HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 42 Create SID No. 248 '38 -- CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 42. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CmJUHSSION OF T:tm.: CITY OF BOZE1W'J, MOlifTANA, DECLARING IT TO I BE THE INTENTION OF SAID CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE A SPF.CIAIJ IM'PROVEUENT DISTRICT TO R}I~ KNOWN AND JJF:SIGl'fATED AS SPECIAL IMPHOVJi:MENT DISTRICT NO. 248 OF SAID CITY,FOR THE PURPOSTP OF GRADING, PAVING WITH TWO-COURSF, CRUSHED GRAVF.L MACADAM PAVEMENT, AND INST ALIJING SUCH DRAINAGE CULVERTS AS MAY "SF, NECESSARY ON WIJJLSON A VRNUE NORTH BE- T1NEEN THE NORTH LINE OF WF.ST LAMME S'l'R"ERT AND TIm SOUTH IJINF. OF VlTEST VILLARD STREF:T, WITHIN SAID C lIT, AND TO SPF:CIALLY ASSESS TlffiENI'IRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPROVE1mNT AGAINST THE LAND WITHIN SAID DISTRICT AS CREATED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Sec. 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, to create a Special Improvement Dist- rict to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 248 of said City for the purpose of making the improvements within said Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Sec. 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 248, to be create~ are as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of West Lannne Street, said point being 54 feet west of the west line of Willson Avenue North; thence north parallel with the west line of said Willson Avenue North to the north line of West Beall Street; thence west along the said north line of West Beall Street to a point 54 feet west of the west line of the portion of said Willson Avenue North lying north of said West Beall Street; thence north parallel with the west line of said Willson Avenue North to the south line of West Villard Street; thence east along the I said south line of ',Vest Villard Street to a point 54 feet east of the east line of said Willson Avenue North; thence south parallel with the east line of said Willson Avenue North to the north line of West Beall Street; thence west along the north line of said West Beall Stree t to a point 54 feet east of the extended east line of the portion of said North Willson Avenue lying south of said West Beall Street; thence south parallel with the east line of said Willson Avenue North to the north line of Yvest Lamme Street; thence west along the said north line of 'Nest Lamme Street to the place of beginning, a.ll in the City of Bozeman, Montana. Sec. 3. That it is hereby declared to be the opinion of said City Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, that all of the land wi th in said pro- posed Special Improvement District, as defined in Section 2 of this Resolution, whether abutting on said improvement or not, will be specially and equally benefit- ted by the grading and paving and installation of said drainage culverts, and all of said improvements, and should equally bear the cost of said improvement in accord- ance with the laws of the Sta,te of Montana, in such case made and provided. Sec. 4. That the character of the improvement within said Speci~l Im- provement District No. 248 is the grading; the paving with two-course crushed gravel macadam pavement and the installation of such drainage culverts as may be necessary, on all that portion of Willson Avenue North in said Ci ty of Bozeman, Mont.slna, between I the north line of West Lamme Street and the south line of West Villard Street. Sec. 5 . That an approximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the work of constructing all of said improvements, including grading, paving, culverts, in- lets and trerl'ching; pipe laying, baclcfilling, and including engineering, inspection and all incidental expenses, is One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($1600.00) . -.-- _un..".. .. . _._ _.__.____.. __........_._.___n___._.._. .. --...-.--.....- ...--.- ".-.......-.----.....- .-- -..-...... -.--.---... 3~) --.--...----..--.-.-.-. .- .--.----....-.---.-- ..n ......_...__ . _._._"._._ ----.-.--- Sec. 6. That the total frontage of the land within said proposed district I to be taxed for the cost of said improvement (exclusive of Streets, Avenues, Alleys and public places) is Nine Hundred Ninety-two and three-tenths (992.3) lineal feet, and an approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement to be specially taxed and assessed against the land therein, is $1.612b per front foot of said land, the term "Front foot" referring to the number of lineal feet fronting, or abutting, upon said Willson Avenue North within said proposed district. Sec. 7. That the entire cost and expense of making the special improve- ments herein set forth in said Speci.s.1 Improvement District No. 248 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as authorized by the laws of the State of Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, or fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund to be known as "Special Improvement District No. 248 Fund", said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of :?ozeman, Montana, whenever funds are avail- able for that purpose from said Specia.l Improvement District No. 248 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, which inter- est shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said improvement, and shall run I from the date of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are paid. Sec. 8. To pay said bonds and interest thereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the lands with- in said proposed Special Improvement District No. 248, as hereinbefore defined, each lot or parcel of land within said District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost in the proportion that the lineal feet of said lot abutting or bordering on said Willson Avenue north bears to the total Willson Avenue north frontage, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pUblic places. Sec. 9. Said assessment and taxes shall be payable in six annual install- ments, with six per cent annual interest on deferred payments, commencing with the year 1925, but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full p~ment at any time. Sec. 10. