HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4555 Hyalite-Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project so 9* !: Commission Memorandum co.N0 t_ REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bob Murray, Project Engineer PM Rick Hixson, City Engineer SUBJECT: Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project— Change Order No. 9. MEETING DATE: October 6, 2014 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager's signature on the Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project—Change Order No. 9. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of change order number 9 for the above referenced project. This change order includes seven items. One is a credit and six are additions. Page two of the change order entitled"Change Order No. 9 Summary"provides a short description of each of the items involved with this change. The remainder of the document contains the detailed backup cost information for each item. Overall this change will increase the contract price by $110,327.00 and the contract time by 73 days. The final recommended change in cost and time for these items is reasonable and commensurate with the work involved. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: Overall this change order increases the contract amount by$110,327.00 from $27,160,037.00 to $27,270,364.00. This will decrease the contingency on the project from $1,392,928.00 to $1,282,601.00. The contingency is included in the overall budget for the project but not in the construction contract which is why the change order must be processed. Attachments: Change Order No 9,Resolution No 4555 Report compiled on: 9/18/14 Fal -1 MORRISON CHANGE ORDER -;,A No. 9 DATE OF ISSUANCE EFFECTIVE DATE OWNER City of Bozeman CONTRACTOR Apollo, Inc. Contract: Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Project: City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project OWNER'S Contract No. ENGINEER HDR/MMI ENGINEER's Contract No. 00...88114 You are directed to snake the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: Changes as outlined in attached summary. Reason for Change Order: Refer to descriptions in attached summary. Attachments:Change Order No. 9 Summary with attachments. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: 810 $26,879 130.00 Ready for final payment: 870 (days or dates Net Increase(Decrease)from previous Change Net change from previous Change Orders No. 0 to Orders No.0 to 8 No. 8 : Substantial Completion: 77 $ 280,907.00 Ready for final payment: 136 (days) Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 887 $27 160 037.00 Ready for final payment: 1,006 (days or dates Net increase(decrease)of this Change Order: Net increase(decrease)this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 0 $ 110,327.00 Ready for final payment:73 (days) Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 887 $27,270,364.00 Ready for final payment: 1,079 (days or dates) Contractor certifies and agrees that there are no additional costs or claims for extra work,additional time,delays or omitted items,of any nature whatsoever,associated with the subject change order items,except as identified and set forth herein and unless expressly stated otherwise in the Change Order. And further,that the price agreed-upon herein represents the full cost and value for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the terms of the con act and hat the work quantities and value were properly determined and are correct. n/,W/OLV,, L&T C6NTRMTOR(Authorized Signature) Da e RECOMMENDED BY: ENGINEER- Signature Date OWNER(Authorized Signature) Date EJCDC 1910-8-B(1996 Edition Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. Change Order No. 9 Summary City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Summary This change order consists of seven Change Proposal Requests (CPR). The following is a list of the CPRs included in the change order: CPR Description Price Time 152R HVAC Changes $79,282.00) 70 156 Snow Brakes for Sky Lights $21,076.00 3 166 Unit Heater Vents $ 6,850.00 0 168 Hart Communicator ($2,988.00) 0 177 Overflow Vault Removal $ 2,612.00 0 178 Electrical for Wastewater Tank $ 2,911.00 0 181 Additional Pavement $ 584.00 0 Total $110,327.00 73 CPR 152R HVAC Changes This change provides for additional heating at the membrane racks and other heating system modifications. Documentation included for this change is CPR 152R with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. CPR 156 Snow