HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 40A Passing of Resolution 40 - 31 ___________.____..._____., .__..n._ ______ n. __.._..__. "......__ _.___.._________.______ _.u._.____._..____._____._.__...._ .__._._________.___"....._.".____._.__., .., .. . . ____..__.._.___ . n__ CITY COI~AISSION RESOLUTION NO. 40A. A C01ITjISSION RESOLUTION FINALLY PASSING A1TD ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 40, I ENTITLED, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C01\,UJIISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEJflAN, MONTANA, ASSESSING AND LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES IN SPECIAIJ IMPROVEJ/[!1~NT DIS- TRICTS IN SAID CITY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SEVERAL RESOI,UTIONS CREATING SAID DISTRICTS AS HEREIN NUMERATED, FOR PARKING MAINTENANCE, SPRINKLING, ORNA1\I[F.NTAL LIGHTING, CUTTING WEEDS AND RE1WVAL OF SNOW, FOR THE YEAR 1924'! ~mEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, did on the 6th day of September, 1924, at a special session thereof, provisionally pass Commission Resolution No. 40, entitled: "A R"RSOI...UTION OF THF. CITY COMMISSION OF TKE: CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ASSESSING AND LEVYING SPECIAL TA=Qi;S IX SPF,CIAL IMPROVE:MENT DISTRICTS IN S AID CITY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SEVERAL RESOJ...UTIONS CRF.ATING SAID DISTRICTS AS HERBIN NUMERATED, FOR PARK- ING 1![AINTENANCE, SPRINKLING, ORNAMF.NTAL LIGHTING, CUTTING I'VJ'JJI:DS AND REMOVAL OF SNOW, FOR Tlffi YEAR 1924"; WHEREAS, said Commission Resolution No. 40 was duly signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission of said City and was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of said City on the 6th day of September, 1924, and ever since has been on file in said office subject to and for the inspection of all per- sons interested; and \If.HEREAS, SATUHDAY, the 13th day of September, 1924, at two olcloc~, P.M., at a special session of said City' Connnission, to be held at the Commission Chamber, I Ci ty Hall, S. aid City, was designated in said Res oluti on as the time and place of hearing objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Commission has given notice of the filing of said Resolution and the final passage and adoption thereof by publishing notice thereof in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a. daily newspaper published in said Ci ty, at least five (5) days before the day set for hearing any and all objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; &..nd '."/HEHEAS, the matter of said final passage and adoption of said Resolution, coming on regularly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolution and Notice, this 13th day of September, 1924, at a special session of said City Commission, due proof being made of the publication of said Notice as required by law and as ordered by said Resolution, and no objections having been made or filed to the final passage and adoption of said .r\.esolution and the levying of the assessment as therein pro- vided; NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THR CITY COMThI!SSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: I That said Commission Resolution No. 40 be, and the same is hereby finally . passed and adopted and the special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of making the improvements as therein set forth be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed as therein provided. Finally passed and finally adopted by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, at a special session thereof, held on this 13th day of September, 1924. Approved by the President pro ATTI'ST' (( 77~-'.- .~ · .. . '':''i/''':. ...... ~4' tern. Clerk of the ommission. ...-.-.-----.-- ..-.-..----- -----.-.....--.---- 32 -----.-..--.---------.-. -------.--.--.-...-----.- -.-...-.- CITY CO~OOISSION RESOLUTION NO. 40A. A COMMISSION RESOI,UTION FINALLY PASSING AND ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 40, ENT ITLED , I "A RESOI,UTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ASSESSnIG AND LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES IN THE SF,VERAL RESOIJUTIONS CREATING SAID DISTRICTS AS HEREIN NlliIERATED, FOR PARKING MAINTENANCE, SPRINKLHW, ORNAMENTAL I,IGHTING, CUTTING 'v'JEEDS AND REMOVAL OF SNOW, FOR THE YEAR 1924 n . STATE OF MONTANA ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bo~eman, hereby certify that the foregoing is the true and correct number and title of the Commission Resolution oassed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman on the 13th day of September, A.D. 1924. Dated September 15, 1924. ~~~~r;d / Clerk of the Commission. AFFIDAVIT OF CITY CLERK THAT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION HAS BEEN. GIVEN I STATE OF MONTM1A ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing City COMnission Resolu- tion No. 40A of the City of Bozeman was published once within ten (10) days after its final passage, to-wit: On the 16th day of September, 1924, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Bozeman, and that due proof of said publication wan made and filed in my office. IN WITNESSWHERF:OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said city this 19th day of September, A.D. 1924. -~-~ ("' --<. ~-/? -~, ../~-~/;7.// Clerk of the Co~nission. I