HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 64 Create SID No. 256 . ..- ---.. - .C ITY COMMISSION RBSOLlIT ION NO. 64. A RBSOLUTION OF TI-~ CITY COMMIRG 10;:;[ OF TIm r:I'T'Y OF B07,BMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO 3E THE INTENTION OF SAID CITY COlmISGION TO CRBAT~ A SPECIAL IMPROVE1~NT DISTRICT TO !II~ KNOWN ANTI DF.SIGNATED AS SPECIAl. IMPROvr.;1\f8;I'IT DIST~UCT NO. 256 OF SAID CITY, FOR THS PlJ]\Posr~ OF CONSTRUCTING CONCRSTE CURBS, A..1\fD STANDAHD OR '~JAT1.R'fijNITE 13 ITULITHIC PA 1J:TC1vT;:;:NT ; PHOVIDING ]'011 THE !flAKING OF PAIiKINGS AN]) PLAHTING TREES .l\.ND GRASS THEREON, INSTALLING SPRINKLING BO}~S FOR IRRIGATING SAID PARKINGS AND Icon TI-IE FUTURE l\lI\.I:NT:B~- NANCE AND CARH: OF SAID PAv};~MENT, CURBS, THERS AND GRASS ON SIXTH AVENUE FROM THE SOUTH LINBi OF CL11:VELAND STRT<mT TO A LINE 28 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF GARFIELD ST:~;:;ET, 'NITI-IIN SAID CITY, Al'm '1'0 SPECIALLY A.SST.'SS THE FNTIHE COST ANTI EXPENSE OF MAKING SAID IMPHOVEMENTS ANTI THE !\ilAHITENl\.NCE THEPJ!::OF AGAINST THC PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTlUCT, UNDEH AND BY VIRTm~ OJ" THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO [j277 INCLUSIVE, OJ!' THE IillVISED CODES OF MONT ANA, 1921, AND .A.NY AMEJi[T1l'1IRN'T'S TFIJI:l.:rr.TO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO};!!;! IS:3 ION OFTHS r ITY OF BOZE MAN: Sec. 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, to create a special improvement dis- tric t to be known and designated as Spec ia1 Improvement Dis tri ct l'Jo. 2ti6 of said City, for the purpose of ma.king the improvements within said speoial improvement i district herein described. Sec. 2. That the boundaries of 88;i<1 Speci8.1 Improvement District No. 256 to be created are as folloWs: "Beginning at a point in thei;) outh line of Cleveland Street, said point bei ng 7[j feet east of the eaf3t line of Sixth Avenue; thence south paral- 161 with and 75 feet east of the ~ai1 east line of SiTth Avenue to a point 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street; thence west parallel wi th and 28 feet south of the said ($outh line of Garfield Street, as originally platted, to a point 75 feet west of the west line of said SiXth Avenue; thence north parallel wi th and 75 feet west of the said west line of Sixth Avenue to the south line of Cleveland Street; thence east ,",long said south line of Cleveland street to the plaee of beginning". -See. 3. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of said City Com- mission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, that all of the land within said proposed special improvement district as defined in Section 2 of this Hesolution, abutting on said improvement, will be specially and equally 1Jenefi tted by the im- provements contemplated, and should equally bear the cost of said improvements in .. accordance with the laws of the Stat e of Ivlontana in such case made and provided. Sec. 4. That the character of the improvements to be ma.de wi thin said dis- trict is as folloVls: The construction of Concrete Curbs and Standard or 'Yarrenite BHulithic Pavement; the grading and seeding of the Parkings, the pla,nting of trees and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue between the south line of Cleveland Street and a lin6 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Sh'e et. Sec. 13. Tha t an approximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the '!lOrk, inoluding excavation, curbe, pavement, Brading and seeding parking. planting trees, installing sprinkling boxes, engine eri ng, i nspec tion and incident8.1s, is Twelve Thousand, Thirteen, and 50/100 DolLars ($12,013.50). Sec. ------ assessed against the land the rei n, is $8.8205 per front foot of said land. Sec. 7. That said parkings, ourbs and p4vement shall l)e maint.ained, in- rT cluding the irrigating and mowine; of the grass, the pruning of the trees, the re.. seeding of any portion of the grass or the replanting of any trees necessary, Hie .J repair and maintena nce of the curbs and pavem ,ont , after the expiration of the guar- antee period thereon, and, generally, the doing of all worI, necessary and proper for the care and maintenance of said parklngs, curbs and pavement' the cost thereof shall be borne by an annual asseSDment against the property within said district, each lot or parcel of land therein to be assessed as aforesaid. Sec. 8. That the entire cos t and expense of !T1i;tking said spec ial improv(,- mente in said proposed District No. ;256 shall "be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds as authorized by the laws of the state of Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of O11,e Hundred Dollars ($100.00 ) each and in fractions where necessary, to be issued and chargeable agains t a fund to be' known as Special Improve- ment D'istrictNo. 