Brakes for Sky Lights This change adds snow brakes on the sky light system to retain snow and ice on the sky lights. Documentation included for this change is CPR 156 with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. CPR 166 Unit Heater Vents This change modifies the location for a vent system on a unit heater to help in avoiding snow and ice damage. Documentation included for this change is CPR 166 with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. CPR 168 Hart Communicator This change provides a credit for monitoring equipment that was not required for the project. Documentation included for this change is CPR 168 with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. CPR 177 Overflow Vault Removal This change provides for removal of the overflow vault to complete the demolition phase of the project. Documentation included for this change is CPR 177 with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. CPR 178 Electrical for Wastewater Tank This change provides for an equipment stand for a transmitter at the wastewater tank location and extends conduit and cable to the transmitter location. Documentation included for this change is CPR 178 with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. CPR 181 Additional Pavement This change provides for additional asphalt pavement on the project. Documentation included for this change is CPR 181 with a detailed breakdown and recommendation. End NA2105\059\Construction Docs\Change Orders\CO 9\Change Order Summary.docx CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project CPR No.: 152R3 CPR Date: 6/26/2014 Date Sent to Contractor: 6/26/2014 Date Rec'd From Contractor: TO: Apollo, Inc. Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): FINAL CPR DOCUMENT. Modify previous CPRs 152131 and 152R2 to provide a reduced scope of HVAC modifications originally contemplated in CPRs 152, 152R1 and 152R2. The proposed modifications, by facility area, are summarized as follows and on the attached (revised) mechanical and electrical drawings: Area A: 1. Delete all added work contemplated for Area A, and plan for installation in the future. 4_-- 1pply and install Rew Radian H eF RH 6608, ,-A.nith integfel supply and exhaust aiF wiride.. c PFeSS re gas u 2---Supp F11V and install+yew . Area B: 2. Supply and install new Radian Heaters RH-6606 and RH-6607 (revised size at 200 MBTUH and 80 LF long), with integral supply and exhaust air duct vented to outside at nearest dormer sidewall. Provide medium pressure to low pressure gas regulator to enable use of existing gas pipeline fir medium pressure supply. Mount radian heaters from membrane filter racks using painted C-channel support from adjacent membrane racks. Us through rod supports from the channel supports. Locate 80 LF long radiant heaters centered over valve racks. 3. Add natural gas regulators for unit heaters in room to enable the use of the existing north gas pipeline as a medium pressure gas pipeline. 4. Locate radian heater thermostats adjacent to the membrane module valve racks of the north membrane modules. Area C: 5. Complete wall louver modifications and coil blowout modifications as originally included in CPRs 152 and 152R1. ti. a4-do presse 4ev�eFRGGFn te enable-dischaFge-ef+Gem A 1nj inmo+or d UM ,, , } ti'ee' Ming--e.Jl-[GRd'ing i tte'TttC'�tp��� 1�TeFmipate � �' 8_„1-diameter. wi##-sty*„'Fg_9s C+^^' mesh at-the et epep}ng DELETE per CPR 152R3. H DR/MMI Date: 6/26/2014 TO: MDR Engineering, Inc./Morrison Maierle, Inc. Proposal: Cost_ Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor Date TO: Accepted/Not Accepted HDR/MMI: Date Accepted/Not Accepted Owner: Date Recommend to accept at a total cost of$79,282 and 70 contract days. Contract time increase is based on a 49 time period to procure materials and construct the work and 21 days to develop and review shop drawings. The contract time for shop drawing development/review is estimated and subject to change. _.James Nickelson 07-24-14 a Page� GENERAL CONTRACTOR,..Building people Wbo Build Groat Things DATE: _ 718/2014 OWNER: City of Bozeman Apollo PCO NO.: 287Rav4 DESCRIPTION: HVAC upgrades Owner CPR No: 152Rey4 "Conditions of Proposal are in strict accordance with attached quotes COST BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION n4O UNIT UNIT MAIL MArL TOTAL UNIT LABOR LABOR TOTAL UNIT EQUIP TOTAL EQUIP SUBS Subcontractor Quote 4 G Plumbing is 54,003 00 Mountain Stales Electr c Is 5,037 00 Pipe Labels roll 149.00 298.00 Seal Waill penetrations and