HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 48 Creating SID No. 250 -.--..----.- . - - . ........--.-....------ .. .. ...-.--.--. ..-- ..-....-.-.... 52 -.- ".-.-.-...-.. .--...--.-.........-.-........- ..-.--.---..---.----- .-.-.--. . -.. . --.-----.-------- --. -.---.--.---..-- -... CITY COU::nSSICn ';:?SOT-,U'":'IO:N NO. 4e. /',\lTI;S(J:LUTIO~T m;' TIC CITY Cmj~:ISSIOT:: 011' ':::'Tr' CITY ()J"B07,-~:T/l.l:-, T :TO ~T'T' AiT /\ , -rWCLAT; I7;-G IT TO I 'IT' TI-:::;; IlTT}i~NTIOI:if OF SAID CITY COTvTI'HSSIOH TC CTrP.i'l. Tr A S ;::r:::;G IlI.1, rfivT::O\rp~,'i!~LTT DJS'1'HICT TO lIS lCNOW"- A'l!) T)":;'; IGNA1'?TJ AS SlJTi'CIAL HrIJTW'T'l';!"i;'l" DISTHICT;W. 250 OF SAID CITY, FO::{ ':'Im i?UTEJOSE OIt' GnADn~G: .;'AVING ~crITn T1vo-couns~;' CHUSlrm (:::\;\\"'1-, l"_fl.CADAT.~ PA\.rn'!"'";:~rT; COtT- STIWCT lEG COHCR"FiTr CUT{138 AN~D nTsr;1A1...Ln~G SUCH F~ ^..P~:\GTI' S~T.{T.J(;~l";~r"'~.:-) ..:\8 r.:Li~{ 'B::~ }-'Ir..~C~SS.A}~Y BET':VTi1~N Tm:~ VlJ'~ST I,Iliffi m;' EIGHTP A \/E NUJG AIm Tl~ CI'T'y I,nOTS AT T~LTi:'lr~lTTH A vrNTJI,~ O1'T 7ffiST BA'3COCF STTlT:ET, 'VITFnT SAID CITY, AND TO sr~CI/\..I,L'{ A~'.:)Ti"S() r;'}]" -r-;JTTH{P COS'" /\..tTD .,? .~(l')"!"t..~'..;SF' OI<' ItA.KING SAID IMplW 1r~}J}~I':-TS AGADmT TET: L~Jm WITHI_N SAID nIS'l"HIC'1' AS C;-qr.NtRTJ. nJi~ IT nrSOJ... VE') BY TI-F: COMIHSSI en O~? TIIT~ CITY OF 130ZI:J:.1AN: Sec. 1 . Tha.t it iA hereby declared to be the intention of the City Com- mission of the City. of Bozeman, State of ILontana, to create a Specie;,l Impr ove ~;\('.::~ t District to be known and des i gn ate d ::::.~s Sp ,"c ia_l Improvement District No. C) ~'_:" /.j o f s ai d ('wi '..1 ...... Ci ty fa r the purpose of making the improvemen ts wi Hi ir.. said. SDeci;J.l Irr.~)ro verr,8 n t District ~ereinafter described. Sec. t') That the boundaries of said. Speci2.1 Im?rovement District No. 2~;0 , ..., . to be created, are t:lS fnllows: c3eg irming at a?oint in the west line of :Sigl.;th 'lvenue South, said point 1\0 fe et sou __._..__....u. 53 -------. . ..-....-......--.-...------.- ...---- ... --.---....-...-----.-... assessed against the 1 and tllcrein, is $2.56R per front fo 0 t 0 f sr~j d land; t}!C term I "Fro n t foot" :ceferri rl~!: to the nurrlb (11:' of' lineal feet frontinc,:, or abutting, u ~) 0 n 8ai(1 "lest Babcock Street ':.'i t'.l i:1 sa i d pr 0 r 0 sed district. See, 7. That the entire cost and expense of making the special improve- rnentH herein set fortb in sat d Special Improvement District No. 2')0 shall be paid f)J S pe c i 0..1 Improveme nt Di3trict Coupon Bonds, oi, s 8..11tilOr i zed 1)y the Lawe of the State of T,~on tana , 'N~lich banilf3shal1 be in the denomination of One ITundred Dollars ( l'i'lD() " \ ;jp I.,' ";;O:1.cL, or fr;-tc~;ions thereof where necessary, to be issued and c llarg c~ab le against a fund to be known as "Special Improvement District No. 2::0 Fund", said bonde; to be rede eml-.),ble ,;:tt the option of the City of Bozemao, ;'.:lontana, w}lenever funcl;3 are avai 1,. able for that purl:' 008 fro Tn said S IJ e Cl.:.i, 1 Improvement District lTo. 2;)0 Fund. S,~id bondF1 shall draw si rn.;~)113 inter(J3t at the rate of six per cent per annum, which int- erest shall be charGeable as a part of the cost of said . . -".. ..-".---.----.-. --.".. .--.....---.- -.--....-.... 54 .' ________.___._ " . .._.______._._.._..__.__...._.______ ....._u____.__._._ . -.."......---.-..--.-- ...... ....-.. ..-.... ".... ......-"..".-"..".....-. ..... . ... .----..---.-.---.-...-.. ""::.,~""'...,...,..----:..,.,...."..".--..-==-----"_._-_._--_._.._.._.. ...~'.""'-'.'.-'._-_.. ..,._---"-----_._-------_._-------_._..~,-=-==.,,:::.,,.:..:.,..:':::'.:.'- .". .....-..-... .-......-.-.-..-.----- ---.--..-.-.---.. .. .... ..n.. . ." . . lTOTIC~. FOT IC':: IS JFRc;BY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of tile :;ity Cor;].mis2,ion of I the City of Bozeman, Stats of IJfontana, 'held on Tbursrlu,,:,r, the 23cl day of A-pril, A.D. 19~2b , a :'Zesolution of said Commis;:;io:l was duly :JaG f) e cl n.nd adoQtAd declarin~ it to be the intention of said C omrni S 3 i ()'! tJ cre'J,t~ a SnecLLl Improvement District to he known and desigm1ted fJ..S "Speci:l.l ImQrovement District No. 2h UtI of said Cit] of 30ze- man, 1",on ta'ul , for the ;)U1'i)OSe of gradi ng: [)a v ing wi t:l two-,course cru:J~ed Gravel mac-. L~-,(.l. [en .) a 'r ',~ 1:1 C"1 t and t'1e inst,allat ion of concret": CUrlJ8 ~:irl<5 ~3J. c 1". drd na;;e ,:;+,ruct'tre::::: :.i6 may bt.~ nece~:;,:;,';iry on West B~bcock Stroet () c t"Je fOr! the ~.''t C~ tJ t li.ne at' ~::iC~'1U, Avenue South a:ld the City Limits at Eleventh Avenue Sou th , witlJin s;lid :::;i;-,,'/ 0: "302 ernEc'.n , L:ontarlCl , and decl ar ing it to be