HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 74 Levying special taxes in year 1926 . 1;j7 ',~,~ .' -':....~^ ., ~...... CITY OOI,jMISSIOn HESOLUTIOH no. 74. A HESOIJUTIOH O:C' rrHECITY C01jMISSlOn m' Cl.1HE CITY Q}'. 30ZEI.iAlJ. hIONTAlJA, ASSESSIl~G AND I;j:!~VYING SPEC rAL TAXii:S III SPECIAL I1.1PROVEI,IENT Dr S~'lUCTS III SAID CIT Y, nr ACCOhDANCE I WITH rrRE SEV.i~HAL RESOLU1'I01IS ChDn.i~.i;G bAlD .int.TIUCTS AS H::';RerU NUUEHN1'ED, :B'OR P.tiHKIHG ~.~AI!;ri'El;A:[CE ~ SPl-\I ITKLIIJG. OHlJAUElJrl'AL 1,1 GRT ING . curr~rIlW WEEDS AIID lil::I.IOVAL OF 0lWW, FOR 'llHE T.2:AR 192G. Bg PI' HESDL Vl<:D 5Y THE CITY COM':.:1 S~I on O.b' TIlE CI TY OF BOZSI.I1Jr. MOWI'AIJA: Sec. 1. That tl1ere be. and there is hereby levied and assessed against the property in the sever&l Parking UaintelJal1Ce.' Sprinkling, Ornamental Lighting Districts of the ~'aid City of Bozema.n, Cutting Weeds and Removal of Snow, in accordance with the several Resolutions creat- . ing said Districts, as herein enumerated, the following special taxes, to-wit: Parking I.Iair-tenance District Ho. G, created by Council Hesoh.tioD No. 306, 01) South Willson Avenue from Babcock street to College street, a total frontage of 4355.37 feet, the sum of $229.99, at an approximate rate per front foot of ~.052G45. Park ir:g :.Iaintenance District Ho. 9, created by Council Resolution lio. 325, Lindley Place, a total area of 209440 square feet, the snm of ~~36. '10, at an appro)~i- mate rale ~er SQuare foot of $.0001752. ParklnB' l.:niJJtenance Di strict IJo. If>>, created by Council Resolution lio. 356, Babcock street, from Black Avenue to Tracy Avenue, a total area of 93953 sq1isre feet, the snm of ~lG.28, at an approximate rate per square foot of $.0001733. Parking Maintenance District Iro. 17, created by Council r-::esohJtion no. 355, Grand Avenue from Babcock Street to College street, a total area of 501481 square feet, the sum of C14C.31, at an approxirate rate per square foot of $.0002516. I Parking :;aintenance Di strict IL. In, created by Council Resoll:tion l~o. ::)57, Tracy Avenue from 3abcock street to Dickerson btreet, a total urea of 457782.2 square fect, the sum cf C,I:31.21, at an approximate rate per square foot of ~~.0001774. l'tcrking :.aintenance D~ strict 1;-0. 31, created hy Council ,;-.esolution IIc'. 385, 31ac}: Ave-nue fron "'i3c~b.~ock StreE:t to COllege :Jtrect, a. total area. of 2C752~~ sqlwre feet, the GlH:l of f,:159.53, at aI) approximate rate per srf,lare foot of $.0005';)G3. lliirking L~li})te])ance District Ho. 45, created by Council Resolution ~o. ~3E, l~j p-Lth Avenue (center and sides) from Koch Street to Dickerson btreet, a total area of 6GOOO square feet, the Gum of $93.94, at an appro~imate rate reI' sqLure foot of de. CI01~ 2" 3 "1.'1'. - 'J: .....) 11II 2>:..rking l,~ainten5.nce District Vo. 48, created by Counct1 Hesol"J.tion lJo. 435, Eighth Avenue (sides oull) from Uain Street to Koch street, a total area of 116104 S:"lHlre f'eet. the sum of .",150.12, at an Clpproxir.iate rate per sql1are foot of $.001293. 1;)8 --... Pr,rking Maintenance District No. 77. created by Council Resolution No. 576, EIghth Avenue (center and sides) froD Dickerson Street to Htlrrison street, a. total frontage of 1971 feet. the Stun of ~215.0l, a.t an approxiamte rate per front foot of .1' " .;".10909. ?arking 1,laintenance District lIo. 86. created by Council Resolution No. 620, I south side StOry Street from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and both sides Six.th AveIlue from story Street to College street, a total frontage of 2426.2 feet, the sum of ~85.23, at an ap"proximate rf.l.te