HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 75 Creating SID No. 259 ____. _.____.____ ______ __ ___. n. --. ----.. CITY. COMMISS ION RSS OLWION NO. 75. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THECIT,Y OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, CREAT ING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 259 OF' THE CITY-OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONT Al'rA, 'FOR nrn: PUR- POSE OF. CONSTRUCTING CONCRETE. CU$BS AND ,STANDARD BITULITHI,G ORWARREN~T,E-BITULITHIC PAVEMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF PKRKINGS- AND PLANTING T:Rl"iiES AlmGRASS nnr:REON, INSTALLING SPRlNIq.,ING BO~S FOR IRRIGATING SAID PARKINGS:ANJ).FOR THE . FUTURE IVlJUtrTE- NANCE AND CAlIEOF'SAID PAVEMENT AND CURBS, 'I'm;ms AND GRASS ON SIXTHAVE1TUE FROM A ' LIBE 28 FEET SOUT}~ OF THE SOUTH LINE OF GAHFIELD STR'Jj:ETTO THE SOUTHLIm: OF GRANT STREET ,WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO SP.E1:CIALLY ASSESS THYiiJiaITII1E COST AND EXPENSE OF l\11AK- ING SAID IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY 'lHTHIN SAID DISTRICT UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE HIOVISIONS 0]' SECTIONS 5225 'TO 5277 Il\fCLUSlvE-,- OF THE !{ffiVISED CODES OF MONTA- NA, 1921, AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO. WHEREAS, At a regular session of the City COJ1D"nissi on of the City of Boze- man, state of Montana, held on the 30th day of July, A.D. 1926, the s,aid City Commis- sion duly passed City Qommission Rss olution No. n, declaring it :to be the intention of said City Commission to create a special improvement distric"t to be known and ~es- ignated as Special Improv'ement District No. 259 of said City, for the purpose of oon- structing oO,nor~~e ourbs and Standard Bitu:J.~t:ric or.W!:J,rrenite-TIitulit'hic pavement; providing for the making of parkings and planting trees and grass thereon, installing sprinkling boxes for irrigating (Hdd parkings and for the future maintenance and oare of said pavement and curbs, trees and grass on sixth Avenue from a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street to the so uth line of Grant Street, within said Ci ty, and to sp~91ally assess the entire 006 t and expense of making said improvements ,- . '. "'.:'i':'> ,"<:" . again\'t,thepr6'~erty within said district under and by virtue of the provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inclusive, of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, and anY amendme,nts thereto, wh,ich said City Corpmi,ssion Resolution No. 72 is hereby referx'ed to and made a part hereof for further partioularsin respect to the boundarie s of said di 13 tric t, th(3 estimated oost of said improvement and the method of assessing the same against the property within said distriot. AND 'NI-JEHEAS, Notice of the passage of City Comraisaion Resoluti on No. 72 was duly published in the Bozeman Weekly Chronicle, a weekly newspaper printed and pub- lished in said City of Bozeman, to-wit: In the is~ue of August 5th, 1926, and by 'II':', mailing a c,opy of such notice to each person, firm, or corporation, or agent of such person, Firm or corporation having property within the proposed district at his last lmown address upon the same day Buchnotioe was first published as aforesaid , and due proof having ,teen made of the pUblication of said notice; AIm WlmREAS, Within the time provided by law and published notice there were filed with the Clerk of the Cit,y Commission no protests against the proposed work and against the creation dnd extent of said distriot. t.o be assessed; and the said C.it.yComrnission was in regular session on the 27th day of August, ln6, <).t 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the Commission Chamber in the City Hall Buildinl:!; in the said City of Bozeman, the same bein:; the time and place designat.ed for hearing and passing upon all protests, if any, against the prop08ed work or against the creation or extent of said district, or both; and it fur ther appearing that all of the pro- --------- - -.. -- .--.--.--.-.-- -- -..-..--.---- ___nn _.._.__ n_____________.__..________._ ---...-.-.-....-.... ceedings for the creation of said district have been complied witlJ; NOW, THERE:B'OHE, BE IT RESOLVE]) BY THE CI'!'Y COMl\JIISSIONOF THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN, STATE OF MONTANA : Sec. l. That said Special Improvement District No. 259 of the City of Boze man, State of Montana, be, /;I,nd the same is, hereby created for the pur'pose of rn ale i ng the improvements therein as hereinafter described. Sec. >, That said special improvements be, and the same are, hereby 01'- (~ . dered to be ma.de in said Special Improvement District No. 259 asfo llows: The construction of concrete curbs a.nd Standard Bitulithic orWarrenite- Bitulithic pavement; the grading and seeding of the parkings, the planting of trees and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue between a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street and the south line of Grant street. Sec. 3, That the entire cost and expense of making the special iniprove-' ments herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 259 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Bonds of the denomination of One Hundred Dollars (,$100 ) each, and in fractions where necessary, to be issued and chargea1Jle against e. fund to be known as Special Improvement District 1'1"0, 259 Fund; said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Improvement District No. 259 Fund; said bonds 81'1alldraw ("1 simple interest at the .tateofsix percent. per annum, whichahall be cnargeable as I I i I a part Qf the cost of said special imprOve!Jieht and shalF run from the date of the lJ registrati on of said bonds unti 1 said bonds are pe.id;andsuch interest, from the date of the :registration of the bonds until the payment of the first installment, will b~ collected by the Dire6tor of Finance of said City of Bozeman at the Hrre of colle c ting such first installment; that the entire cost and expense of said improve- ment within said district shall be defrayed by a special assessment against the en- tire district, each lot or parcel of land within said district bordering or abutting upon aaidportion of Sixth Avenue wherein the improvements shall bemade,to be as- sessed for its proportion of such expense, each lineal foot of the frontage of such lots or parcels of land bordering upon said improvement within said Special Improve- ment District No. 259', exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and pUblio places, to be assessed for its proportionate share of such entire cost; that the amount assessed 8,gainst each lot or parcel of land shall be paid in equal annual installments extend- ing over a period of twenty years. Sec. 4. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to prepare n plans and specificationsfo.r the doing of said w'o.rk and making said improvements, j .. . I Sec. 5. That the Clerk of the Commission be, and he is hereby directed to tJ ".'< . publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing of materials, the doing of the work and making of said improvements in said Special Improvement District No . 259, referring to plans and specifications on file, by publishing the same in two issues . n._.__.______._____. ---.--- of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. a daily newspaper print ed and publisherl in the said City of Bozeman, not less than ten days 1)0[o1'e the time such bids will be opened, which shall be at a meeti ng of the City Commission to be held on Friday, the 10th day of September. 1926. Passed and adopted by the City Commission or the City of Bozeme.n at a x'eg- u1ar session thereof, he 1d on the :2 7th day of Augus t , 1926. Aprroved by the Mayor on the 27th day of August. 1926. ~#dZA'/A'A'<;/~A MAYOR. ATTEST: OJJIJ;-Aw;;/ CL."ERK OF THE COMMISSION. ....-