HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 65 Create SID No. 257 CITY COMMISSIONRESQLUTION NO. 65. A Rf!:SOLUTION OF Tm~ CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZF.MAN, rWNTANA. rnCLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID arTY CmBMISsION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEM!'~NT DIsTHrCT TO 133 KNO'NN AND rnSlGNII.TED AS SPECIAL IMPROV:SMENT DISTRICT NO. 257 OF SAID CITY, FOn THE PURPOS}~ OF CONS'\'TWGTING CONCF!ETE COMBINED CURB AN!) GUTTERS ,AIm T1rfO-COTJRSF. CRUSHED GM VEL MACADAM I'll. VF.MENT ; PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF PARKINGS A]ID PLANT ING TR.H:FS .AND GRASS THERF.ON, INSTALI,!NG SPRINl\I,ING 'BOXES FOR I?IUGAT ING SAID PARKINGS ANTI FOR THE FTITURF MAINTE~TANCE MID CAR? OF SAID P A\/ID,aENT AND CURB S, TRBES AND GRASS ON SIXTH AVENUE 'FROM A LINE 28 FEDT SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF Gfl.RFmLD STRF:ET TO TH3 NORTH CUlm LINn OF LHJCOLN STIrSET, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPHOvr'~MENTSAND THE MAINTENANCF, TBEREO:B' AGAINST THE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT, UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF Ttre PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277 INCLUSIVE, OF THE RF)VI SF.D CODES OF MONTANA, 1921, AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO. BE IT RE:SOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Sec" l. Tha t it is hereby deolared to be the int ention of the City Com- mission of the City of Bozeman, State of JiIontana, to create a special improvement district to be 1mbwn and designated as Specie\l Improvement District No. 257 of said City, for the purpose of making the improvements wi thin 8,aid special improvement dis- trict herein described.. Sec. 2. That the 1Joundaries of said Spec ial Improvement District No. 257 to be created are as follows: "Beginning at a point 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street. said point being 150 feet east of the east line of Sixth Avenue; thence south parallel with and 150 feet east of the said east line of sixth Ave- nue to a point 10 feet south of the north line of Lincoln Street; thence west parallel with and 10 feet south of the said north line of Lincoln street, to a point 150 feet we~t of the west line of said Sixth Avenue; tJ:lence north parallel with and 150 feet west af the fJaid west line of Sixth Avenue to a point 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street; thence east along a line 213 feet south of said south line of Garfield Street t.o the place of beginning". Sec. 3. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of said City Cam- mis si on of the City of Bozeman: Stat.e of Montana, that all of the land within said proposed special improvement district as defined in Section 2 of this Resolution, abutting on said improvement, will be specially and e quaIl;)' benefi tted by the im- provements contemplated, and should equally bear the cost of said improvements in accordance wi th the laws of the Gtate of MontarH:. in such case made and provided. Gee. 4. That the character of the impro~ements to be made within said district is as fallows: The construction of concrete combined curb and gutters and two-course crushed gravel macadam pavement; the grading and seeding of the par kings , the planting of trees and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue he tween a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield. Street and the north curb line of Lincoln Street. Sec. s. That an approximr<.te estimate of the cost of do ing all of the work, including excavation, combined curb and gutters, macadam pavement, gradi ng and seeding<parking, p.lanting trees, inst alling spl'inkl1ng1Joxes, enginee'rinc;, in'- , spection anq incidentals, is Seven Thousand, Four Hundred Sixty-two and 50/100 Dol- lars (4~7 ,462.50) . Sec. O. That the total frontage of the land within said proposeddistdet ...- --- --.-- . -- . ------.".-.--. ..- -..--....--------..-.-..-. - -..-- ,nd public places) is two thousand, ninety-two and 89/100 (2092.89) lineal feet, and approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement to be specially taxed and ,s ses sed agains t the land therein, is $3.5656 per front foot of said land. Sec. 7. That said parkings, curbs and macadam Davement shall be main- j ! .'1. ,ai ned, including the irrigating and mowing of the grass, the pruning of the trees, ;he reseeding of any portion of the grass or the replanting of any trees necessary, .he repair and maintenance of the curbs and macadam pavement, after the expiration If the guarantee peri od thereon, anO, generally, 'the doing of all work necessary and Irope r for the care and maint en0.nce of said parkings., curbs and macadam pavemen t ; ,he cos tthere of shall be borne by an. annual as sessment against the property within ,aid district, each lot or parcel of land t.herein tobe ,assessed as aforesaid. Sec., 8. That the entire cost and expense of making said special impTove- i . ~nts in said proposed District No. 257 shall be paid by Special Improvement District oupo~ Bonds as authorized by the laws of the state of Montana., whi,oh 'bonds shall be n the. denomin8.tion of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each and in fractiohs where Ie c es sary , to be issued and charg.eable agains'~ a fund to (Je known as Specio.l Improve- wnt District No. 257 Fund, sa}d bonds to be redeemable at the option .of the City of ,ozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special (l I mprovem~nt District No. 257 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple interest at the 'ate of ' six p.er cent. per annum, which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of aid improvement and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds bntil aid bonds are paid. Sec. 9. To pay said bonds and interest thereon, representing the cost of aiel improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the lands wi th- n said proposed Special Improvement District No. 257 as hereinbefore defined, each il1eal fo ot of the frantage thereof t.o be assessed and taxed for its proportionate hare of such entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places. Sec. 10. Said assessment and taxes ..----- "'" the adoption of this Resolution. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and u.pproved Mayor of said City, this 18th day of ,Tune, A.D. 1926. A TTES'l' : ~~I ~4-/~~//~~ "- MAyon. CLERK OF THE COMMISSION. ;j>I:'- NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the City ConITtlh1sion of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, held on Friday, the 18th day of June, A.D. 1926, a Reso lution of said Commie"i on was duly passed and adopted, declaring it tobe the intention of said Commission to create a special improvement district to be tnown and designated as Special Improvement District ]}o. 257 of said City of Bozeman, Mon- tana, for the purpoi3c of making irnp:rove~tlents as follows: The construction of concrete combined curb and gutters and two-course crushed gravel macadam pavement; the gradi n(; and see/ling of the purtings, the planting of treps and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue between a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street and the north curb line of Lincoln Street, and providing for the future maintenance of sairl improvements. And declaring it to be the i ntenti on of said City Commissi on to specially assess the entire COst and expense of 8ai0 improvernentc.: , including excavation, combined curl) and gutters; macadam pavement, grading and seeding par.idngs, planting trees, installing sprinkling bQxes, engineerinG, ins pee ti on and incidentals, ~gainst the land within said upecialimprovement district, each lineal foot of the frontage of thB land with- in said district to be asse'3sed and tiJ.xed for its proportionate share of said entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pu1)lic places. That the estim<i. te of the approxirote cost of constructing said improvement is Seven Thousand, Four Hundred Sixty-two and 50/100~oIlars (~p7 ,462. 50); tha t the total frontage of the property within said district to be assessed and tax.ed:for said improvements is 2092.89 1ine,,1 feet, and the estima.ted cost per lineal foot of said frontage to be so specially assessed and taxed, is~3.56513.