HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 60 Deposit of the Public Funds ..- - ,. ....----.... ----.-., ,-,.--.-- CITY COMrnSSION HESOLUTION NO. 60. .A HESOLUTIOli" OF TID: CITY COMVIISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZF,JI';"AN H.."F:LATING TO THe DBPOSIT OF (I. THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF SAID CITY. J I ii Sec. l. THAT WIffiREAS, Section 4767 of the Revised Codes of Montana of :f, I:' JJ 1921, as amended by Chapter 137 of the Session Laws of 1925, being the Nineteenth .' '~:::'. n " Legislati va Asse~nbly 0 f the state of M.ontana, sets forth the method G,nd manner of depositing the public fnods of cities such as Bozeman; AND WBEREAS, It isth8 desire of the said City of Bozeman to fully comply with ths requirements of said law, NOW 'f'Imm~FOHT:, 130: IT R1<:GOToVED BY 'J'I!!7: CITY COIJ]}iUSSION OF T.HP. CITY OF 130 ZElff.AN : Sec. 2. That the City Treasurer of the City of Boz eman, being the Director of Finance, until the furthe l' order of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, deposit all public ~oneys in his possession, or that may come in his pos- session and under his control, in the four Bani:s located in the said City of Boze- man, n.ame ly , the Commercial National BanJ::, the Natio:q.alBank of Gallatin Valley, the Gallatin Trust and Savin.Br; Bunk, and the Securi ty Bank andT:r:ust Company, said Banks being designated by the City Commission as solvent Banks. of said City, and ,01' - 1'"') that said City Treasurer, or Finance, Director, deposit theIJUblic funds of said City , :iJ other Bank or Banks than said designated Banks. I ' . L ,- Sec. 3. That all public funds so depOsi ted shall bear uniform interest at or-cd"J per centum per annum, payablequarter-annua,11y, which interest shall be dep.osited to the credit of the general fund ot said City. Sec. 4. That all City funds shall be deposited and qistributed ratably among all of said designCt.ted BanIes qualifying therefor substantially in propoJ'ti on to the paid in capital and sur~)lus of 8<.;,ch of such Banks willing to'receive such de- posits under this Resolution and under Section 4767 of the Revised Codes of the State of Montana of 1921, as amended by Chapter 137 of the Session Laws of 1925, being the Laws of the Nine teenth Legislati ve Assem-bly. Sec. 5. That the City Treasurer, being the Director of }finance, of the City of Bozeman, shall takEJ from each of such Banks such security as the City Cor!1Illis- sion of the City ofBoz eman may from time to time prescribe, approve arld deem :fully sufficient and necessary to insure the safety and prompt payment of all of such de- . posits, on demand together with the deposited by the City Treasur.er, or Financ& Director, in any Bank failing or ~efUsing to furnish such fJ8Curities duly approved by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman and that no funds of the City of Bozeman be deposited by the Treasu~er or Director of Finance of said City unless such Bank ha8furnished ample and approved security to cover the same, and no personal Bond shall be accepted except when sucQ, Bond is for the purpose of renewing a personal Bond now in effect, and from and after January 1, 192E3,> personal Bond 811<':11 not be considered as acceptable security; and provided further that from and after the passage of this Resolution no new or additional deposit shall be made by any Treasurer under any personal Bond. Sec. 7. That. any and all designated Ban};s receiving the deposits of the funds of the City of Bozeman shall, thru their respective Prefddents and CasJ:J.iers, make <t statement. to the City Treasurer and Finance Director of 130 zeman, quarter- an nually , of account under 08. th showing all such moneys that have been deposited with such Bank during the quarter, the, amount of daily balances in dollars, and the amount of interest by such Bank 01' Banke] credi tecl or pai d therefor, and showing that neither such Bank, nor any officer thereof, nor any person for it, has paid or given any consideration or emolument whatsoever to trle Treasurer or to any other person other than the interest provided for herein, or on account of the making of such deposits with any such Bank. Sec. 8. That the City Treasurer, or Finance Director, of the City 0 f Eoz eman, shall submi t tot he City COYlilllission for a;)proval, quarter-annually, after the date hereof, all securities furnished by the designated Banks in which the fund s of the City of 130zernan are deposit.~d, together '.'.'1 th the sworn statement furn- ished quarter-annually by said Banks. Sec. 9. That the failure of the City Treasurer, or Finance Director, to comply with the requirements of this Resolution shall render himself and his Bonds- men liable. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and approved by the M:ayor of said .City this 15th day of October,iI..D. 1925. Attest: ~~NAAAAc/../~h . ..I\[ayor. ~ \'\U~~/~lf.er Cler of t e C1 y Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana. - ________u_____..__ __