HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 46 Conveyance of Lot 4 in Block 1 of Babcock and Davis -.- -.. .--...".--- ......- 48 . ".. .""". --..".--.- .-----. --.-- CITY COMI'fIISSIOlJ HBSOLUTION NO. 46, A RESOLUTION OF THF: CITY COMIHSSION OF TIm CITY OF B07,1~MAH AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING I T. lIT'; IIKA. . yon ANTI. . CITY. . CLF..",RI\ OF. SAID CITY '1'0 EXECUTE A CONV}I;Y.\NC::<i OF TIm GITY OF B07.F.I.IAN TO MARY D. SHn.IVTr:H FOH A POHT ION (m J__OT 4 IN BLOCK 1 OF BABCOCK ANT) DA VI3 AD1)I'I'ION TO rr'Ij}t~ CITY OJ? BOZJ'~MAN, J',TONT AllfA, I~E IT JiESOLVF.D BY ','HE COI,ITnSSION OF THE CITY OJ!' BOZ~MAH: THAT ':'IJ-JEREAS, On tbe F3tb day of May, 1924, the City Cormni88ion of the City of Bozeman passed and adopted City Corw"'is,3ion Resolution No. 34, ::iuthorizing and empowering the Hilyor and City Clerk: of the City of Bozeman to enter into a contract with Mary D. Shriver for the purch;:!se by the sU.io Hary D. Shriver of the following describe~ real estate situate~ in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: All that portion of Lot 4, Block I, of Babcock & Davis Addition to the Town (now City) of Bozeman, Montana, included within the following metes and bounds. to-wit: Beginning at a point in the east line of Lot 4, Block I, of Babcoc;{ and Davis Addition to tne Town (nolf/ Ci ty) of Bozeman, said point being 117 feet south of the northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence south a.long the east line of said Bloc}:: 1, 2)0 f'f'~et; thence. west parallel wi th the north line of said Lot 4, 110 feet, more or less, to the west line of said Block 1; thence north along the west line of said Block I, 30 feet; thence east parallel with the north line of said Lot 4, 110 feet, more or less, to the Dlace of beginning. A:1ID\VHF::REAS, Subsequent thereto, said contrR..ctwas, on the 13th day of May, 19;~4, entered into and by the terms of which said contract the said Mary D. Shriver I was to pay to the said City of Bozeman, MontanrL, tlle full. surn of ;,~~~40.(JO, with interest, as the purchase price for the property herei::lbefore described. . A~m '.0THERRA.S, The said Mary D. Shriver has now completed a.nel made all pay- ments by her to be made under the te~~ of said contract and is entitled to a convey- zincs of said lands to her from the said Ci ty of Bozeman, M'ontana. lW'N, TI-lliiHEFOHF:, B-P IT RESOI.JVEDffiY THR COMrEISS IO'J OJ<' Tffi'; C rry OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: That the Mayor and !.,he Clerk of the Ci ty Commiesi on of the Ci ty of 130zeman be, and they are hereby authorized, em powered a,nd directed to make, execute and de- liver, upon behalf of said City of Bozeman, Montana, a conveyance of the lands here- inbefore described to the said Mary D. Shriver. Adopted by the Commissi on of the Ci ty of Bozeman and approved, by the Mayor thereof this second day of April, 19~~tj. C:;~~/J / (. if'./ _,.?- -r - b . 2.-L<~'1''/ L Attest: ~ }ayor. Clerk of 1;;~1i~~d~~iSSion. I _"._____...m_._ _."..u __m...