HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 52 Creating SID No. 252 62 .....-...-------- CITY COMUISSION RESOLUTION NO. r- ') D,;.~ liP A RESOLUTImr OJ;' THB CITY COI\'!MISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, LYONT AgA , TJF:CT,AR ING IT TO I '!3~ TlP I!IT~HTION OF SAID CITY COM:rnSSImT TO CRF.AIT A SPEC 1'..1, Il:UJR 0 VE1IJ'ENT l)ISTHICT TO BEi-CNO'YH .A.N"D ffi8IGNATED AS s.prc I:\L n':"p~o VT~~/IF.J:fT Dr S TH I CT NO. 252 OF SAID CITY, FOR 'T'}-JE PURPOS-S OF GnADIN'1 AND I1TS'T' ALI,PTG I}T{ A VBL .P A 'ISTIf"P >IT O1'T S OUTTI 31 :;"'HAvr.:nF FH011 BA"9COCV S'T';ivr;;'1' 70 OI",nrr S'T'R1?~T, A'ffi TO SlJh;C Iu'I,Y ASST'SS 'T'lTT: l~HT IT{P, COST i\ ~:TD r: XEEGi'TS:F: OF TJIAKI:::TG SAID BTP"R OVT'!,8}T":" :\GAITifS'" 'rIIT'; LAlPJ '7I'T'HET SA F) DISTHIC7 AS r::n.VA 'TI~D . ~~ I'" RP.80I;V:SD .RY TT~ cOtnnSsION Oli' TIE CITY OF BO~~?TTAH: Sec. 1 . That it is hereby declarf:d to be tlle intention of tbe City COrJ- mis r:;i on of the Ci ty of Bozeman, State of Tilon tana, to create a S)ccial Im[)rovemcnt District to be known and de signated as Special I:nprovem.crlt District Ho. ~~5~~ of the said Ci ty , for the purpose of m.Jkin[;!;: improvements within said Special Improvement District herein described. Sec. 2. That the bl)undaries of said Spe c La.l Improvement District No. 2~)2 to be created are as follows: "Beginning at a point in the south line of West Babcock street, said point being 70 feet east of the east line of South Sixth Avenue; trIence south parallel wi th the said west line of South Sixth Avenue to the north line of Olive street; thenc e west along the said no rth line of Olive street to a point 70 feet west of the west line of s ai d South Sixth Avenue; thence north parE1.llel wi th the said west line of South Sixth Avenue to the south line of Babcock Street; thence east alon~ the said south line of Babcock Street to the place of --. __n.. 63 -.--. Coupon bonds as authorized by the laws of the state of Montana, wh i c 11 bo nd "1 sh a 11 I be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each and in fractions where ne cessary, to be is sue d and chargeable against a fund to be knowrl as the Special Improvement District No. 25~3 Fund, s ai c1 bo rid s to be redeer~ble at tfJe option of t.1JC City of Bazema~, Montan,-'!, wrlenever funds are available for that purpas e from sai d S'Decial Improvement District No. 25~? Fund. Sai d 1)0 nc1 s shall draw simplf~ interest c\t UJe rate of six per cent pc r dJlDum, which s }ulll be cha:r.'gea.blE' :18 ii par t of the cost of SLi.i d i j{'provemen t and ~1all run from the datf; of the re{!;istration of said bond!':,; unti 1 said bonc1fJ ctre pai d . Sec. To -;)ay ~; ai cJ -:)ondf3 anc1 interest thereon reprcsentinL the co s t of . , ir::pro vemen t , a special assessment shall be levi~d against all lands ,-'Ii trrin said Sc.1...'l,(! proposed Spcci;;i,l Improvement District No. 252 as hereinbefore defined, each front foot of en tire frontase tbereof to 1)8 ass\.ssed and tweed :for i 1,8 pro portj ana te share of such entire cost exclusive of streets, avenues, ;:~.11eY3 and vu1)1 i c pIac es . Sec. 9. Said asses~)ment and taxes shall be payable in s even an nual j [1- stallments wit.h six per cent annual interest on deferred [)i:\ymcntH cOYlI~1Cncing with the ye ar 1 9:~2!3 , but th is provision shall not be co nstrued to prevent full payment ",it I any tin, (> . -.."....-.. .--.- .. ...-.- 64 --.----.----.. --------.