HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 54 Levying for maintenance in year 1925
l. That there
be, and there is hereby levied and assessed against
'the property in the several Parking Maintenance,
Ornamental Lighting
Districts of the said City of Bozeman, Cutting Weeds and Removal of Snow,
accordance with the several Resolutions creating said Districts, as herein eJ:lumerat-
ed, the following special taxes, to-wit:
Parking Maintenance Distri'ctNo. 6, created by Council Resolution No. 306,
on South Willson Avenue from Babcock street t o College street, a total frontage of
4355.37 feet, tl).e,sumof $4:16;15, at an approximate rate per front foot of $.09555.
'ParkfngMaintenanceDistrict No.9, created by Council Resolution No. 325,
Lindley Place, a total area of 209440 square feet, the sum of $56.75, at an approx-
imate ratepeI'squarefoot of $.000271. .
Parking Maintenance District No. 16; created by Council Resolution No.356,
Babcock Street from Black Avenue to Tracy Avenue, a total area of 93953 square feet,
the sum of $24.57, at an approximate rate per square foot of $.000262.
Parking Maintenance District No. 17, created by Council Resolution No .355,
Grand Avenue from Babcock Street to College Street. a total area of 581481 square
feet, the sum of $230.47, at an approxiID9.te rate per square foot of $.0003964:
Parking Maintenance Distr1ct No. 18;
created by Council Resolution No.357,
Tracy Avenue from Babcock Street to Dickerson Street, a total area of 457782.2
square feet, the sum of $125.69, at an approximate rate per square 'foot of' ,$.0002745.
Parking Maintenance District No. 31, created by Council Resolution No.385,
Black Avenue from Babcock Street to College Street, a total area of 257523. square
feet, the sum of ,$244.35,at'an approximate rate per square foot of4~.OO09134~
Parking Maintenance District No. 45, created by Council Resolution No.432,
Eighth Avenue (center and sides) from Koch Street to Dickerson Street, a total area
of 66000 square feet, the sum of ,$146.92, at an approximate rate per square foot of
$. 002226. '.'
parking Maintenance District No. 48, created by Council ResOl,utien No .4.35"
Eighth Avenue' (sidesd orily) from Main street to Koch Street ,a total area of 116104
square feet, the sum of $235.43, at an approximate rate per square foot of. $.002028,
Parking Maintenance Diatrict No. 50, created by Council Reso luti'on No .474,
Third Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total area of 378774 square
feet, the sum of $147.20, at an approximate rate per square foot of :~.OO03886.
Parking Maintenance District .No'. 52, created by Council Resolution No. 476,
Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total area of 173400 square
feet, the sum of $71.63, at an approximate rate per square foot of $.000413l.
Parking Maintenance District No. 57 ,created by Council Resolution No.529,
Cleveland Street from Will:;Jon Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total' frontage of 3196
feet, the sum of $215.90, at an approximate . rate per front foot bf $. 067~)5.
Parking Maintenance District No. 61, created by Council Resolution No.535,
Eighth Avenue (center onl~-) from Main Street to Koch Street, a total fronta1e of
2321.95 feet, the sum of ,146.75, at an approximate rate perfrbnt foot o,f.06'32.
Parking Maintenance District No. 68, created by Council Resolution No.539,
Willson, Avenue. from College Street to Cleveland street, a to tal frontage of 1260
feet, the sum of $103.87, at an approximate rate per front foot of~ $.08243.'
Parking Maintenance District No.
72, created by Council ResdlutionNo.564,
College Street from Grand Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total area'of 513794.7 square
feet, the sum of $185.23, at an approximate rate per square foot of 4~.OO03605.
':~,i,/ ,,::., .""...." ,
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Parking Mainten~nce District No. 77, created by Council Resolution No.
576, Eighth Avenue (center and sides) from Dickerson Street to Harrison Street, a
total frontage of 1971 feet , the sum of $327.48, at an approximate rate per front
foot of :$.16615.
. Parking Maintenance District No.
86, created by Counci:j. Resolution No.
620, sauth side Story Street from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and both sides
Sixth Avenue from Story Street to College Street, a total frontage of 2426.2 feet,
the sum of .U33.19, at an approximate rate per front foot of $.0549.
Parking Maintenance District No.
90, created by Council Resolution No.
636, east side Seventh Avenue :from Story Street to College Street, a total frontage
of 934.2 feet,
the sum of $51.59, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~p.055224.
Parking Maintenance District No. 114, created by Council Resolution No.