trim mh 325.00 325.00 39,58 633.28 Ficurbde Wall Rework mill 1.000.00 1,000 00 39.58 1,5B3.20 Clean up&Garbage Handling 0.5 mn 1,125.00 562.50 1.400,00 700.0.3 Onsite Office Admin 0.25 mn 800.00 200.00 Piping Supervision 0 Mh 93.20 QC Inspections 0 hr. 59.70 Superintendent 80 hr. 14.50 1A60.00 93.20 7.45600 3,54 5.50 LABOR 10,372.48 EQUIPMENT 59,040.00 SUBCONTRACT "Quote excludes painting,QAIQC,aressure testing,and s esmic MATERIALS engineering, MARK @ 15% 531.83 MARK @ 15% 1.555.87 MARK @ 15% 2.952 00 MARK @ 5% 4.077.33 11,928.35 61,992,00 SUBTOTAL "Clanticagons:Area C ductwork adding insulated panel in blower room and coil blowout in hypo caustic room,soap test included.puce includes galvnized strut- SUBTOTAL= 77,997.68 INSURANCE 8:BOND @ 0.64%- 499.19 SUBTOTAL= 78,496.86 Deduct 5% GRT 1% 78C97 TOTAL- $ 79,282.00 Paso 1 11' C UNIV AIM STATES Change Order Proposal Change Request No: CO#58 To. APOLLO INC. Date Of Proposal: 7/1/2014 Job #: 12-008 PR # CPR #152R3 Job Name:SOURDOUGH/HYALITE WTP Attention: AMY JENNE Work To Be Done: PROPOSED COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CPR#152 REV. 2. POWER AND CONTROL FOR HEATERS 6606 AND 6607 ONLY. INCLUDES COSTS TO REMOBILIZE TO JOB SITEITRAVEL,SUBSTISTANCE Hrs: Rate: Labor Fours: 29 $ 62.62 $ 1,815.98 Supervision Hours., 10% OF DIRECT LABOR $ 66.31 $ Labor Burden-included Total Labor Dollars: $ 1,815.98 Travel Time & Subsistance: Hrs x Rate $ - Small Tools as a % of Labor: 0.00% % Of Labor $ 1,815.98 $ - Material & Supplies: $ 487.00 Tools & Equipment Rentals: $ Estimation, Manager review&Admin Costs: $ Additional Safety Costs: 0.00% %Of Labor $ 1,815.98 $ Additional Milage, Transportation Costs: $ Cleanup & Handling Costs: Consumables: LIFT RENTAL $ 500.00 Warranty: REMOBE/TRAVEUSUB $ 1,500.00 Estimated Job Disruption/Delay Costs: Other Misc.: This change requires a time extension of: Total Other Costs: $ 2,487.00 days. Pricing void/subject to revision after Total Estimated Direct Costs: The costs represented in this Change Proposal $ 4,302.98 include only those costs which can be identified MARKUP 15.00% $ 645.45 at this time. No impact or delay costs are included. SUBCONTRAC 5% $ - Should it be determined that the project is impacted $ at a later date by multiple changes, delays, or other causes beyond our control, we will submit these Subtotal: $ 4,948.43 at that time. BOND 0.80% $ 39.59 GROSS RECIEPTS 1.00% $ 49.48 Total Proposed Change Order price: $ 5,037.50 Submitted By: Terry Rizzuto Date: Approved By: Date.- Title Project Manager/Estimator J� .,NG & NFq�i PROPOSE® a CHANGE ORDER A ro Missoula,Montana 4'G PLUMBING & HEATING `y 728-1515 0 P.O. Box 17140 '9 Missoula, MT 59808 2�CAL CpN Ph: (406) 728-1515 Fx: (406) 728-6257 Date: 2-Jul-2014 Project No.: 2533 To: Apollo Construction Project Title: Bozeman Hyalite WTP 1133 W Columbia Dr Kennewick, WA 99336 CO Request No:2533-19.R3 revised Attn: Stacee Keller Reply to RFP: CPR-152 We are requesting a change order for the following additional services: Additional cost per CPR-152 BAF excluded. Radiant heaters cannot be rigidly mounted or secured as they need the ability to expand and contract We will install radiant heaters per manufacturers recommendations by hanging with cables or chains and supported from membrane racks in area B, all area A work excluded at this time. Electrical excluded for radiant heaters and BAF. All duct modifications for area C compressor/blower room are excluded. Existing ducting will remain as is and existing louver will be blanked off with sheetmetal cover interior only. Low voltage wiring included for radiant heater thermostats. Qty Description Cost Each Cost Total 1 Material4G $ 8,276.04 $ 8,276.04 132.53 Labor 4G $ 64.71 $ 8,576.02 7,95 Project Foreman coordination $ 64.71 $ 514.44 5.3 Project Manager $ 64.71 $ 342.96 0% $ _ 15% JOVERHEADIPROFIT 2,656.42 Subtotal 20,36 .88 $ - 1 Air Controls Area B $ 19,453.00 $ 19,453.00 1 Air Controls Area C $ 8,823.00 $ 8,823.00 1 insulation Repair Area C $ 3,250.00 $ 3,250.00 0% $ 5% OVERHEAD/PROFIT $ 1,576.30 Subtotal 33,10 .3 1% MONTANA GROSS RECEIPTS TAX $ 534.68 0% BOND $ Total $ 54,003 Attachment if you have any questions concerning this Change Order proposal, Time Extension in Days please call. All Change Order pricing is valid for 30 days from the above date unless otherwise noted. By: Cory Hanninen cory(a.4gplumbing.com 413 PLUMBING & HEATING, Inc. 4G Plumbing and Heating 5641 West Harder LABOR Missoula,Mt.59808 HRS RATE Job Number: 2533 superintendant $6621 $000 Project: Bozeman Hyalite foreman 7.95 S64.71 S514.56 System: Radiant Heaters joumeyman 13253 $64.71 $8,576.02 Date: 71212014 laborer $40.00 $0.00 General Contractor Ref.ID pr.Manager 530 $67.71 $358.94 TOTALS $9,449.52 LF QTY DESCRIPTION MATL LABOR T MATL 041 3.00 gas regulators existing heaters 45.71 1 23 $140.13 CREDITS ADDS 0513 2.00 gas regulators new radiant 170.47 1 12 $340.94 1.50 200 core holes 35.00 300 $70.00 4100 1,00 gas tie in at 51b line 67.55 400 $67.55 300 1,00 re-purge existing gas line 3.00 S0.00 6 co 100 test new gas line(nitrogen) 160.00 6.00 $150.00 52 00 1.00 gwckpen gas ineirelief vents 100200 52.00 $1,002.00 13.62 1.00 duct drains 307.00 13.62 $307,00 0.00 $0.00 1 00 80'boom lift for exterior work 2504,00 0.00 $2,604.00 including louvers and VfR's 0.00 $0.00 100 manlift 30'sissor interior 355,00 0 00 $355.00 1 00 manlift mobilization 200.00 000 $200.00 1.00 mechanical permit 880.00 000 $880.00 0.50 600 screens for relief vents 10.00 300 $60 00 022 700 118 x 112 relief vent adapters 9.88 1.54 $69 16 TOTALS $0.00 $0 00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 600 drill vent holes and seal 5.00 6.00 $30.00 demo 1 00 specialty tool rental 100.00 0.00 $100 00 rough 4.00 1.00 mobilize 10000 4.00 $100.00 finish 400 1,00 demobilize 100,00 400 $100.00 excavate 1200.00 vehicle 0.75 000 $900.00 backfilt 3 00 2.00 cooling coil biowdowns 75.00 6.00 $150,00 waste 0.00 so.00 water 0.00 $0,00 heal 0.00 $0.00 cooling 1.00 2.00 2 stage nema 4 thermostats 217.95 2.00 S435.90 condensate 4,00 2.00 wire and conduit for stals 100.00 8.00 $200 00 0.00 $0.00 1.50 3.00 demo existing heater piping 4.50 $0.00 labor factor 132,53 2.00 3.00 repipe existing units 6.00 $0.00 total firs 132.53 1.00 consumables 30.00 0.00 $30 00 0.05 300 1-114 LR nipples 4.55 0.15 $13,55 0.77 300 1-114 LR couplings 13.08 2.31 $39.24 0.05 100 2 LR nipple 7.62 0.06 $7.62 1.00 100 2 LR couplings 23.85 1.00 $23.85 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0 00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0 00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0,00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 Total 132.53 $8,276 04 From: Brian Clevenoer To: cam subject: CPR#152-R3 COST BREAKDOWN Date: Wednesday,)uty 02,2014 2:41,03 PM Cory, Here is my price breakdown for the latest#152 R-3 AREA C Blank off existing compressor room louver(no dampers) Install new louver 24"x48" louver and ducting to ACU#6603 (hole cutting in building and metal flashing by others) 1. 4`X10' Sheets Aluminum $900 2. Stainless steel duct mate $600 3. Duct mate corners $400 4. Lifts/duct jacks $150 5. Labor 78.85 55046 6. Vemco eaui ment 5576 - TOTAL @15% $8823 AREA B Radiant heaters #6606&#6607 installed with vents 1. Venting material $890 2. Stainless steel angles/bolts $2160 3. Lifts jacks $250 4. Labor 150.78 59650 5. Vemco equipment $3966 TOTAL @15% $19453 Net 30 days after invoice i�wv 7510 Shedhorn Drive Bozeman,]V•IT 59718 ip$l 406.587.6292 1, 406.585.3430 From: r&t To: L2 Subject: FW: Bozeman WTP cpr152.2 Date; Wednesday,July 02,2014 3:28:25 PM From: chadf@vemcoinc.com [mailto:chadf@vemcoinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 8:32 AM To: Cory; bclevenger@bozemanaircontrols.com Subject: RE: Bozeman WTP cpr152.2 Updated pricing per the latest revisions. AREA g -- QUOTATION 2 — Detroit Radiant model DX-3 80-200 single stage tube heaters with hanging chains, sidewall intake/vent kits, and thermostats (Note: Vent" material by others) TOTAL = $3966.00 AREA C —.QUOTATION 1 — Ruskin 24" x 48" stationary louver with baked enamel finish (aluminum) TOTAL = $576.00 Thanks, Chad Fry Verrico Inc. 406-551-1222 - Direct CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project CPR No : CPR Dale: 12/30/2013 Date Sent to Contractor: 12Q0/20t3 Dale Reed from Contractor: TO: Apollo,Inc. Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): Provide a cost to install snow stop bars on the four (4) skylights above Area C per the attached detail. HDR/1vIMl Date: 12/301? 013 TO: HDH Engineering,Inc./Morrison Maierle,Inc. Proposal: Cost _ _ Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor—__-_ Date TO: Accepted/Not Accepted HDR/MMI:Date Accepted/NotAccepted_____ _ _ Owner:Date Recommend to accept on a not to exceed $21,181 basis. Material cost accepted as listed, labor and equipment cost to be at time and materials per Article 11.01 of the General Conditions. Three contract day extension to final completion time. James Nickelson 01-28-14 Actual cost have been obtained and final cost is $21,076. James Nickelson 07-24-14 rX sr cv 1•4c". JLlcnEt nT o.c to � aftylsoF li(X• ; I ,r Z)14'SH2 KPL`A'ALL j GiT,nlU�PASS PATIEIS I % I I a ® —E+0-t4r. L-.rAsl+&z; � I i +rlayavl MlO SMS X V ALUV i I 38RACtEi 6'x 19'ALUl.I. �7 BOX RJAI i BOX BFAV �I ((AFTER ® I 1I i r / / �--'Ar ALtkm.