- tWT I CTi~ Notice is hereby given that i),t 1:1 regular meeting of the City Oomrnission I of the City of BOZ,emii.n, State of Eontana, held on Thursday, Hie ;;7th day of August, J\..D. 1925,.8. Hes?lution o~ sate: ~omr:}j,ssion was duly:)as~ed ;:),nd adopted,. (:eclc~rin(.!; it to be the IntentIon of saId CommIsSIon to cre2,te a. Specl0.,l Irnprovement DIstrIct to be known and desierw.ted as Special Improvement District Ho. 2!012 of said City of Bozema..'1, Montana, for the purpose of grading and installing gravel pavement on South Sixth Avenue fron! Babcocl{ street to Olive Street wi thin sai(~ Oi t,y of 13ozeman, JLontan&.; and declar ing it to be ttle i ntenti on 0 f said. City Commis si on to ape cic::.lly assess the entire cost and ex)ense of installing the said improvements, including grading, Gravel pavement, eneineering, inspection and incidentals, against the land within Baid Specie>.l Improvement District, each front foot of entire frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate share of such entire cost, p>:clusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places. That the estimate of the approximate cost of installing 8ucb improvement is Seven Hundred Trl1rtY-Ulree Dollars (/li73:')). Thatt11e total frontcl(:e of ;illprop- erty within said district, exclusive 0-1" streets, .:1,venues, alleYB and public -;Jlaces, j,B 010.7 lineal feet, and tbe estimated cost per front foot tobs so spccL.lly assessed and taxed is ,01.20. That T}-!uI'sday, U1C 17th day of September, at 7:;)0 o'clock p.rr:. of eaid day b.t the Connnission Chdmber, City ITall J3uilclinc, said City of Bozeman, Stu,te of J"~ontaJ1a, has been def:.dgnated a.s the time and place when and vrhere the Hajd City Commission will hear and pass u:)on all protests agiJinst the pro)osed improvement or creation of said Special Improvement District, and the land therein to be asscssed, or ei thcrboth or Emy thereof. That Ht any ti!YB wi Udn fifteen days after the first publicatiol of thiD notice uny owner of property 1 hl,b 1':' to be <cssc'sGed on account of said )1'0 posed improvement may ma~:e ~rotest Etgains t f3ai('; i!';9rovement or acu..inst the extent or creation 0:(' saie; Special Irn:Jl'OVCY;lent District in tbc manner provided by 1 a 1,'\1 , such protf'st to be filed with the Clerk of f-Jair! City Corm-:-:lisBion at the City Ed,11 of said City of Bozernan, State of Nontana, aVId such protest or protests will be duly considered. by said City Cormnission at the time and place as I hereinbefore ~pec~fie? T~~~t for a def::~:ciptio~'l .Of the bounda~des; of.. said S9ccia~ Improvement DIstrIct -LTo. 2;)c~ reference 18 hereby made to the 3,esoJ.utlon of the CIty Commission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to crehte the same, which is on fi Ie in the of fi ce of the underB igned Cle rk 0 f said Commissi on in the Ci ty Hall of said City of Bozernan, State of Eontana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and to the public generally. Dated at Bozeman, IJontana, this -)/;F# day of Aucuat, A.D. 192fL ~A~A . __ CJ-IT;TU;: OF TIm G0111HSSION. /'..FJi'IDAVIT 0]' CITY CLTiiRK THAT NOTICE OF Ptn3LI..Q...;:c~TI01T HAS BT:r.H GI',IT';U 8T ATE OJ? lVIONT i'\l:JA ),... co County of Gallatin ) 00 I, '.'fal tel' Dcevis, ClerI.;: of the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Idontana, hereby certify' that the foregoing JJotice relative to Ci ty Commil-3:,don lie so lution Ho. t)~~ of the City of Bozeman, lTonta!w, was published once within ten d,::-1..Y8 after its final pasE;age, to-wit: On the ;>1 day of September, 192:" in the Bozeman Courier, a weekly newspaper of generhl circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, llOYltanil, and that due proof of saidpu-hUGhtion was made and filed in my office. Ilr 1jIITSFS~) ''!l-IIT:REOF I "!'in.ve hereunto set my 'hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this <Jtb day of September, A.D. 192::). C~~~ I CL"li.K OF THE COW; SSIOX. ..-.... ---...