256 Fund, said bondf:J to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman , Montana, whenever fund~3 arB available for that purpose frbm said Special Improvemo11,t District No. 256 l"und. Said bonds cJhall draw simple inte reGt at the rate of six per cent. pe r a nnW.1 , which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said imlHo vement and shall run from the 0ate of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are paid. Sec. 9. To pay said bonds and interest thereon, representing the coet of said impTovernent, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the lands with- in said proposed Special Improvement District No. 256 as hereinbefore defined, each lineal foot of the frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate shclre of s~ch entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pUblic places. Sec. 10. Said assessment and taxes shall be payable in twenty-one annual , install!'1ents with six per cent. annucll interest on deferred payments commencing with the year 1927, but this provision shall not be cons trued to prevent full payment clt any t i!Jle . Sec. n. That the regular session of the City Commif3sion of the :;Hy of ,. Bo?,eman, ....-...--.- ....--.. ..-... ....- - by the Mayor of said City, this 18th day of ,Tune, /,. n. 1926. ATTEST: ~AJ/Hvt/~L (~ W..:1Z.A~Ari/J( MAYOn. CL?RK OF T}~ COID~IS8ION. NOT ICE Notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting; of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. state of Montana, held on Friday, the 16th day of June, A.D. 1926. a Resolution of said Commi~3sion was duly passed and adopted, declaring it to' be the intention of said CormTIission to c:reate a c,peci8.l improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 256 of said City of Boz,eman, Montana, for the purpose of making improvements as follows: The construct'ion of cQncrete curbs and standard or Wa.rrenite Eitulithic pavement; the grading and seeding of the parkings, the planting of trees and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue between the south line of Cleveland Street and a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street, and providing for the future maintenance of said improve- men t s . "nd declaring it to be the intention of said City Commission to specially assess the entire c6~t and expense of said improvements, including excavation, curbs, pavement. gradingEmd seeding parkingfJ, )lanting trees, installing sprinkling boxes, engi ne e 1'.. ing J inspection and incidentals, agains t the land witbin said special improvement district, each lineal foot of the frontage of the land within said district to be assessed and taxed for its proportionate <;hare of said entll-e cost, axel us i VB of streets, avenues, ",lleys and public places. Too. t the estimu.te of the approximate cost of constructi.ng said/improvement is;r12, 013. [,(1; that the total frontage of the property within sEd d d i s t ri c t to b e as- sessed and taxed for said improvements is 1362 lineal feet, and the estimated cost per lineal foot of said frontage to be so speci~lly assessed and taxed, is ~8.8205. Tha t Friday, the 9th day of ,July, 1926, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. of s aid day at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, said City of Bozeman, State of Mon- tana, has been d esignate~ as the time and place when and where the said City Commis- sion will hear and pass upon all -protests against the proposed improvement or erea", tion of said' speci2,1 improvement district, aDd the land therein to be assesBed, or either both or any thereof. That at "'tny time within fifteen days after the first publication of this notice any owner of property li8,1)le to be asserH3ed on a.ccount of said proposed improvement may mate proteGt against said improvement or against the extent or creation of said speoial improvement district in the manner provided by law, suoh protest to be filed with the Clcrlc of said City Commission at the City Hall of said City of Bozeman. State of Montana, and such protest or protests considered by sa.id City Co"mmiss~on at the time and place as hereinb~fore speCified. .. --.----