$MM i I I i I � ICI ! I 1 j I A'�7cF S*EEl cVW0 Bye-(EQ.; O�Tp DUr J °Fe xt3d. 7Cr/ 7V M DO;e�R!S ovr ra,Jn_�. `+ eoNs 5)EL SECTION__ J P!p. 4l11lMLCOMMCTOq„W60M0 M�la Wb�asYa 6na7►I�µ DA75r _ yMROU OWNOR• CHy et OorettlM .,.PGO NO: 291 DESCRIPTION Add X80 SnO-M.PMA—C Own"CPR No 156 COST BREAKDOWN DESCRiPT10N OTY UNIT UNIT MATT. MAIL TOTAL UNIT LABOR LABOR TUfAL UNRECUW TOTAL EOUtR SUBS Rabr VatleT pass 1954300 R�!ME Inem OC Ina Mena __ ht S 59 TDuR"�nlcndvN _ 21x 93 0 1864p 61.ERALS 18D 00 19943 CO LABOR EQUIPMENT MARK Oj t5% WIRY.(Q tb% 27 09 MARK 16% 9T7 S-JBcOjr15 MARK¢S� 214 1 —• 1 ZU SM IS SUBTOTAL ViB'OVAL- 2073431 arSURANCE 6 BOND 1)D 64%5 132 70 SUBTOTAL- 2D.-U 0.4w S% GRT1% 2C667 TOTAL- = 2t,078.00 •aaa t Page- No. I of ( Pages IftUBYTAIMY GLASS Glass for All Seasons and Reasons 1300 flopsilia 580-1620 Bozef�tafs, Mt sm O 586-1333 Pll4Po5Al. SUBMtTfED 1'0 - - IFA PHONE STR DA7x EE r L,I H)B HMIE 1 Cm.STATE AM Zw cxwk LL_L_c*, taArel 7/f�7�Nttf �la�� one LOCATION ARCHITE�Ib ' DATE of l�,Ak$ JOB %10NE We ysuhmll speciticatiansand eslilmates tgr-. - __ CP2 �5� ------------ 222 - . G1r _ ......Sd�o ,- �t Glr lot lirly;M21' hsreby to furnish material and tabor --Complete in a=rdance with aiboye specillCations, for the sum Of. Payment t0 be made as flows: dollars($ All mAte W Fl gnernntced to be a;spetlltttL AII work to be Matmer according to MAnderd C'D°o, tad IA a Meckmamlw �j��/�• ,�A W9'Cdt#i.Any*0Y u DMA o[ mn oti e ,ItoM *n a iR spg4g&A Authorized flans)m.a{v:ng cabs testa wilt tw 9setulad wily uppn r`rilten orgtrs,dnq ttiN�ti YA 31t�lure 'M7G6 taro eharg*arty and Clove th=e5tlbtita.All-9--W S conWWtn14P011 6SIi11�S.kocfdants Ot ewark ;jrefy-and out toatrot,firmer ta carry firs.tomes'end albs n�tvnesry inwr;nM tbW- ibis proposal Ot1r rwrMus are Duty�vcrvtl>'Y WorkmerP;Compel &tioo)ni4rdgte. p Aosal may - - withyrown by us it MA atreoted within—'- and conditions are satirfatt*ry and are hereyy occePbad- YOU are authdriZed Signature to do the work as spcOicd.Payment will be made as outlined abort. 13W Stonegate Dr. t3ozfmRn,irtt' 59715 Ruby Valley Glass Phone:(406)580-1820 Fox(406)$8&1333 fax FAX; Darb4c mta w ❑urBemt For Re,rlow ❑Please COMMMA 0 Pfeasa RaPoy 0 Plea"R*C:Ycls *Corttrtt®rtt - ���7�� IGc�'7�. Q C✓' Vt Our G1��S' S�,+�T� Ivor r �H FROr1 :RUBY UALLEYULASS INC. FAX NO. :40S 535 1333 Jun. 17 2014 09:38A`1 P4 TRI-.1ACK DESIGN PRODUCTS CO PO BOX 20364 invoice BILLINGS,MT 59104 (4M)652-2555 EN�27/201�4E6764 TECE# FAX 652-4441 BILL TO SHIP TO RUBY VALLEY GLASS RUBY VALLEY GLASS 1300 STONEGATE DRIVE C/O HYALITE SOURDOUGH WTP BOZEMAN MT 59715 7022 SOURDOUGH CANYON ROAD BOZEMAN,MT 59715 P.O. NUMBER TERMS PROJECT PRODUCT# DAI,E Net 30 HYALIMSOURDOUGH-STRU... S11.449 QUANTITY ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRIGS EACH AMOUNT 1 MATERIAL STRUCTUI F-s 65 LINEAL.FT OF 3 PfPE ALUM SNOW 9,759.00 9,759,00 FENCE AS PER QUOTE THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Total $9,759.00 7D 0 D VaJre c Name: p TWE SHEET D r r Week of.- m n r r {AtEtafSho Jo3�siteJOfftcel � tt+ :-xde�a'a�• - eiit: +G yr 2. C! ) �4-1 3 -IV L _ 1 1 r f'1L✓C7 lv�sv /xa QA U� cn �!-r -1 SKz 16 cn W o k2 Lao 57 f x o o Y �rralnrC: TOTALS,-' � r 3 H VI F'HOM :RUBY VALLEY6LHSS [NC. FAX NO. :4@6 5% 1333 Jun. 1"I 2014 09;39AM F15 MOUNTS IN EQUIPMENT OF MONTANA Invoice P.O. BOX628 101 SUNFIELD DRIVE 406)388-3259 Date ( 13ELG"DE, MT 59714 tA*=4 j JkVG-0.,14 Big .... ........ Ship To XURY VAJ.LrW GI 1300&TONEGATE DIUVE 8OZtMAN,MT 397111 P.O.Number Tema Rep Ship vo Project 2/2 0 1 A Quantity Item CodeT-i-aceEach Amount IiaiT EQIAPMFNT RENTAL-6-, GENIE BOOM—1GiFr 51V14TO iDDIS�U VERY AND 1:WAL FNS(JKANCEO* 7"m LUQ iSAV14--RENTAL PRICE INCLUDES t � { � I I PICKUP,AND it 1WEAPFREQATmEi'6( —"USMESS111 Total S2,7ZI.00 CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project CPR No.: 166 CPR Date: 2/27/2014 Date Sent to Contractor: 2/27/2014 Date Rec'd from Contractor: TO: Apollo, Inc. Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): Demolish the 4 IN GUH 6601 (located in the northeast corner of Area B) combustion air supply and exhaust duct and stack damaged by ice and snow and replace with the following: 1. Install new 6 IN combustion air supply and return ducts extended approximately 50 LF to the building dormer located west of GUH-6601. 