HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 41 Installation of Sidewalks and Curbs in 1924 33 ---.-----..-.. CITY COWnSSION RESOl.UTION NO. 41. I A RESOIJUTION OF THR CITY COIJILTISSIOn OF TIm CITY OF BOZ]-';M.AN I.,TiVYING AND ASSESSING SPEC IAL ASSESSI\ffiNTS FOR THF: INST AIJ,AT ION OF S IDF.~.vAI>KS AND CURBS DURING 'J'HfP. SEASON OF 1924. Sec. 1. WHERRAS, on the 3d day of July, 1924, the City Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5244, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, duly adopted and entered upon the Minutes of its meetings orders for the construction of sidewalks and curbing as in said orders specified; and 'vVJillREAS , sidewalks and curbs have been installed pursuant to said orders and the City Engineer has duly certified tot he City Commisnion a list showing the cost of such installation and the property subject to assessment; NmV, TlmHFrPORT~ , in consideration of the premises and provisions of law in such cases made and provtded, there is hereby levied and assessed against the seve- ral lots, pieces and Daraele of property as specified and described in exbibi t "A" c1ttached hereto, and of this Resolution M~de a part, Ule amounts set opposite each separate piece or parcel of land as specified in said exhibi t "An. Sec. r, That said special assessments shall bear interest at the rate of t::.. six ( 6 ) per cent per annum froM the date hereof until paid and such payment may be I made in six ( 6 ) equal annual installments commencing wi th the year 1924, an d no t later than November 30th of the year 1924, and eacb November 30th thereafter, until all of said payments, together with the interest thereon, shall have been paid in -- ---..-.--.-.--.. 34 u .. . _.______ .-----.---.------ .-...--..---- --- .-..-....- ---..-. -----..-.--------. -.. -. -.-...- .. - .---.--.--. .--.- ---..-.---.-- . ".-....-. ..... .-..- N" 0 T ICE NOTICE IS rm:R"EBY GIVEN, That at the specLl,l session of the City Commission I of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Mon tu.na, (Ie 1<1 on Sa tUl'lL:tY , tllC () tl.L (1 cry of Se-p tembe r , 19;24, Ci ty Corm:l1ssi on Hesolution No. 41 was provisionally pasf-Jed :_,nd adopted: rrh~.c t said City Comnisoion Resolution levies and a.f.3sesses special assessment of taxes aga.ins t certain lots and parcels of land in front of vrrtich sidewalks and curlJin(j have been constructed under orders of the Ci ty COlmn.issioll of said ai ty of Bozeman during the year 1924. That said City Commisfdon iieso1ution Ho. 4.L is nOli! on file in the office of the Clerk of the City ComrnL'3:_don, sul)ject t.::! inspection for a peri Id 'Jf fi ve ( r- ) \.) I days by any :)e1'f30n interefJted. '1'1.: a t S:'" t u rd',:'"y J HIe 13 tIT c1 ay of Sept e:--')r) 8 C , 1 9~24 , at tVfO o I C 1 0 c!: p. m . of sai d (18.\', at the S'iec i a1 session of the said City Commission of the C1 ty of Bozeman. at the aOElmis~3ion Chamber in tbe Ci ty E"c11 3ui1dirlg of said ci ty, has been desigm::.. ted 208 the time and place when and w~ere the said Ci ty Comrnis- sian wi11-~ear and paS2 upon any and all o b ,i e c t i 0 m3 that nay be mRde to the f in;-:cl passage ~nd adoption of said Resolution No. 41Hnd the lCV-:1 Lng of said a s ~:\ e s ~)me L1 t , and th.).t 8ai~ Resulution will ~e f ~ n~ill.y pa~:: :3 E~ (] :', _n_,_,.,__"._, ---,..._,_. ---,_..,.. :35 ~n I AFFIDAVIT OF CITY CLERK: THAT NOTICE BY PUBLICATION HAS BEEN ,GIVEN. STATE OF MONTANA ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, ClerIc of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, .hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing City Commission Resolu- t i on No. 41 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was pUblished once wi thin ten (10) days after its final passage, to-wi t: On the 7th day of September, 1924, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Boze- man, Mont an ,3., , and that due proof of said publica ti on was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this 9th day of September, 1924. ~~~rc7/7/ I Clerk of the Commission. I