HomeMy WebLinkAboutOpen Window Representation - Affordable Housing Policies*TH'IS DOCUA/IEN'T ,M'ttST Bt: CCTMPLE'TEE, E^'ECUTED AND SUBM|TT|ID WITH THE pROpOSll,L F,ORM* THE REPREI;ENTATIVES; MAIIE I-IEFEIN ARE N/IADE UNDii:R PENALTY OF PERJ URY N(] PROPOSAL IS VALID LINLESS; S;LJBI/ITTED ON THIIS FOFIIVI AND SIGNED BY AIJTHORIZID AGEltlll'" FOR YOTJR COMpA,Ny. SUBN/l|TIED BYr COMPANY NAI/E: C,Fn r_Wi na(o*.r (-onr.^l{itFq-( _. AD DRESS;: ?-ir? 5', ( ,Jc- * C-l o ..^J ( I c . CITY -ji5f=a*-a..ro*z\ STATE: r,lf;-zlP: -;:ili? 15, ]'ELEPHCINE: 9<I G -6:LY .. 6 7-TZ EiMA IL:3-*!rs. Q -{){!g,\LJ )'\€J*.-1C.,,s.^ [! lp Alfi' SIGNATIUIlIl: tfrorize,c Agent) NIAM E: TITLE: DAT[: - -. l$;t i o l\ =- C-er L,^i.q. IPlease Prirt) ($ /, " /r-9:l-Y- NOTE:lf proposer iLs a corporation, the legal rrame of the corporation s;hall be set forth above, togethelwith tlne sigrrature of zrruthorizt:d officers or agenrts; if bidde'r is a partnership, ther tnue name of the firmshall lle r;ert forth above, together with the:;ignature o1'ther partn:rship; arnd if bidder is an indirriduirl, his signatune shall be placerd above, Rerquest for Proposals for Professional Services; FY 201.1. - FY 2015 !) of 19