722, west side Grand Avenue from College Street to Arthur Street, a total frontage
of 930 feet, the sum of ~p63.67, at an approximate rate per front foot of :~.06846.
Parking 1~intenance District No. 107,
created by Council Resolution No.
658, East Story Street from Tracy Avenue to Bozeman Creek, a total frontage of 2254
feet~ the sum of $154.59, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~p.068585.
Parking Maintenance District No. 117, creatE)dby Council Resolution lifo.
~19,Tiacy Avenue from Dickerson Street to COllege Street, a total frontale of
1348:2 feet, the sum of $55.80, at an approximate rate per front foot of :;p.04139.
Parking Maintenance District No. 151, created by Council Resolution No.
810, east side Fifth Avenue from Olive Street to Koch Street, a total area of
111189.06 square feet,
S1.jm of $30.92, ,at an approximate rate per s quare foot of
Parking Maintenance District No. 189. created by Council Resolution No.
1004, east side Grand Avenue from College ,Street to Arthur Street, a total frontage
of 930 feet, the sum of $63.67, at an approximate rate per front foot of $.06846.
Sprinkling District No.1, created by Council Reso,lution No. 424t, Main
Str~et from Wal,laceAvenue .toFourth Avenl.le, a total frontage of 9363.89 feet. the
sum of $963.70, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front
Sprinkling District No. 130, created by Council Resolution No.
765, West
Main Street from Fourth Avenue to Eighth Avenue. a total fr9ntage of 2612.15 feet,
the sum of $37 .69, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approJl:imate rate per
front~06t of '$.014428.
Sprinkling District No. 131, created by Council Resolution No. 766, South
Bozeman Avenue from 1st alley south to Koch St,reet, a total frontage of 2458.3 feet,
the sum of $13.43. being 75% of the entire amount. or at an approximate rat.e per
front fo~t of $.005463. ,
Sprinkling DIstrict No, 132, cre'ated by Council Resolution No . 767, South
BlackAvenuefromlstalley south to Olive .Street, a to,talfrontage of 887 feet, the
'sumof<'$21.l4,being75%of the entiream011nt, or at an approximate rate ~r front
foot, of $.023833. ' ,
Sprinkling Distriot No i 133,
created by Council Reso,lution No.
768, South
Tracy Avenue from 1st alley south to College Street, a total frontage of 4724.2
feet ,the sum of $64. 56,b-eing75.%of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate
per front foot of $.013666.'
Sprinkling District No. 134, created byCoun,cil Reso lutionJSTq. 769, SOl1th
WillfJon Avenue from 1st alley south to Cleyeland street, a total frontage of 5937.37
feet, the sum of $76.35 ,being 75% of the entire amount. or at an approximate rate
per fr6nt, foot ~f $.012859. ,
,Sprinkling District No. 135, created .by Council Resolution No. 770, South
Grand Avenue from 1st alley south to COllege Street, a total frontage of 4614.42
feet, the 811m of $18.21, being 75% of the entire amo11nt, or at an approximate rate
per front foot of $.003946. .
SpJ:'inkling District No. 136, created by Council Resolution No. 771, Third
Avenue :from Main Street to Babcock Street and from ,Olive Street to Cleveland Street,
and FQurth Avenue from Babcock Street to Olive Street, a total' frontage of 6160.45
feet, the sum of $27.10, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate
.per 1'ront fo ot of $.0044.
Spri~kling District No.
137, created by Council Resolution No. 772, North
Wallace Avenue from Main Street to Tamarack Street and Tamarack Street frcm Wallace
. ---.--.---..--
kyeriue to N .P" station, a tQ,talfI'CHltage of 64l0i.2 feet, the sum of $59.64 ,being
75(~ of the entire amount, or at anapproxima;terate per front fa at of $.0093039.
, f
Sprinkling District No. 138,. created by Council Resolution No. 773, North
rracy Avenuefrcmlst alley north to Sh'ort Street, a total frontage of 2797.45 feet,
the sum of $37.34, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per'
front foot of $.013348.
Sprinkling District No.
139, created by Council Resolution No. 774, South
Sixth Avenue .from Olive Street to Story Street, a total frontage of 1793.7 feet, the
sum of $15.78,. being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front
foot of $.0088.
Sprinkling District ~o. 140, created by Council Resolution No.
775, South
Eighth Avenue from Main Street to Harrison Street, a total frontage of 5472.85 feet,
the sum of $56.32, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per
front foot of $.01029.
