HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 44 Create SID No. 249 ..-...-..---.- .-.-.-.-.----.--- .-.-.- 44 -----------.......- .... .-----.-...- .. -..-..---.-.-- _.__. .n ....... --.---..--------- .. . ... ... .n._... __...___._____.______.__...____ CITY COHUISSIOH HESOJ-JUTIO:N no. 44. A RESOI-JUTION O}' Tm~ CITY COMMISSION OF THF. CITY OF BOZ:RH,lI1J, ~\TONTA1JA, DECLAHIlJG IT TO I g:'~ 'T'H;;.~ DJTETTT ION O:}1' SAID C ITY CONJ'.~ISS ION TO CR1<~ATJi; t, SPJ':CIAJJ nri?ROV?TTN1' DISTInCT TO 13"8 }ClrmVN j\ND DTI:S IGHAT:!i'DAS SPECIAL nTPRoVEvr~~NT DISTRICT NO. 249 OF SAID CITY, FOR TJ-Dj~ PURPOSr: OF GRADING: PAVING WITH TWO-COUHSB CRUSHED GRAV1~L T:1:ACAn\_}~ .?AVFMF:1:TT A1ID COlfSTHUCT ING CONCRETE CUEBS ON TRACY A VT,:lWr: NORTH B"P.T'V}mN Tln~ NOHTF LINE OF SHORT STltKRT AND THE NORTH LINE aT<' COTTOl'JIVOOD STHEET, WITHIlT SAln CITY, AND TO SPT:CI/\"LLY ASSF.SS THE "FiNT IHE COST AIm RXPENS"P OF t1AF nm SAID n~?RO\flT'l,~IIT AGAINST THE IJA..1W 'lIITH- IN SAID DISTRICT AS CR1I:ATED. BE IT RF.SOLVFD BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE!vIAN: Sec. 1 . That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman. State of Montana, to create a Special Improvement Dist- rict to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 249 of said City for the purpose of making the improvements within said. Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Sec. 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 249. to be created, are as follows: ~eGinning at a point in the north line of Short Street, as platted in Beall's Third Addition to Bozeman, said point being 60 feet west of the Vlest line of said Tracy Avenue North; thence north parallel wi th and 60 feet west of the said west line of Tracy Avenue North to tbe south line of Peach Street; thence northerly across said Peach Street to a point in the north line there of . said point being 60 feet west of the west line of said Tracy Avenue Nortrl as platted in Imes' Addition to Bozeman; thence north parallel '\I'd t.h and 6(1 feet west of the west line of said I Tracy Avenue North to the North line of Cottonwood Street; thence east along the north line of said Cottonwood Street to a point 60 feet east of the east line of said Tracy Avenue North; thence so uth paralIc 1 'Wi th and 60 feet east of the e:':'.8 t 1 ine of said Tracy Avenue North to the north line of said Peach Street; thence southerly across said ~each Strept to a point in the south line thereof. said point being 60 feet east of the east line of said Tracy Avenue North as platted in Benll's Second Addi- -. _..~ ...-- ---..-...-.-... --- ----- -, ----..-"...--- 45 .--.--. Sec. 6. That the total frontage of the land within said proposed district I to be taxed for the cost of said improvements (exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places ) is One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-six lineal feet ( 1256 ft.) and an approximate estimate of th e cost of said improvement, to be specially taxed and assessed against the land therein, is $2.3487 per front foot of said land, the term "Front foot" referring to the number of lineal feet fro n t i ng , or abutting, upon said Tracy Avenue liJorth wi thin said proposed district. Sec. 7. That the en tire cost and expense of making the speci<:tl improve- ments herein set forth in said Specie.l Improvement District No. 249 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as authorized by she Laws of the State of . Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, or fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund to be 1<:nown as IIC)-pecial Improvement District No. 249 Fund" , said Bonds to be redeemallle at the 0 p t ion 0 f the I;i ty of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are avail - n__..'.___. . _.._____.__.,. .._m.__'.__..n_'___'.___~'_~__..,....__..~___,._,.,____' _ .. __ .._ '._p 46 --.. ".~I.,.,---.,_._,._-,..__._,-----_._.- ..___ .......__._._......_._.____."._...._... ..__.._ ____ ___.___..____..__.., .__..._...._ ------..----.--... Pa~sed by the City Commiss ion of the Ci ty of "Bozeman, Mon tanD, , and approved by the. Mayor o:..f' sa. id . Ci ty.., th is 2d day of Apri 1, t:.,.D. 1925.. . .. ... I Attest. ~/;7;;.'" -L-) -" ~ 1/ :/~~'AA- (:.t~.