per front foot of $.035129. Parking 2laintenance ])' s trio t Ho. 90, created by Council Resolution No. 636, east side Seventh Avenue from Story Street to College Street, a total frontage of 934.2 feet, the sum of ~34.93, at an approximate rate -:'er front foot of $.03739. Parking LIaintenance Di striot, no. 107, created by Counoi1 Resolution !Jo. 658, East Story f.:treetfrOI:l J?racy Avenue to 'BozcDan Creek, a total frontage of 2254 feet, the sum of ~101.96, at an approximate rate TJcr front foot of $.045235. Parking l.Iaintenance Dlstrict Ho. 114, created by Council Resolution No. 722, west side Grand Avenue from College Street to Arthur street, a total frontage of 930 feet, the SUI:1 of ~52.30, at an ~lp0roximate rate per front foot of $.056237. Parking ':.Iaintenance Di strict no. 117. created by Council Resolution No. 719, Tracy Avenue from Dickerson street to College Street, a total frontare of 1348.2 feet, the SUT:1 of $37.56, at an appro:xi~;late rate per front foot of ~;.02786. PDrking Mai~tenance District no. 151, created by Council Resolution No. 810, east side Fifth Avenue from Olive Street to Koch street. a total area of 111189.06 square feet. the sum of ~i63. 45, at an D..pproxir~jate rat e per square foot of $.00057065. ~arking L~intenance Diatrict lio. 189, created by Council Hesolution No. 1004, east side Grand Avenue from College Street to Arthur street, a total frontage of 930 feet, the sum of C50.93, at an approxioate rate per front foot of $.054763. Sprinkling District Ira. 1, c;~eated by Council l:,esolution Ho. 424~, 1:a1n street, from Wallace Avenue to Fourth Avenue, a total frontage of 9363.89 feet, the sum of t.1467.95. being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front I foot of $.156767. Sprinkling District Ro. 130. created by Council Hesolution Ho. 765. West Main Street from Fourth Avenue to Eighth Avenue. a total frontage of 2612.15 feet. the sum of ~2l.68, being 75% of the entire amount. or at an apr:roxir:late rate per front foot of $.0082997. Sprinkling District no. 131. created by COllncil Resolution no. 760, South Bo zeT:"an Ave~lUe from 1st alley south to Koch Street, a total frontage of 2458.3 feet, the S11m of t31. 34, being 75% of the entire amount. or at an appro~{ir;ate rate per froD~ foot of e.0127486. Sprinkling District No. 132. creLted by Council Hesolution Iro. 707, South "Slack Avenue from 1st alley south to Olive street, a total frontage of 887 feet, the sur:l""Of ~6.87. being 75% of the entire amount, or at an ap-proximEte rate per front foot of y.0077452. . Sprinkling District No. 133, created by Council Resolution No. 768. South T~acy Avenue from 1st alley south to Collepe street, a total frontage of 4724.2 feet the sum of $22.05, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of ~.O046674. Sprinkling District No. 134, created by Council Resolution lio. 769, South Willson Avenue from 1st alley south to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 5937.37 feet. the sum of $91.22. being 75% of the entire amount, or at an Bpproxi;-,iate rate per front foot of $.0153637. Spr:Ulkling District Ho. 135. created by Council Hesolution Ho. 770, South Grand Avenue fror:1 1st alley south to College street, a total frontage of 4614.42 feet, the sum gf ~G8.08, being 75;10 of the entire at:lount, or at an approxir::ate rate per front fDot of .,~.014754. I Sprinkling District No. 136. created by Council Resolution lio. 771. Third Avenue from Main Street to B/;'.b.:ock street and from Olive Street to Cleveland street, and Fourth Avenue from Babcock street to Olive street, a total frontaRe of G160.45 feet, the Bum of $35.26, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an app~oxibate rate ~p.r front foot of $.0057236. Sprinkling District No. 137. created by Council Resolution lio. 772, North iN-r:,llace Avenue from J:.1ain Street to 'l'amarack Street and Tamarack street from Wallace Avenue to n. P. Stc:tion, a total frorltEi.ge of 6410.2 feet, the sum of $57.16, being 7&% of the entire amount. or at an approxiT:1ate rate per ~ront foot of $.008917. -'. - -, -- -.."