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the doing of said work, and the making of said improve- ments. Sec. 11. That the regular session of the COImnission of the City of Boze- I man, State of Montana, to be held in the said Commission room in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, on Thursday, the 26th day of March, 1925, at seven-thirty o'clock,p....m. of said day, are the time and place designated when and where the said ---.--..--... 410 ---.-.-------.-..--.-......."..,. ,. -- ------. ..."..-...-.--------".----...------.-----.- ---------.... . Sec. 12. That the Clerk of the said City Commission of Bozeman, State of Montana, be, and he is hereby, directed to give notice as required by law, of the 1 adoption of this Resolution. . Passed by the City Commission of the City of Bozernan, Montana, and approved by the Mayor of said City, this 5th day of March, A.D. 1925. /' Attest: ~ / 1--1'0"7 'I/-:~'-' __ ______ '&UUI,Q{ / <-.jA<:!clA / / ~J7.0.- ~ \ . V ~~ - -~- ..-. -"LCO?"-""~7.d "'lay or . Clerk of the City Commission. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Thursday, the 5th day of March, A.D. 1925, a resolution of said Commission was duly passed and adopted declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a Special Impro1Tcment District to be known and designated as "Special Improvement District No. 24e" of said City of Bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of grading, paving with two-course gravel macadam pa.vement and installing such drainage culverts as may be necessary, on all that portion of Willson Avenue North between the north line of INest Lamme Street and the south line of West Villard Street, wi thin said Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, and declar- ing it to be the intention of said City Commission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of constructing said drainage culverts and grading and paving said street including grading, paving. culverts, inlets and trenching. pipe laying, back- filling, engineering, inspection and all incidental expenses in connection there- with, against the land with in said Special Improvement District, each lot or parcel .1 of land within said District to De assessed for that portion of the whole cost that the lineal feet of said lot abutting or bordering on said Willson Avenue North bears to the total Willson Avenue North frontage, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys . and public places. . That the estimate of the approximate cost of constructing said improvement is $1600.00; that the total frontage of the property within ~aid district to be assessed and taxed for said improvement is 992.3 lineal feet, and that the estimated cost per front foot of said property to be so specially assessed and taxed is $1. 6l2:j . That Thursday, the 26th day of March, 1925, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the room of said City Commission in the Ci ty Hall of said City of Bozeman, state of Montana, has been designated as the time and place when and where the said City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests against the proposed improve- ment or the extent or creation of said Special Improvement District and theland therein to be assessed, or of either, both, or any thereof. That at any time within fifteen (15) days after the first publication of this notice, any owner of property liable to be assessed on account of said proposed improvement, may make protest against said improvement, or against the extent or creation of said special improvement district, in the manner provided by law; such protest to be filed with the Clerk of said City Cornmission, at the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana,and such protest or protests, will be duly considered by the said City Commission at the time and place as hereinbefore specified. That for a description of the boundaries of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 248, reference is hereby made to the Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to create the same, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for the inspection of all interested parties and of the public generally. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 5th day of March, A.D. 1925. , :;'<~/!i(;,-d':.2, ..,,, . , I Clerk of the City Commission of . the Ci ty of Bozeman, Monhma. STATE OF MONTAl~, County of Gallatin) ss I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify that the foregoing notice relative to City Commission Resolution No. 42 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its fin- al passage, to-wit: On the ~ day of March, 1925, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, 1~ontana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS I,VHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this ~ day of March, A.D. 1925. . ~ 1 'I-t \:h"~~,, IJ Clerk of the City Commission.