HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 51 Creating SID No. 251 59 __..___._. _......_. __...._.....'''' ... _" - "" "..n - "" , . ---.-.---- . "".. ..-- -..--- .. .-----. -......-----.".--....... ,. CITY COW1ISSION RF,SOLUTION NO. 51. I A HESOLUTIOH OF TIm CITY COMMISSION OF Tl-n~ CITY OF BOZEMAN, HON'I' ANA , DECLARING IT TO BF TEF. I:NTElfT'ION OF SAID CITY COMI\HSSION TO CnT:AT:fi-; A SPECIAL nWROVT~lmNT l1JSTRICT TO 1~F, ICNmnJ Aim ms IGl\fATEn AS SlJF,CIAL D/fPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 251 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE pmU'OSE OF CONSTRUCTn~GA SANITAHY SE'NER 'NITH THE NEC1T:SSAHY CONl~CT IONS AND MA1JHOLBS, ON SOUTH SF.VPNTH AVF.Nm~ FROM HARRISON STHEET TO CLT:VELAND STRKP.T, AND TO SPF,CIALI,Y ASSJi:SS THE ENTIIZR COST AND rXPF.wSJi: OF MAKING SAID D./fPROVRMENT AGAINST THF I~AND VlITHIN SAID DISTRICT AS CRBATED. Bli: IT RF.SOLVED BY THE C01'ILGSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMMJ: Sec. 1. That it is hereby decl&.red to be the intention of the City Cornmis- sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, to create a Special Improvement Dist- rict to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 251 of the said Ci ty, for the purpose of making improvements wi thin said Special Improvement District herein described. Sec. 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 251 to be created are as follows: "Beginnin&,: at a point in the center line of W. Harrison Street, said point being 50 feet Vlest of the west line 0 f S. Seventh Avenue; th enc e south parallel wi th and 50 feet west of the said west line of S. Seventh Avenue to the center line of Cleveland Street; thence east along the said center line of Clevelcmd Street to a point 50 feet east of the east line of said " Seventh Avenue; thence north parallel with and 50 feet east of the said "-'. east line of S. Seventl1 Avenue to the center line of Harrison Street; I thence west ~long said center line of Harrison Street to the place of beginning" . Sec. 3. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of said City Connnis- sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, that all of the land wi thin s aid pro- posed Special Improvement District as defined in Section 2 of ~is Resolution, abut- ting on said improvement, will be specially and equally benefi tted by the co nstruc- tion of said sanitary sewer, connections and manholes, and all of said improvement, and sh ould equally bear the cost of said improvement in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana in such case made and provided. Sec. 4. That the character of the improvement wi thin said pro posed Special Improvement District No. 251 is the construction of a sanitary sewer with necessary connections and manholes, from the center of Harri.son Street south to the center of 60 .. _____n Coupon Bonds as authorized by the laws of the State of Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars (~tlOO.OO) each and in fractions wl1ere I necessary, to be is sued and chargeable against a fund to be knovm ciS the Special Improvement District No. 251 Fund, said bonds to be redeemable at tlJ€ option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, wrlenever funds are available for that purpos e from said Special Improvement District Ro. 2!:S1 Fund. Said bonds shall draw si rrrgle interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, whieh shall be chare;eable as a part of the cos t of said improvement and shall run from the date of the registration of saie, bonds until said bonds are paid. Sec. 1-3. To pay said bonds and interest tl1ereon representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all lands within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 251 as hereinbefore defined, each front foot of entire frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate sm re of such entire cost exclusive of streets, avenue s , alleys and public places. Sec. 9. Said assessment and taxes shall be payable in five annual install- ments wi th si x: per cent annual interes t on deferred paymen ts cOr1Jnencing: wi th the year 1926, but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full payment at any time. Sec. 10. That the regula.r session of the City Commission of the City of I T-50 zeman, State of Montana, to be held i'l the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, City of Bozeman, on Thursday, the 3d day of September, 1925, 8.t 7:30 o'clock p.m. of said day, are the time and [11ace designated when and vrhere the said Ci ty Commission will ll€ar and 9ass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed, against said proposed improvement an(~. the creation of said proIJosed improvement district, and the extent and character thereof, or of either thereof. Sec. ll. That the Clerk of the said Ci ty Commissi on of the Ci ty of Bo::.€.- man, State of Montana. be, and he is " hereby directed to give notice as required by law, of the adoption of this Resolution. Passed by the Ci ty Comrdssi on of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, and approved by the Hayor of said City, this 13th day 0 f Augus t, rL D. 192ti. Attest: _~u;:~bU//~~_ 61 __._.___....___._...__._._u ...____......______"..__ _._ . n__ ____.._.._..__.__n_.' .____.__.u___._____ -- ------------ -. .. ---.---.----.--.-..- NOTICF. I Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Thursday, the 13th day of August, a.d. 1925, a Resolution of said Commission was duly passed and adopted, dechi.ring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a Special Improvement District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 251 of said City of Bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer with necessary connections and manholes, on South Seventh Street between Harrison Street a~ld Cleveland Street wi th in said City of Bozeman, Montana; and declaring it to be the intention of said City Cownission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of constructing said sanitary sewer, connections and manholes, engineering inspec- tion and all incidental expenses in connection therewith against the land within said Speciul Improvement District, each front foot of entire frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate share of such entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pub11c plac es . That the estimate of the approximate cost of constructing said improvement is Eight Hundred Eighty-nine and 60/100 Dollars ($889.60). That the total frontage of all property within said district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pub- lic places, is 586 feet, and the estimated cost per front foot to be so speci2~ly assessed and taxed is $1. 51808. That Thursday, the 3d day of September, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. of said day a t the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, said City of Bozeman, State 0 f Mon- tana, has been designated as the time and place when and where the said City Commis- sion will hear and pass upon all protests against the proposed improvement or crea- tion of said Special Improvement District, and the land therein to be assessed, or either both or any thereof. That at any time within fifteen days after the first pUblication of this notice any owner of property liable to be assessed on account of said proposed improvement may make protest against said improvement or against the extent or creation of said Special Improvement District in tbe manner pro videO. by la...", such protest to be filed with the Clerk of said City Commission at the City Hall