--. . ~. ..-.......-_......._~ ~--_.__. -, .- .--- .--...-. .. --..... -....-.- . --." -. .. 13~) -'...', .-.. ....:...:.-:..... Sprinkling District No. 138. created by Council Resolution No~ 773. Horth Tracy Avenue from 1st alley north to Short Street. a total frontage of 2797.45 feet, the eum of ~3f:';.24. being 75}6 of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of ~.O1367. I Sprinkling District Ho. 139, created by Council Resolution No. 774, South Sixth Avenue from Olive street to story street, a total frontage of 1793.7 feet, the sum of $9.80, being 755b of the entire D.r:::lount. or at an approximate rate -!!er front foo~ of $.0054G36. Sprir~:ling District No. 140, created by Council Resolution No 775, South Eighth Avenue from. l.Iain street to Harrison street, a total frontage of 5472.85 feet, the sum of ~49.12, being 75'~ of the entire amount, or at an approxir:late rate per front foot of $.008975. Sprinkling District Ho. 141. created by Council Resolution lio. 77G. story street fror:1 Tracy A"enue to Third Avenue, a total frontage of 1727.5 feet, the EUffi of $4.30. being 75% of the entire, amount, or at an approxi~ate rate per front foot of 6 - - ~r . 00248 · Sprinkling District No. 143, crAated by Council Resolution lio. 778, Cleve- land Street from Willson Avenue to Seyenth Avenue. a total frontage of 319G feet, the sum of ~:lG. 61. being 75~1o of the entire e.mount. or a.t an approximate rate per front foot of $.005197. Sprinkling District No. 144, created b~ Council Resol~tion lio. 779, o live Street from Grand Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 22G2 feet, the sum of ~19.33, being 75% of the entllreamount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of '11'.00(-35455. Sprinkling District No. 160, created by Council Resolution No. 856, College street from Tracy Avenue to Fourth Avenue, a total frontage of 2025.1 feet, the sum of $12.32, being 75;~ of the entire amount or at an 'approxlr.J.IJte rate rer front foot of ~.OOG084. SprinklinG Distri~t llo. lG2,crrated by Council Resolution Ho. e58. 58.beoek I Street from Bozcr:lan Avcnue to .B'ifth Avenue, and Pifth A.venue from Babcock street to 1:a1n Street, a total frontage of 468G. 5 feet, the sum of X3G.18, being 75~b of the en- tire ar.:1onnt, or at an a~proximate rate per front foot of Q.00772. Sprinkling District No. 1G4, created by Council Reso1ut1.on No. eGO, :&'i fth Avenue from Olive street to Koch street, a total frontage of 1155.5 feet. the sum O-f )(4.13. being 75;'b of the entire ar.lount, or at an I.l'~proxir:.late rate per front foot of <j,J.0035742. -- __.._n_ ------..--..- --..---- - . -..-.-....--.- . ..__n.._n . _,._,.____'~_._ uu._. ._.