Sprinkling District No.
141, created by Council Resolution
No.. 776,Story
street from T'ra~ Avenue to Third Avenue, a total frontage of 1727.5 feet, the sum of
:~9. 58 ,being7.5 0 of the entire amourit, or at an approximate rate per front foot of
Sprinkling District No. 142,
created by Council Resolution No.
777, Story
and Koch Streets from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue.. a total frontage of 2140 feet,
the sum of $24.64, being 75% of the entire amount,
or at an approximate rate per
front foot of $.011514.
Sprinkling District No~ 143, created by Council Resolution No. 778, Cleve-
land Street f.rom Willson Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a. total frontage of 3196 .feet,
the SUm of $27.62, being 75;fo of the entire amount, or at an a-pproxiJ!B,te rate per
front foot of $.008642. -
Sprinkling District No. 144,
created by Council Resolution No.
779, Olive
Street from G,rand Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 2262 feet, the sum of
117.99, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of
.007953. .'
Sprinl{ling District No. 160, created by Council Resolution No. 856, College
street fromT.racy AVfJnue to Fourth Avenue, a total f-rontage of 2025.1 feet, -(he sum
of $5.03, being 75%,'ofthe entire amount, or at an approxil"!1Sl.te rate per fron ".Tof
$.002484. .
Sprinkling District No. 161, created by Council Resolution No.
857, North
Church Avenue. from Main Street to Peach Street, a total frontage of 4038.65 feet,
the sum of $65.20, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per
front foot of $.016144. .
Sprinkling District No.
162, created by Council Resolution No. 858, Bab-
cock Street from Bozeman Avenue to Fifth Avenue, and. Fifth Avenue from Babcock Street
to Main Street, a total frontage of 4686.5 feet, the sum of $50.30, being 75% of the
entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $.010733. .
Sprinkling District No. 16:3, created by Council Resolution No. 859, Curtiss
Street from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 1576.~) feet, the sum
of $9.28, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of
$.00588. . .
Sprinkling District No.
164, created by Council Resolution No.
e60, Fifth
Avenue from Olive Street to Koch Street, a total frontage of 1155.5 feet, the sum of
~E6.l8, being 75% of the entire amount , or at an approximate rate per front foot of
Sprinkling District No. 192,
created by Council Resolution No~ 992,
Street from Grand Avenue to Church Avenue, a total frontage of 1795 feet, the sum of
$19.12, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of
Sprinkling District No. 193, created by Council Resolution No. 993, Curtiss
Street between Black and Third, a total frontage of 1727 feet, the sum of $7.04, be-
ing 75"/ of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $.00408.
Sprinkling District No.
194, created by Council Resolution No.
994, Koch
Street from Tracy Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 3282.8 feet, the sum of
$15.90, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of
.~. 00484.
Sprinkling DIstrict No. 195, created 'Qy Council Resolution No. 995, College
Street from F.ourth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1759.77 feet, the
B.um Qf $11.53, being 75% of the entire amount. or at an approximate rate per front
foot of $.D06552. .
, '. . Sprinkling District No. 196, created by Council Resolution No. 996, Sixth
Avenu.e from Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 1886.2 feet, the
sum of $13.88, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate r.ate per front
foot of 8.007359.
SIJrinkling District No!. 197. created by Council Resolution No. 997. Seventh
Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 1868..7 feet, the
Bum of $14.17, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate p~r front
foot of $.007'58.
. Sprinlcli!lg District Ho. 198, created by Council Resolution No. 99B, Lind-
ley Place and on Koch from Lindley to Bozeman (paved portion), a tota), frontage of
1496.3 feet. the sum of $18.22, being 75;1 of the entire amount, or at. an approximate
rate per front foot of $.012177. .
Sprinkli,ng District No. 199, created by Council Resolution No. 999, Button-
wood Ayenue from Main street to the Cemetery, a t:otalfrontage of 1940.2 feet, the
s.um of $8, being 75'10 of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per fr.ont foot
of $.004123.
Sprinkling District No. 204, created 'by Council Resolution No. 1000, Main
Stree.t from Wallace Avenue to Buttonwood Avenue, a total frontage of 1.693 feet, the
sum of :$46.20, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approx.imate r.ate per front
foot of $.0273. .
Sprl nkling District No. 216, created by Council Resolution No. 1108, Mend-
enhall Street from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved portion), a. total frontage
of 2296 feet, the sum of $11.18, being 75?0 of the entire amoun.t, or at an approximate
rate per front foot of $.00487.
