HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 39 Levying taxes for 1924 CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 39. A CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION LEVYING T.A.X!1:S FOR THE CITY OF B OZE:M:AN, STATE OF MONT ANA, FOR THE YEAR 1924. BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EOZEMAN: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of. Section 5194, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, there is hereqy levied and assessed against the assessed v;aluation of all property within the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, not exempt from taxation, fC\r the year 1924, fO,r general, municipal and a,dministrative pur- poses, a tax of One per centum (Ten Mills) on.: each dollar of the assessed value thereof; the money derived f:r;om .se:idtax to be c'listri buted to funds as foJ.1ows, to-wit: To General Fund -- 7t mills (Seven Ilnd one-half Mills) To Fire -- Fund. -- 2t mills (Two and one-hall Mills) ; , . Section 2. That pursuant to the provisions of I ". Section 1617, Revised Codes of Montane:, 1921, and Ordinance No. 544 of the Oity " , , of Bozeman, Montllna, there is hereby levied and assessed against the assessed valuation of all property within the' City of Bozeman. State oi Montana, not exempt from taxatidn".for the year 1924, for Road, Street and Alley purposes, a general . tax of - Five (5) Mills on eaoh dollar of the assessed value theT'~,of, the money derived from said tax to be dtstribut,ed to a Special Fund to be known and designated as Special Road, Street and Alley Fund,. and to be disbursed as provided by. Ordinances of said Oi ty; . . Section 3.. T.haf'pursuant to the pro.visi,Oneof Ordinance No. 233 of said , Ci ty of Bozeman, ~md of Councll Resolution No. ID95, of said Oi ty., in pursuanee of ,. which the tax authorized for library purposes by the taxpayers at the election held Ap-rn 4, 1921, waS inoreased from on~ to two mills, there is h~reby levied and assessed against the assessed valuation of all the property within the Oity of Bozeman, Stat e of'Montana. and not exempt from taxat1.on for the year 1924'. for the support and maintenanoe of the free public li braryof the Oityof Eo zeman, a special tax of - Two (2) Mills on eachdo11a.r o.f the. assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be distributed to the Library Fund and sha}l be disbursed as provided by Ordinanoe ~1't,." , i~!O . 79 of said Oi ty: Seetlen 4.. That pursuant to the provis:!-onsof Section 5194 Pel1,tical , Cod.e, Revised Oodes of Montana, 1921, there is hereby levied and assessed against , the assessed valuation of all the pror~:t;'ty wi thin the Oi ty ofBozeman~, State of Montana, not. eJtempt"from taxation for ,the yearl924.for the purpose of maintaining , ' ",::?P<: ~-_. --------- ._., n______ ...---.-- public parks in said city, a special tax of - Two (2) Mills on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be distributed to the "Park Fund" and disbursed. as provided by Ordinance No. 473 of said City; Section 5. That pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 443 of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana., there is hereby levi.ed and assessed against the assessed valuation of all the property within the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, not exempt from taxation, for the year 1924, for the purpose of paying interest on and to create a sinking fund for the redemption of "Funding Bonds" (Warrants) of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of - Three (3) Mills on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money. derived from the collection of said special, tax shall he d.istributed to the"Funding Bonds 8ink- ingFund" and shall be disbursed .as provided by said Ordinance; Section 6. That pursuant to the provisions of Ordinanoe No. 457 of the City of Bozeman, StatEliof Montana, there is hereby levied and assessed , ,against,the assessed valuation of all the property wi.thin the City of Bozeman, " State of Montana, not exempt from taxation, for the year 1924, for the purpose , , of paying' the interest on and creating a sinking fund for the redemption of , , , "Sewer Bonds" of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of - One and one...ha.lf. (It' Mills on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived from the , collection of said special tax shall he distributed to the "Sewer Bond Sinking Fund!' and shall be disbursed as provided by said Ordinance ; , Section 7. That pursuant to the provisi~.ns of Ordinance No. 466 " " of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana. there is hereby levied and assessed I; ~' against the assessed valuation of all the 'Property within the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, not exempt from taxation, for the year 1924, for the purpose ,. , , of paying the interest on and to extinguish the principal of and. to create as a part of a sinking fund. for the redempti.on of "Water WOrks Bonds" (Ordinance , , , No. 463) and "Refunding City Bonds" (Water Works Bonds) (Ordinance No. 467) of the City of Bozeman, a special tax of ... Two (2) Mills on each dollar of the assessed value thereof, and the money derived therefrom, together with the net revenue dert ved from the wat!;)r sUI>Ply of the City of Bozeman,. shall be di.s.tri buted to the "Water Works 1916 Bond FUllcl" (Sinkin~) , e,nd shall be disbursed as. provided.by.sai.d Ordinance No. 466; ;::.;'. SectiOn 8. That pursuant to the.provis..ions o.fSecti on 5048, R(3vised Codes of Montana, 1921, thereLs he:reby levied and assessed ,against the , . ------- _.____.__ ...____ ._.___n_.n_ aes~ssed valuation of all pro}')erty ..withinthe City of Bozeman, not exempt from taxation, for the year 1924, for thepurpo.se of provid.ing for Public Band Con.,.. certs.for the entertainment of the people of said City, a special tax of - One-fourth (t) 14i11 on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be di stributed to the IIEand Concert Fund" of said City and shall be di sQ bursed I1S provided by Ordinl1nce No. 521 of said City. Passed and adopted by the. C1 ty Commi ssj.on of the C1 ty of Bo zeman, at a regular session thereof, held on thts 4th day of September, A.D. 1924. ~rc4.AIIl diif~X-fi Mayor. Attest: Clerk of 'Phe Commission. ',i; "_: ,,: I.,~ _' .;:.~ _-<..._..