HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 49 Bozeman owns Block 21 CITY C01\!IMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 49. IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZ:m:MAtT: Sec. l. T HAT WHEREAS, the Ci ty of Bozeman owns Block 21 of Northern Pacific Addition to said City, lying south of and abutting on East Babcock Street between Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue South, and also owns the tract of land formerly known as the Aylsworth and Lindley Tract, which lies north of and abutts on sa.id East Babcock street between said Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue south; AND 11mEREAS, said tracts of land are now being improved, cultivated, seeded to grass, and trees and shrubs being planted thereon for the creation of a pUblic park to be known as I,indley Park; AND WHEREAS, said East Babcock Street lying between said Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue Soutb. cuts thru and divides said proposed park and the vacation and discontinuance of said street thru said park is advisable; AND W1JERF,AS', said portion of said street can be vacated and discontinued wi thout detriment to the public int ereBt but on the other hand to the interest of the public; THFt.'RBFORE, BE IT RESOL'ilED, that in pursuance of Sections 5306 and 5494 of the Revised Codes of the State of Montana, 1921, it is hereby decla~ed to be the intention of the City Commiesi on of the City of Bozeman to pass an Ordinance vacating and discontinuing that portion of East Babcock Street lying rJetween Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue South; That on Thursday, the 30th day of .July. 1925, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., at the regular meeting of the City Commission in the City Hall in the City of Bozeman, tbe City Commission will hear objE)cti ons, if any, by any and all pel's!;) ns interested, 01' affected, in tbe vacation and discontinuanoe of said portion of said East Bab- cock Street, and also objections, if any, to the passage and adoption of an Ordinance by said Commission to be introduced upon said date at said meeting for tbe vacation and diScontinuance of said portion of said Street; That the City Manager be and is hcreb,J' instructed to caus e notice of this Resolution and notice of time and place of hearing objections to the vacation apd discontinuance of said portion of said East Babcock Street, proposed to be vacated and di~continucd, to be published in one issue of a daily paper published in the City of Bozerpa.'1 at least one week prior to the said 30th day that said notice shall state the time and place ,at which objections will be heard by the City Commission to the passage of an Ordinance vacating and discontinuing said portion of said street; That since the city of Bozeman is the owner of all the land abutti.ng upon said East Babcock street, proposed to be vacated and discontinued, it wi'n be