HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 45 Vogel's Grove 47 CITY COMI'DS3IOH HESOLUTIOJITNO. 4!5. I A illi;SOL1J1' 10:;<: OF Tl~ GITY COMMISSION OF TEF: CITY OF BC7,B1IA_l~ AUTHORIZING A.N]) DIRECT ING 'T'J-{TI: 1JIA YOR AND C I"'Y CLEHK TOr; ;0~CTJT':; r\ C ONVRYAi\JCB :B'-q(JT~ 'T'}fp, CITY OF B OZ"RIJA..r OF TW CITY PH.OP1i;R'T'Y KNO'TIT 1\3 "VOI1PT,'S 11110VH~'1 TO HUDOLP1I VOG~Tj, 'mry:p"?~. S , On t'n8 29th day of March, 19~23 , the (j i ty Commisr:1 ion of the City 0'[ Bozeman passed and adopted Gi t~r C')mrnisr-3ion Resolutiol1. No. ~2~) ) ;j,uthor iz ing the :/:-<;':;01' and Ci t~r Cler\ of the City of Bo zeman to enter into a contract with Rudolph Vogel for t'ne :mrchElse by the said :.:=iudolph Vogel of the following described real estate situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, too-wit: Begin'li:,;"" :~t tile Southwe::;t corner of the Southwest C:uarter of tIle J:~ortbwest Cuarter (S'Ht of NWt~') of Section Thirty-two (32) in Township One (1) South, of Range n' (6) East, Gallatin County, State of Montana, thence north JIX a 10 ng the west line of said Section Thirty-two (32) eight hundred (SOO) feet; thence east thirteen hundred twenty (1320) feet, more or less. to the east line of said Southwest O,uarter of the Northwest Quarter (S',V;} of J-T1~r}) of said Section Thirty-two (32); thence south eight hundred (SOO) feet to the souther3.s t c or!le r of the so uthwes t ruarter of the Northwest Q,uar ter (I of said Section Thirty-two (32); thence wes t tb_irteen hW'ldred SW7[ of NW4) twenty (1.''520 ) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; co ntaining in all 24.24 acres, more or less. Yet reserving and excepting from said tract an easement of r igh t- of -way for road purposes over and across said tract, as such ro ad is now laid out and us ed by said City of Bozema.n. A~m WJ1E~l\.S, Subsequent thereto, s aid co ntrac twas,