2. Install a new or modified ventilation exhaust/intake plenum and exhaust stack to the eastern sidewall of the dormer identified above. Install a minimum of 2.5 FT above the metal building top roofing system. 3. Complete flashing repairs including building insulation at the existing stack location following removal. HDR/MMI Date: 2/27/2014 TO: HDR Engineering, Inc./Morrison Maierle, Inc. Proposal: Cost Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor Date TO: Accepted/Not Accepted HDR/MMI: Date Accepted/Not Accepted Owner: Date Recommend to accept at a total cost of$6,850. James Nickelson 07-24-14 ® Page 1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR...Building People Who Build Great Things DATE: 7/21/2014 OWNER: City of Bozeman Apollo PCO NO.: 306Rev1 DESCRIPTION: Demo GUH•6601 Owner CPR No: 166 COST BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT MAT'L MAT'L TOTAL UNIT LABOR LABOR TOTAL UNIT EQUIP TOTAL EQUIP SUBS Repair Roof&Patch concrete holes 1 Is 325,00 325.00 1,152.00 1,152.00 4G(See attached 3f26(14 email explaining scope of Quote as it vanes from CPR scope) 1 IS 4,596.00 Piping Supervision 0 Mh 93.20 QC ins eclions 0 hr. 59.70 Superintendent 2 hr. 9320 186.40 325.00 1,338.40 4,596.00 MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACT MARK @ 15% 48.75 MARK @ 15% 200.76 MARK @ 15% 229.80 MARK @ 1 373.75 1,539.16 4,825.801 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL= 6,738.71 INSURANCE&BOND @ 0.64%= 43.13 SUBTOTAL- 6,781.84 Deduct 5% GIRT 1% 67.82 TOTAL= $ 6,850.00 479-31 Page 1 LNG & y CHANGE ORDER 4v G� 3 W 4G PLUMBING & HEATING tt► Missoula,Montana cc `y 728-1515 'tom P.O. Box 17140 9 Q�' Missoula, MT 59808 ��CAL CON�� Ph: (406) 728-1515 Fx: (406) 728-6257 Date: 16-Jul-2014 Project No.: 2533 To: Apollo Construction Project Title: Bozeman Hyalite WTP 1133 W Columbia Dr Kennewick, WA 99336 CO Request No: 2533-21 Attn: Stacee Keller Reply to RFP: CPR-166 We are requesting a change order for the following additional services: Manufacturer recommendations do not allow for combustion or flue piping to be increased to 6" diameter. we propose to side wall vent combustion and flue through north wall with seperation per manufacturer recommendations Costs are dependant when we can actually get a lift to the north side to complete high work near or at roof. if we can use the lift at the same time as CPR-152, it would significanitly reduce costs. Existing heater may need to be relocated 15'-20', which would affect electrical (electrical work not included) Qty Description Cost Each Cost Total 1 Materail $ 405.00 $ 405.00 11 Labor $ 64.71 $ 711.81 $ - 0% $ - 15% OVERHEAD/PROFIT 167.52 ubtotal 1,284.33 1 Air Controls $ 3,111.00 $ 3,111.00 $ 0% $ - 5% OVERHEAD/PROFIT $ 155.55 Subtotal 3,266.55 1% IMONTANA GROSS RECEIPTS TAX $ 45.51 0% IBOND $ - Total $ 4,596 Attachment If you have any questions concerning this Change Order proposal, Time Extension in Days please call. All Change Order pricing is valid for 30 days from the above date unless otherwise noted. By: Cory Hanninen corv(a-)4gplumbina.com 4G PLUMBING & HEATING, Inc. From: Brian Clevenger To: CON Subject: CPR#166 Date: Wednesday,March 26,2014 9:07:06 AM CPR # 166 2-remove existing venting from GUH-6601 and provide new sidewall venting Price does not include lifts Material $925 $925.00 revised 7/16/14 Labor. $2100 27.81@64 = $1779.84 X15% $3558 X15%= $3111.00 Thanks Sent from my iPad CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project CPR No.: 168 CPR Date: 3/5/2014 Date Sentto Contractor: 3/5/2014 Date Reed from Contractor: TO: Apollo, Inc Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): Provide a credit for the 445 Hart Field Communicator. The owner already has one and the additional instrument specified is not required. HDR/MMI Date: 3/5/2014 TO: HDR Engineering,Inc./Morrison Maierie, Inc Proposal: Cost Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor --...._..._..........