 1693 feet., the sum of $36.98, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approxim8..te rate per front foot ?f $0.021843.) Sprinkling District No. 216, created by Council Resolution No. 1108, Mend". enhall Street from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved portion), a totalfront.- age of 2296 feet, the sum of $20.81, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approx- imate rate per front foot of $0.009~7' Sprinkling District No. 217, created by Council Resolut.ion No. 1109, Lamme Street. from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved portion), a total front.age of 4081.7 feet, the sum of $43.28, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.0106. J Sprinkling District No. 218, created by Council Resolution No. 1110, Sev- enth Avenue north from Main Street to Beall Street., a total frontage of 1140 feet, the sum of$23.Q.2, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of ~0.020632. J , .. . Sprinkling District No. 219, created by Council Resolution No. 1111, North Fifth Avenue between Main Street and Beall Street, (paved portion), a total frontage of 1120 .feet, the sum of $9.91, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.008848. J Sprinkling District No. 220, created by Council Resolution No. l1l2,North Third Avenue between Main and Peach Streettl (paved portion), a total frontage of 530 feet, the sum of $6.49, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of '0~012245. j . Sprinkling District No. 232, created by Cit.y Commission Resolution No.6, South Bla.cl{ Avenue from 'Oli ve Street to College Street, a total frontage of 2258.22 feet, the sum of $44.92, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0~019892. J Sprinkling District No. 233, created by City Commission Hesolution No- 7, South Third Avenue from Cleveland Street to Lincoln Street, a total frontage of 1200 feet, the sum of $27.15, being' 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.022625~ J Sprinkling District No. 234, created by City Commission Hesolution No. 8, West Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1734 feet, the sum of $46.72, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an a.pproximaterate per front foot of $0.026943. J .. Sprinkling District No. 235, created by City Commission Resolution No. g, Dickerson Street from Tracy Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1735.7 feet; the sum of $28.45, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.016391. ~ ' ., Sprinkling District No. 236, created by City Commission Resolution No.9, Alderson Street from Willson Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 540 feet, . ----.....------.- - ----..-- ,t11,e sum of $6.12, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front Toot o~ $0.011333. , J 'Sprinkling District No. 237. created by City CommisSion Resolution No. 11, Harrison Street from Tracy Avenue to Eighth Avenue. a total frontage of 554 feet. the Bum of $~.36, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0. 013285. J _ Sprinkling District No. 238. created by City Commission Resolution No. 16, South Church Avenue from Main Street to Story Street, a total frontage of 3457 feet, the sum of $31.85. being 75% of the entire amount. or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.009213. J ' Ornamental Lighting District No. 100. created by Council Resolution Nos. 64<1 and 647. Main Street from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue. a total frontage of 6785.4 feet, the sum. of .$1422.41. being 50% of the entire amount, or at an appr,oximate rate pe.r front foot of $0;209628. Cutting Weeds for 1924, pursuant to provieion of. Ordinance No. 428. the sum of $33.36. , Removal of Snow for 1923 and 1924, pursuant to the provision of Ordinance No. 502, the sufu of $194.64~ Secti on 2. That the Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman is hereoy directed to spread upon his books the taxes hereby assessed and levied against the several pieces or parcels of land in each of the aforesaid districts, in the propor- tion as hereinbefore specified. on the square foot or frontag~ basis, as the case may be, and to collect such taxes as by Ordinance of said City of Bozeman provided. Section 3. The schedules hereunto attached, for the several districts .Cj'" covered bythls Resolut:Lon as hereinbefore enumerated, giving a description of the piece or parcel of land, taxes, the name of the owner thereof if known. and the amount taxed.against such piece or parcel cf land, and marked !'Schedules 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7.8.9,10,11,12.13.14,15.16.17,18.19,,24.25.26,27.28.29,30,,35. 36,37,38,39.40,,,50,51,52.53,54.55.56,57,58.59,60,61.62,63. 64,65.66 and 6'7, and each of them are a part of this Resolution. Secti on 4. The taxes assessed and levied .by this Resolution will be pay- able upon the final adoption hereof. and become delinquent on the 30th day of Novem- ber" 19241' Provisionally adopted by the City Commission of the City of B'ozeman. a.nd approved by the Mayor of said City, this 6th day of September, 1924. .h ~tA../;(:k wt-E- Mayor. Attest: ........... .c?,Q~-44J74/ Cle:rk of the Commission.' unnecessary for service ,of personal notice upon the City of Bozeman, the owner of such abutting land. Passed and ap_proved this 16th day of July, A.D. ,1925. Attest: ~0:::2A~~t/'~Z ,?;;/ p&:; n.--?~"'?/ ClerIc of the Commission. Mayor. , NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that at a. regula.r me-etfng'of the City Conunission of the City of Bozeman hEHd; on Thursda.y the 16thdayofJ'uly, 1925; the City Com- mission adopted a. Reelolution No. 49 declaring it to be the intention of said Com- mission to pass an Ordinance to vacate and discontinue that portion of East Babcock Str-eetlyingbetween Buttonwood Avenue and Oypres's AVEmueSouth ,(whichruns east andweat thru Lindley,Park as said park is now being established and improved be- tWe'en--East Main Street and the Bozeman Cemete,ry ) and all persons_ interested, in, or affect~d:by, the- vacation or discontinuance of said po:rtion of aaid'EaatBabcock streetare-her-ebynotified to'-appear'be:f'ore' said" City'C'Olnmisaion'at their regular meeting to be held in the', City: ffivll in:the C:i.tY'Q:f>Boz~manion"Thursday, the 30th d~y ofJ'uJ;:y, 1925, at 7:30 o'clo'ok pim., at which Ume said: City Commission will h:earobjeotions, if any. to the proposed vacation andd1scontinuanceofsaid portion af said atreetand to the passage and adoption of an ordinanoeproviding far such. By order of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman . Dated July 17, 1925. FRED M . BROWN , City Manager. AFFIDAVIT OF CITY'CLERK THAT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION HAS BEEN GIVEN STATE OF MONTANA ~ ss . County ,0 f Galla ti n I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bazeman, Montana, herebyoeTtifythat the foregoing notice relative to · City Commies ion Resolution No. 49 af the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published' once within ten days after its final passage, to-wit: On the 17th day of J'uly,'-1925, in the Bozeman Daily Chron- ,icle, a daily' newepaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, ,Montana, and that due proof of said pUblication was roadeand filed in my office. . IN WITNESS WfIEHEOF I have hereunto set myhan:d'and a.ffixed. the corporate seal af said City this 3d day of Augus.t"A.D...1925. ., Cle~&on.