HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 73 Levying taxes for year 1926 - nn_.. ._..____ _uo_ __ .......__.... ....._.._.__...."._.__ 1~[) - - CITY COU,fISSIOU RESOLU1'ION no. 73. A CITY COMHISSION :lliSOIJUTIOlJ IJEVYIIiG TAXES }'Ol\ '1'lIE CB'Y ,)F BOZEMAN, STi\.'l'E OF MOUTAnA, FOR THE YEJili 1926. I BE PI.' HESC'JLVE:D AnD Pl' IS HEHEBY OHDEHED BY THE CITY COMM1::;510H Q1t1 THE CITY OF B 0 ZEL:AIJ : Sec. 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194, Revised Codes of I.:on tana , Nineteenth Session 1925. there is hereby levied and aSfessed against the assessed valuation of all property within the City of Boze~an. State of Montana. not exempt from taxation. for the year 1926, for general. ~lnjc1pal and administra- tive purposes, a tax of one and three-~en!bs_per centum (13rnills) on the per centur,'1 of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, the money derived frot) said tax to be diE,tributed to funds as follows. to-wit: To General Fund Five (5) Mills To Fire Fund l'wo (2) l1ills '1'0 Street Fund Six"(6) U1lle Sec. 2. '1'hat pursuant to the provisions of Ordirjance Ho. 233 of said City of 3ozerr;an. and of Council :\esolution lJo. 1095, of said City, in pursuance of which the tnx authori zed for library purposes by the taxpa:rers at the election beld April 4 1921. was incret>sed from one to two mills, there is hereby levied and aEsessed - . I BJminst the assessed valuation of all the property wi thin the Ci ty of BOZ8TJan, State cf L;c,n tl-{'1e, and not exempt from taxation for the ;,i'eaT 1 92G. for the support and 'r-h:te:;uYJ:::e of the free public library of the Cit;:? of Bc)zeman. a special tax of Two (2) Mills r'in ,. aeh a D11ar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom sha 11 be distributed to the Library Fund und shull be disbursed as provided by Ordinance Uo. ? 9 crr c ai d C i t y; See.. ~~.) . That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5194 Political Code. i\eviseo ~odes of Llontana. 1921, there is hereby levied and assessed agD.inst the aSf:essed ','::11.u.'.,t1or: of 2.11 t1:e :propert;,' wi thin the City of Bo zeman, state of Montana. not eXGr:rpt f;c!:J tl~xfltion for the ~,ear 1926. for tbe purpose of Y;Jaintaining public narks in s~id City, a special tax of Two (2) l,lills 01'1 cach oc,lla.r of the assessed v[;l.lue thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be distributed to the Park Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Ordinance No. 473 of ~aid City; I Sec. 4. That pursuant to the provi sions of Ord ir!D.nce lIo. 443 of the City of 'Bn, zer:".BY1 ~)tate of Montana, there is hereby leviea and assessed Bffiinst the assess- ed valuation of all the propert;y wi thin the C1 ty of Bozeman, Sta to of Montana, not exempt from taxation. for the year 1926, for the purpose of paying interest on and ----.-.., - 1;j6 on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the r;lOl!ey derived frat) the collection of ;-aid special tax shall be distributed to the Funding BOl1ds Sinking :B'und and shall be disbursed as provi ded by said Ord inance; I Sec. 5. That ~ursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 551 of the City . of Bozeman. State of Montana. there is hereby levied and assessed against the assess- ed valuation of all the property within the City of Bozeman. state of Montana, not exer.1pt from taxation, for the year 1926, for the punJO se of paying the interest on and creating a sinking fund or the redemption of Sewer Bonds of the City of B:Jzeman, a suecial tax of One and one-half (l-?r) raIls on each dollar of the assessed value thereof and the money derived from the collec- tion of said special tax shall be distributed to the Sewer Bond Sinking ]'und and shall be disbursed as provided by said Ordinance; Sec. G. That pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 466 of the City of Bo zeman. state of Montana. there is :bereby levied <:md assessed flp-ninst the assess- ed valuation of all the property within the City of Bozeman. state of Montana. not exempt froe taxation, for the year 1926, for the purpose of paying the interest on and to extinguish the principal of and to create as a part of a sinking fund for the redemption of Water Works Bonds (Ordinance no. 463) and Roflmding Ci ty Bonds (Water I Works Bonds) (Ordinance Ho. 4(7) of the City of 13c"zeman, a special tax of Two (2)1.1111s on E'ach dollar of the assessed value thereof. and the money derived therefrom, to- gether with the net revenue derived from the water sUl~ply of the City of Bozeman, shall be distributed to the Water Works 1916 Bond Fund (Sinking), and shall be dis- bursed as provided by said Ordinance No. 46G; Sec. 7. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 5048, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, there is hereby levied and assessed against the assessed valuation of all the pro-perty within the Oity of 13ozeJ:1an. not exempt from taxation, for the :.enr 1926, for the purpose of provid ing for l)ublic Band Concerts for the entertain- ment of the people of said City. a special tax of One-half (t) Mill of each dollar of the BFsessed value theroof and the money derived therefrom shall be d i s tri b11 ted to the Band Cone ert :B'und of sai d C i t;y' hnd E;ht:,ll l)e d i sbllrse d &S pro- vided by Ordinance ITo. 521 of :aid City. I Passed tHJd ndopted by the Cit;y Cor.1miu"ion of the City of Bczer:II..il1 at a regu- lar session thereof teld on this 13th day of August, A.D. 1926. ATTEST: ---/fJ;~/ 4ur'1fc_ 1':.A YOB . " \ \'~ ' ~ I \, \.\ ' . \ / I,/. '''. -.d 'I_ ,.. CI,ERK OF THE COMl.lISSION. _m...____...__ . ....._ __. ____ . ----- .. --... -- - . ---.--- .........----...