---------- Date TO: AcceptedlNot Accepted HDR/MMI: Date _ Accepted/Not Accepted Owner: Date Recommend to accept at a credit of$2,988. t---- �`� James Nickelson 07-24-14 92 ga, GtNLRAL CONMACroll.wiuFa Vice•i•WA•WiA 41+t TJM• DATE: 3"213014 OWNER, Cp7aBoleman -- APdIP PCO NO_ lap DESCRIPTION; Credl[A4SHvI C_o_mmunRNx COST BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTON OTY UNIT UNIT MAIL MATLTOTAL UIUTLABOR LABORTOTAL UNITEOUIP TOTAL EQUIP SUBS cue _7 i Ic'— 6s`r m 0 9320 _ 59 Ta 02720 htAT@4y113 l.1KK717 ECWPIAENT SUBCON(RACt /AARK1415% UAPn©15'•. ----TT MARK(f 15% MANY,a 5% 4272M SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL= K2.82720( INSURANCE S BOND Q 0 S7%= 080% SUBTOTAL= 12.Us 291 Dodw 576 1142 2p1 ORT1% TOTAL- S (2.988 DO) Rat i`✓ �76Td�i[ StlA>r il=S Change Order Proposal l[t•RC{t l•IIT-'At TJ sl. fMt Change Request No: C/O#68 To- APOLLO INC Date Of Proposal: 7/1/2014 Job#: 12-008 PR # CPR#168 Job Name:SOURDOUGH/HYALITE WTP Attention: AMY JENNE Work To Be Done. TAURUS CREDIT FOR HART COMMUNICATOR. Labor Hours: Hrs: Rate: $ Supervision Hours. 10% OF DIRECT LABOR $ - Labor Burden -included Total Labor Dollars: $ _ Travel Time&Subsistance: Firs x Rate $ Small Tools as a%of Labor. 0.00% %Of Labor $ - $ _ Material&Supplies. Tools& Equipment Rentals: $ Estimation, Manager review&Admin Costs: $ Additional Safety Costs: 0.00% %Of Labor $ - $ Additional Milage, Transportation Costs: $ Cleanup& Handling Costs: Consumables: TAURUS QUOTE $ (2,827.20) Warranty. Estimated Job Disruption/Delay Costs. Other Misc.: $ - This change requires a time extension of: Total Other Costs: $ (2,827.20) days. Pricing void/subject to revision after Total Estimated Direct Costs: $ (2,827.20) The costs represented in this Change Proposal include only those costs which can be identified MARKUP 0.00% $ _ at this time. No impact or delay costs are included SUBCONTRAt 0% $ Should it be determined that the project is impacted $ at a later date by multiple changes, delays,or other causes beyond our control,we will submit these Subtotal: $ (2,827.20) at that time. BOND 0.00% $ - GROSS RECIEPTS 0.00% $ _ Total Proposed Change Order price: $ 2,8 77.20) Submitted By: Terry Rizzuto Date: Approved By: Date: Title Project Manager/Estimator CHANGE ORDER TAURUS POWER & CONTROLS 9999 SW AVERY ST- TUALATIN, OR-97062 PHONE. 503.692--9004 FAX. 503-692-9273 CO#; 16 DATE:1 6/27/2014 JOB#J 11-3180 Bozeman JOB PO#: 9R,(- 3 CHANGE PO#: FROM: Daryl Creech —_ TO: Terry Rizzuto&Brian Stowers — Taurus Power&Controls,Inc Mountain States Electrical DESCRIPTION CPR#168 Remove Hart Communicator From sct of Supply — �4.3g0 , . .__( _70) -- Exrstln Flow Control Buitdln y1T Mods Tech Labor 14.5 His Fixed Cost: $2,827.20 Original Contract Amount ......_............................. $712,500.00 Previous Change Orders .................................... �$9,068.74 This Change Order -$2,827.20 Adjusted Contract Amount .........................I.......... $718,741.54 No work will be performed on this Change Order until Taurus Power&Controls',Inc,Purchasing Department receives a signed Copy. The woric by this order shall be performed under the same terms and conditions as that included in the original Contract unless staled otherwise above, No invoice will be sent until all work and documentation has been completed. CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE DATE Carl Roelle 6/27/2014 TAURUS REPRESENTATIVE DATE n l> v CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project CPR No.: 177 CPR Date: 5/23/2014 Date Sent to Contractor: 5/23/2014 Date Rec'd from Contractor: TO: Apollo, Inc. Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): Remove vault from existing overflow pipe at southwest corner of old plant. Track time and materials. HDR/MMI Date: 5/23/2014 TO: HDR Engineering, Inc./Morrison Maierle, Inc. Proposal: Cost Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor Date TO: Accepted/Not Accepted HDR/MMI: Date Accepted/Not Accepted Owner: Date Recommend to accept at a total cost of$2,612. James Nickelson 07-24-14 ® Page 1 GENERAL COR1RACrOR...Buildin9 People Who Build Gnat Thbps DATE: 719=14 OWNER: City of Bozeman Apollo PCO NO.: 316 DESCRIPTION: Remove Vault Owner CPR No: 177 COST BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT MAT'L MAT'L TOTAL UNIT LABOR LABOR TOTAL UNIT EQUIP TOTAL EQUIP SUBS AM Wells 1 Is 595.00 Apollo 8 mh 85.00 55.00 440.00 $ 105.00 840.00 Piping Supervision 0 Mh 93.20 QC inspections 0 hr. 59.70 Su erintendent 1 3.51 hr. 1 93.201 326.20 85,001 1 766.201 840.00 1595.00 MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACT MARK @ 15% 12.75 MARK @ 15% 114.93 MARK @ 15% 126.00 29.75 MARK @ 5% 97.75 881.13 966.00 624.75 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL= 2,569.63 INSURANCE&BOND @ 0.64%= 16.45 SUBTOTAL= 2,586.08 Deduct 5% GRT 1% 25.86 TOTAL= $ 2,612.00 283.43 Page 1 *00"'%k D 'PVRM�WELLES,nr EXCAVATION-CONSTRUCTION-HAULING June 18, 2014 Apollo