____ 140 .. Sprinkling District ~o. 21G, created by Council Eesolution no. 1108, = ~el1den- hall street from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved :portion), a total frontage of 2296 feet, the sum of ~lG. 77, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $.007304. Sprinkling District lio. 217, created by Council Resolution No. 1109, I,v.nr.w I ;)treet fror;,] Seventh Avenue to Vlallace Avenue (paved portion), a total frolltaf,'e of 40tH. 7 feet, the sum of $37.8G, 1)eing 75% of the entire amount, or at ar] approxi:".8. te rate per front foot of $.0092755. Sprinkling Distriot lio. 21Y, created by Couneil Resolution lio. 1111, north Fifth Avenue between Main Street und Benll Street, (paved portion), a total frontage of 1120 feet, the sum of $4.12, being 7550 of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of C.003G785. Sprinkling District lio. 232, created by City Cor.lmission l\esolution !ro. G , South Black AvelRte from Olive Street to COllege Street, a total frontage of 2258.22 feet, the sum of t34.YO, being '75'% of the entire ar.lOunt, or at an appro};ir:1ate rate per front foot of C.015454G. ~(pri nl::llng Di stri ct ITa. 233, created by City Comr:rlsriOL. ::\esolutioll lJo. 7, South Third Avenue from Cleveland street to Lincoln street, a total frontage of 1200 feet, the sum of $5.73, being 75~ of the entire a~ount, or ht an approximate rate per front feat of t.004775. Sprinkling District 10. 23G, created by City Commission Resolution No. 9, "ilder:3on Street f!'om Willson Avenue to Eleventh iJ..venue, f), total frontage of 540 feet, the sum of ~:2.30, being 75?b of the entire ar.lount, or at an approximate rate per frout foot of ~.004259. Sprinkling District No. 238. created by City Co!1'1t1ission Hesolution Va. lG. 20uth Church Avenue from 1.'[o.in Street to Story street, a total f!'ontage of 3457, the sum of ~2l.95, bein~ 75% of the entire amount. or at an approxiDate rate per front A -- - foot of 0.00G3494. Ornamental Lighting District No. 100, created by Council ?1:esolution lIos. G41 end G47, 1.1ain street from Ida Avenue to Fourth Avenue, a total frontage of 6785.4 I feet, the Burr:. of $1398.74. being 50fb of the entire amount, or at an approxi~nte rate ner front foot of $.20614. ~e~oval of Snow for 1925 and 192G, prusuant to the provision of Ordinance IT 0 . 50::; , the S1.lffi ofbc3S. 5G . Cl1tting Weeds fa r l~~2G, pur::::uant to provision of Ordinance Ha. Ll f",. the sum -,..:b, of (:'20.55. C' 2. ~L'l~at the Director of I!'inance of the Ci t:,"' of Bo ;:eman is hereby dir- ,;eo. ected to sprcud 111)01] hi s bool::s t he taxes hereby assessed and levied af!'t;;LnE~t the sever- al pieces or parcels of land in each of the aforesaid dist)"iot.s, in the proportion as hpreinbefore specified. OD the rsquare foot. or frontage br! si [), L~S tlw e!Jse r:1a~v' be, and. to collect such taxes as by Ordinance of said City of Bozeman provided. Sec. 3. The schedules hereunto attached, for the several dibtricts covered 1)y this Hesolution as Lcreinbefore enm:::erated; giving [l Jese dl)tioJJ of tIl€ picGe C.c' \")r;rcel of lar:d, taxe s. the name of t11e owner thereof if knOVil.1. and the amount tax~d ~?sinst such piece or parcel of land, !-;.nd 'narked "S3hec11~lef. l,?, i'I, <c, f), G. 7. L, 0 ,10,11 , 12,J3,14,15.16,17,lA.19,20,21,22,23 ,24,25,2C.27,28,?9.~O,31,32,SS,34,35,SG.37,3G,39,40, 41,42,~2,44,45,4G,47,48,49,50,51,52 ,53,5~,55,56 and 57, and eech of ther,) Eu'e u par t of this ~:os(:,lnti on. I Sec. 4. ~'he taxes aseessed 8.rJd levied by this Hesolutioll ~\'-Ul 1)8 J"[.~~'uble upon the final ado~tion hereof, 'nd 1)( "C'~'e delinquent ()j~ tll(> '.:(r+1", c1'~" ...f ;T""eI'bpr lq')G c.t I.~~.. ,J.I..i. ~ " ' " . j ~..... ..)\'.," t~,J..J. (j.~! I) _'" '~,' 1/ ...l ...... , ~ (.J . ~-_. -~--_..- -----..,----. ---.....- . --- .-. -,..- 141 , ---".-. ,. " . . - .'.'