- .' - .._-":"' ~:..2,1-7-;;.:~..../ ~ ~. _,'.' ~/~,. . (.'" ~_ ,,__ _ Clerk of the City Commission. Mayor. nOT IC:.s . lTO'1'ICE IS HEITIrnY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the City COmInission of the City of "Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Thursday, the 2d day of April, A.D. 19:~!), a resolution of said Comrnisaion was duly passed and adopted declaring it to be the Lltention of said- Commission to create a Special Improvement District tu be lmo\'ln and designated as "Speciul Improvement District::To. 240" of said City of Boze- man, Man tana" for the purpose of gr7'iding: paving wi th two-course crushed gravel macada.m pavement and co nstructing concrete curbs on Tra"cy Avenue North between the north line of Short Street and the north line of Cottonwood Street ,wi ti1 in said Ci ty of 13ozeman, Montana, and declaring it to be the intention of said Ci ty Comrnis- sian to speci!J..lly assess the entire cost and expense of constructing said curbs and grading and paving said street, including gra.ding, pavin:,"!, eurb8, engineering, in- spection and all incidental expenses in connection therewith, against the land with- in said Speci,',},l Improvement District, each lot, or parcel i)f land, wit'rdn said Dis tric t to be asses f;ed for that port ion 0 f the whole c os t in the -proporti on tha t the lineal feet of said lot, or parcel of land, borderinls or a,butting on said 'Tracy Ayenue Nortn. bears to the tot"'tl Tracy Avenue irorth front;;l,ge wiVl.in said District, excl~lsi ve of streets, avenues, alleys and -public places. Th:.1 t the esti mE,te of tne a~)proxima te cos t of' co ns true ti ng said improvement is :;p2950.00: tha.t the total frontage of t'1e property witrdn saic1 District to be assessed and taxed for said improvement is 12b6 lineal feet, and that the estimated cost per front foot of said property to be so specially asse~3sed and taxed, is ,J,12.34C>'7. I Thu,t Thursday, the 23d dEL:! of April, 19;~!), at 7:30 o'cloc}~ p.m. of said day, at the room of s::dd City Commission in the City :Hall of said City of Bozer'1al1, St8.te of T;fontana, has been designatsd as the time and place when and w~ere the said Cf ty Commission will hear and pasf:J upon all protef:Jts against the proposed improve- ment or the extent or creatio~1 of said. Special Im9rovement District and the land therein to be assessed, or of eit}ler, lJOtJ:l, or any thereof. Tlmt at any time within fifteen (Hi) days after the first publication of this notice, any owner of property liable to be as s e~3 sed on d.C count 0 f said propo Sf'" d im:)rOVeillCn t, ma.,;, maJce l)ro te s t against said improvement, or :J..gainst the extent or creiltio'l of said Special Improve- ment District, i:1 the manner provided by law; SUCrl prote~3t to be filed Wit~l the Cler;{ of said City Co:r1illission, at tlle City Hall of said City of Bozeman, St7i.te of Montana, and suchprote st, or pro tes ts, wi 11 be duly co nsid ered by t1'le said Ci ty C orm:1i 3si on at the time and place as hereinbefore specified. ThClt for a description of the boundaries 0: said proposed Special If'lprove- ment District No. 249, reference is hereby made to the Resolutio~ of said City Com- mission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to creat!? the same, wl1ich is on file in the office of the und.ersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for the inspection' of all interested parties and of the public generally. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 2d day of April, A. D. 192:5. c:::~2,~Zf<: _~/~<, ,'<,~ Clerk of the Gity Commission. AFFIDAVIT OF CITY CLERK THAT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION HAS BEEN GIVF~ ST ATE OF MONT ANA ) S8 County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, I hereby certify that the foregoing notice relati ve to Cl..... ty Commissi on Resolution No. 44 of the Ci ty of Bozeman, };Iontana, was publ ished once wi thin ten days after its final passage, to-wit: On the g~J day of April, 1920, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and ,Jublished in the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN 'NITNESS '!VHEHEOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this /1-4 day of April, A.D. 1925. (""/ h' J%A~"'J-d_2/;A/ / Clerk of the City Commission. ".. ,_.~ -~.~~-