Inc. 1133 W Columbia Drive Kennewick, WA 99336 Attn: Justin Rinehart Re: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Below is a breakdown of the cost for removal and demo of the Vault Structure in conflict with the new parking lot for the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant. This price includes all markup and 1% Montana GRT. Item Description Quantity]-Unit Unit Price Amount E-7 Komatsu PC300 W/Breaker and Operator 1 HR $170.00 $170.00 E-9 Volvo EC330 W/Pulverizer and Operator 1 HR $190.00 $190.00 2650 Track Jaw W/O erator 1/2 HR $250.00 $125.00 E-8 Volvo EC460 W/O erator 1/2 HR $160.00 $80.00 SS-3 I New Holland LX565 W/O erator 1/2 HR $60.00 $30.00 Total $595.00 Please feel free to call the office with any questions 406-685-3372 ext 103. Sincerely Alan Ringlein A.M. Welles, Inc. P.O. BOX 2808 NORRIS, MT 59745 PHONE(406)685-3372 FAX (406)685-3270 .,.Building people Who Build Great Things Daily Report of Force Account Worked Contract Number 'Date Item Number ;Item Name_ Prime Contractor Subcontractor Lower Tier Subcontractor ------------ Line!Station Group Basra of Material Aoceptgnce i RAMS Number Description of Work Performed ; Time Worked Record Workers andior Equipment Occupation of Workers or I Hours Worked Rog. O.T. Amount Woridtig EduiprnentSize Q.T. Rate ' 4 5 .� t t ' r� 12, r 13 14 17 i 18 19 201 Calculated By Date Checked By i Date Total Ledger Entry Number �Entered By Date Entry Verified Date tns r s Signa ure CodtracWr's Representative Signature Title CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Protect CPR No.: 178 CPR Date: 6/2/2014 Date Sent to Contractor: 6/2/2014 Date Reed from Contractor: TO: Apollo, Inc. Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): Provide a cost for the additional conduit and cable for LE/LIT-9301 to locate the instrument in the west riser of the 2,000 gallon wastewater tank instead of the center of the sand/oil interceptor that is shown on OOOE02. See RFI 339, HDRIMMI Date: 6/212014 TO: HEIR Engineering, Inc./Morrison Maiede, Inc. Proposal: Cost Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor Date_ TO: Accepted/Not Accepted HDR/MMI: Date Accepted/Not Accepted Owner:Date Recommend to accept at at total cost of $2,911. James Nickelson 8-15-14 cage t 1/i rfli� r GENERAL CONTRACTOR...Building Peopie Who Build Great Things DATE. 7/9/2014 OWNER: City of Bozeman Apollo PCO NO.: 317 Rev1 DESCRIPTION: Additional Conduit and Cable for LEILIT-9301 Owner CPR No: 178 COST BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT MATL MAIL TOTAL UNIT LABOR LABOR TOTAL UNIT EQUIP TOTAL EQUIP SUBS Chi lconcrete 4Vork 13 mh 100.00 100,00 45,00 585.00 $ 610 CO 61000 MSE 1 Is 1.224 57 Piping Supervision 0 MAh 93.20 QC inspections 0 hr. 69.70 _ Superintendent 1 hr. 93.20 9320 100001 678.20 610.00 1,224 b7 MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACT MARK @ 15% 15.00 MARK'@'15% 101.73 MARK @ 150.6 91 50 61.23 MARK a 5% 80 116.00 [- 779,93 70-..50 1,285SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL= 2,882.23 INSURANCE&BOND @ 0.64%= 18.45 SUBTOTAL= 2,900.87 Deduct 5% GRT 1% 1022 TOTAL= $ 2,911.00 269.46 Page 1 CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST (Not a Change Order) Project: Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project CPR No.: 181 CPR Date: 6/26/2014 Date Sent to Contractor: 6/26/2014 Date Rec'd from Contractor: TO: Apollo, Inc. Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): Provide cost for additional asphalt paving that was provided based on field direction. HDR/MMI - Date 6/26/2014 TO: HDR Engineering,Inc./Morrison Maierle, Inc. Proposal: Cost Credit (A time extension is not required for this modification unless otherwise detailed and justified:) Contractor Date TO: Accepted/Not Accepted HDR/MMI: Date _ Accepted/Not Accepted Owner: Date Recommend to accept at a total cost of$584. -- -��_ -- James Nickelson 7-24-14 J� Paq 1 GIAN/IRLL—y hN4 WM P.m 0—t vw� DATE: _THt2014 OWN FM of Beneman Apollo PCD NO. 320 DESCRIPTION; Addkfon_al Pa_,i w ONwer CPR No: 101 "-- COSTBREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION OTV UNR UNITMAT'L MArL TOTAL UNR LABOR LABOR TOTAL UNR EOUIP TOTAL EWIP SUBS PI n SP y.l., Oluti OC ma dloa. _ 0 .....__ ._ 9320 3 20 _.._ Sub,rNdrx�tlnnt _—__ 1 M 5970 YJ 70 00 0MATERIALS LABOR 9.120 EOUpMENT BLBCONTPACT AN41(�?�` MARK Q;15% 1896 MARk A 13% 2260 MARK Q 6% 107 i8 a77.0 S.B'OTAL SUBTOTAL= 51960 INSURANCE A BOND 0 W%- 371 SUBTOTAL,' 58339 0*9005% CRT s% 069 TOTAL- S WOO 35 48 O�1