~",-,~ '.' ._~. --- ,- . HO'i' I CE nOTI CE IS IE1~=i;3Y GIVEn, IJ.'tat at a regular session of the Ci ty Commission I of t1-:e Ci ty of Bozeman, I.lontana, held on }'riday, tbe 20th day of August, 1926, City Co!r;r.;isEion Hesolution Ho. 74 waS -provi sionally passed and adopted.; that Ehid City Commis~ion Hesolution levies and nssesses special assessments of taxes upon the r;roperty in the Special !r::llTOVer.1ent Districts in ;:aid City hereinafter enumerated, in accordance "vith the several ~esolutions creating said Districts for Parking j.1Jintenanc e and SprinLli ng, OrnaDental Lighting, Cutting Weeds and Removal of Snow, for the year 192G. . That the Parking I.Iaintenance, cprinLliIlg, Ornamental I~ighting Di strict s, Cutting Weeds and Removal of Snow affected by Enid Hesolution Ho. 74 are as follows, to-wit: Pbrking I.laintenance DiBtrict .Ho.G Sprinkling District No. 1 Pr:rking l,iaintenance Di atri at no. 9 Sprinkling Dietrict Ho. 130 Parking L~intenance District Ho. 16 Sprinkling District Ho. 131 Parking gnintenance District No. 17 Sprinkling District Ro. 132 Pnrkjng Llaintenance District Iro. 18 Sprinkling District TIo. 133 Pufking l~intenance District No. 31 Sprinkling District No.. 134 P t, rking l.1nintenance D:i stri ct no. 45 Sprinkling District No. 135 PHr}~ing Lriintenance District Ho. 48 Sprinkling District No. 136 Parking :,Taintenance Di stri at Ho. 50 Sprinkling District No. 137 P&rking Uaintenance District No. 52 Sprinkling District No. 138 Parking l.1ai ntenance Dis trict Ho. 57 Sprinkling District No. 140 I Pnrking l:aintenance D~strict Ho. Gl Sprinkling District lio. 141 l.'LrJ:l nt!,' Eai ntenan ce Dl strie t No. 6B Sprinkling District no. 143 P,-JV'Lng Liaintemtnce District lID. 72 Sprinkling District No. 144 birting l.h.;J.ntenance District Ho. 77 Sprinkling District No. 160 Par}:i:ng :"aintenance DisLrL~t no. 86 Sprinkling District 110. 162 Par}:iiig ::t'intenance DiE'triot Ho. 90 Sprinklinp:- District no. 164 1'a rtinf!i,;ai n tenan ce District No. 107 Sprinkling District liD. ]92 1?arking 1:,'dr1tepmlCe District no. 114 S~rinkling District No. 193 .Pr rJcing I.:ai:uterwnce District No. 117 Sprinkling District lio. 19G Pr:Tking ..nintenance Disttict Ho. 151 ........_.~_._...- _.... .n ____...n_ --..... -. ..._-.......,...... 142 m m_ .... All persons interested are referred to the several Council and City Commis- sion Resolutions creating the aforesaid Special Improvement Districts, defining the boundaries thereof and providing for the aSfess~ent of the cost and expense of said I Psrki ng i.:aintenance, Street Sprinkling, Or:J&f:1ental Lig'hting, Cutting of Weeds, and Hemoval of Snow for fl1rther :pa rtucula rs, 13 .11 of ~aid Resolutions being on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commisp.ion of the 8i ty of !3ozer.1an, at the City Hall in said City, and subject to the inS0ection of all interested persons. Dated this 20th day of August. l~' 26. -,I'"""":'~":"':-M~ ,/' c< _".~</" ".."" . . ............".--~, CLgl::X UF 1'H;~ COMI.lISSIOn. M'F IDA 'lIT OF' C1 TY CLERK THAT HO~'I CE 0]1 PUBL:_9Arl'IO._)Jl..S_B::;];IL..G~~EIJ. STATE OP I.:OW.i.'J.JJA } SS County of Gallatin ) I , \Val ter Davis, Clerk of the Commission cf the City of Bo~;eman, Montana, hereby certify that the foregoing LJotlce relative to Oi ty Comr:1isE;:i on Resolution 1!0. I 74 of the G i ty of Be;-: ernE1I1, iJontana, was pnbli shed once wi thin ten c1a~rs after its fi- nal ~assage, to-wit: un the 25th day of August, 1926. in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ~eneral circulation, printed t':d1d published in the City of 30 7. sm !J.n , TTonte.na, and that due proof of raid publieation was [;jnde and filed in my office. In WI'L'lmS:3 WHI~i~Eml I }1Bve horeunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this 2Gth day of August. 192G. ;~~'t.'."" .~:.:~; .~. --~..........~_. - CIJBHK OF 1'lIE CO:,Il.iI~.JGIOn. I ---.- . .-.... ---....... ..