Spi'inkling Diatrict No. 217, created by Go;"ncilResoJutionNo. 1109, Lamme 0
Street from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved portion) ,a total frontage of.
i4081. 7 feet, the sum of $29.54, being 75% of the entire amoun. t, or at an appxoximatB ......:...... JI.........'
rate per front foot of $.007237. ,:J .,
.. " ' , ~ .
S~rinkl.ing District No.. 218, created by Council Resolution No. 1110, '. ..
Sevent~ Avenue north from Main Street to Beall Street, a total frontage of 1140. fBet,
the sum of $18.90, being 75% .of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate. per fr.ont
foot of $.01658.
Sprinkling District No. 219, created by Council Resolution No. 1111, North
FifthAvenue between Main Street and Beall Street, (paved portion), a total frontage
of 1120 feet , the, sum of :$5.74. 'being 75'1 of the entire amount., or at. an approximate
rate per front foot of $.005125.
Sprinkling District.No. 220, created by Council Resolution No. U12. North
Third Avenue between ~in and Peach S,treets .(paved, portion), a total frontage of 530
feet, the sum of ~4.04, 'j,Jeing 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per
front foot of $;00762.
Sprinklil1g District No. 232,. created by City GommissionResolution No.6,
South Black Avenue from Olive Street to College Street, a total frontage of 2258.22
feet, the sum of $15.95, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate
per front foot of $.007063.
Sprinkling District No. 233, created by C1 ty Commission Hesolution No.7,
South Third Avenue from Cleveland Street to Lin:coln Street, a t.otal frontage of 1200
feet, the sum of $6.94. being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate
per front foot of $.00578.
. .
Sprinkling District No. 234, created by City Commission Resolution No.8",
West Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1734
feet, the sum of $23.30, being 75% of the entire amount. or at an approximate rate.
per front foot of $.013437.
. Spr1nJ1rling District No. 235, created by City Commission Resolution No.9,
Dickerson. Street ..from Tracy Aven\1e toEJ;eventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1735.7
feet.tl1esum of :$7.24, being 75'% of the entire amount , or at an approximate rate
per frontfo ot of $.00417. .
Sprinkling District No. 236, created by City Commission Reso lution No.9,
Alderson Street from Willson Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 540 feet,
the sum of !$. 53, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front
foot of $.00098.
Sprinkling District
No. 237, created by City Commission Resolution No. 11,
Harrison Street from Tracy Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total frontage of 554 feet,
the sum of $3.38, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front
of $.0061. . .
Sprinkling District
No. 238,
created by City Cormnission Resolution No.
South Church Avenue from Main Street to Story Street, .a total frontage of 3457 feet,
the sum of $31.32, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per
front foot of '.00906.
District No. 100,
created by .Ceuncil Resolution Nos.
641 and 647, Main Street from Ida Avenue
to Fourth Avenue,
a total frontage of
6785.4 feet, the sum of $1389.1, being 50% of the
entire amount,
or at an. approximate
rate per front foot of $.204719.
Cutting Weeds for 1925,
pursuant to provision
of Ordinance No. 428, the
sum 0 f :~22. 70.
Removal of Snow for
1924 and 1925. pursuant to the provision of Ordinance
No. 502,
the sum of $374.27.
That the Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman is hereby
directed to spread upon his hooks
taxes hereby assessed and levied against
several piece~or parcels of land in each of the aforesaid districts,
in the propor-
tion as hereinbefore specified,
on the square foot or frontage basis,
as the case
may be,
and to. collect such taxe6 as by Ordinance of saidCi ty of Bozeman provided.
Sec., 3.
The schedules hereunto attached, for the several districts
by this Resa lu.tion as hereinbefore enumerated, .giving a description of the piece
parcel of land..
t axe s ,
the name of the owner thereof if known, and
the amount taxed
against such.p,iece or. parcel of land. and marked "Schedulesl.2.3,4,5.6,7.i3.9.1:0,11.
12,13..14,15,16.,17,,24 .25.26 ,:27.,28..29.30,31,32,33.34,35.36.37,38,39,,44...45.46:.,55,. 56.57.58,59,60.61,62,63.64,65.66 and
and each of thsmare a partef ,this Resolution.
~he taxes assessed and levied by this Resolution will be payable
upon the final adoption hereof,
and become delinquent on the 30th day of November.
Provisionally adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,
approved by the Mayor of said City,
this 3d day of September, 1925.