HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 72 Create SID No. 259 li~)l .. ---..--- ...,--,,- CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 72. I A RESOLUT ION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAU, MONT ANA, UECLARIl\fG IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID CITY COW~ISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AND IlESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMPROVF.MENT' DISTRICT NO. 259 OF SAID CITY, FOR T Hfi~ PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTI~G CONCRETE CURBS AND WARRENITE-BITULITHIC OR STANDARD-BlTULITHIC FA "i.1EMEN'T ; ?ROVIDING FOR THE MAKTNG OF PARKI~nS AND PLANTIH"G TREES AND GRASS TImREON, INSTAl,LING SPRINKLING BOXES FOR IRRIGATIlfG SAIDPARKINGS AND FOR THE FUTURE MAINTE- NANCE AND C,,'\RS OF SAID P A VBMENT A1ID CURBS, TRR8S AIm GRASS ON SIXTH AVRN1JE FROM A LINE 28 FEET SOUTH OF THB SOUTH LINB OF GARFffiLD STR.EET TO THE SOUTH CUnB LINE OF GRANT 3TR~T, WITHIN" SAID CITY, 4.ND TO SPECIALLY A.SSBSS 1'118 :1:NTIHE COST AND EXPF.NSB OF MAK- ING SAID IMPROiTH;MEN'I'S A..1ID THE MAINTENANCE THEREOF AGAINST TI-rR PROPERTY WITHIN SA ID DIST~ICT, TJN1JF:R AND BV VIRTT.J:E OF THF:PROVISIONSOF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277 INCLUSIVE, OF THE ~VISF.D com~s OF MONT ANi\. , 1921, AND ANY AMF:NDMEN'T'S TIDm4iTO. IF. IT RESOL 'ffiD BY Tm:: COMMIS3 ION OF THE CITY OF BOZEWU\N: Sec. 1- That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commis- si on of the City of Bozeman, state of Montana, to create a special improvement dis- trict to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 259 of said City, for the purpose of making the improvements wi thin said spe cial improvement district herein described. Sec. 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 259 to be ere ated are as fa 11 ows : "Beginning at a point 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street, said point being 150 feet east of the east line of Sixth Avenue; the nee south parallel with <md 150 feet east of the said east line of Sixth Avenue I to the south line of Grant Street; thence west along the sai d south line of Grant Street, to a point 150 feet west of the west line of said Sixth Avenue; thence north parallel with and 150 feet west of the said west line of Sixth Avenue to a point 28 fe et south of the south line of Garfield Street; thence east along a line 28 feet south of said south line of Gar- field street to the place of beginning", Sec. '7 That it is hereby declared to be the intention of said City Commis- .J. sian of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, that all of the land within said pro- posed ~ecial improvement district as defined in Section 2 of this Resolution, abut-. ting on said improvement, will be specially and equally benefitted by the improvements contemplated, and should equally bear the cas t of said improv-errents in accordance with the laws of the state of Montana in such case made and provided. Sec. 4. That the character of the improvements to be made within said dis- trict is as follows: The construction of concrete curbs and Standard or Warrenite Bitulithic pave- ment; the grading und seeding of the par kings , the planting of trees and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue between a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield Street and the south line of Grant Street. Sec. 5 . That an approximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the work, including excavation, curbs, pavement, grading and seeding parkings, planting trees, I installing sprin}~ling boxes, engineering, inspection and incidentals, is Eleven Thousand, One Hundred Twenty-two and 87/100 Dollars ($11,122.87). Sec. 6. Tha t the total front age of the land wi th in said pr oposed d ist ric t to be taxed for the cost of said improvements (exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places) is one thousand, two hundred sixty-four (1264) lineal feet, and an approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement to liJ2 . ,~---:.===-.:..:c.===-=::.:.:..:.= .:..'''-'--'--''--'-'--_...:...........=,="''.::=~=--'-''''__.. --.-..-.-.'.---.------.--.-----:-----,-. ----:-:---~',--_:_~.c.",...=._:_. ::.:::=""=-':C=_",,"'_. __'_.__.__..__.__'_.._'_""".._'~.,.,._,.~_. ~ "__,..~. ..., ~_,. ,. ". Sec. 7. That said parkings, curbs and pavement shall be maintained, in- cluding the irrigating and mowing of the grass, the pruning of the trees, the reseed- I ing of any portion of the grass or the replanting of any trees necessary, the repair . an(j maintenance of the curbs and pavement, after the expiration of the guarantee period thereon, and, generd.lly, the doing of all work necessary and proper for the Care and maintenance of said parkings, curbs and pavement; the cost thereof shall be borne by an annual assessment against the property within said district, each lot or parcel of land therein to be assessed as aforesaid. 3ec. 8. That the entire cost and expense of making said special improve- ments in said proposed District ;fo. 259 shall be paid by Special Improvement Die- tri ct Coupon 1'3onds as authorized by the laws of the state of l!J.ontana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars (:~500.00) each and in fra.ctions where 'necessary, toue issued and chargeable against a fund to be known as Special Improvement District No. 259 Fund, said bpnds to be redeemable at the ovtion of the City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds ar~ ayailable for tha.t purpose from sa.id Special Improvement District No. 259 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said improvement and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds un- I til said bonds a.re paid. Sec. 9. To pay said bonds and interest thereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the lands wi th- in said' proposed Special Improvement District No. 259 as hereinbefore defined, each lineal foot 0 f the frontage thereof to be assessed and taxed for its proporti onate share of such entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, ~lleys and public places. See. 10. :Jaid assessment and taxes shall be payable in twenty-one annual installments with six per cent. annual interest on deferred payments commencing with the year 1927, but this provision shall not be construed to pre-vent full payment at any time. Sec. 11. That the regular session of the City Commission 0; t!:/e City of :Bozeman, state of Montana., to '08 held in the Commh:sion Chamber, City I1dll Building, City of Bozeman, on Friday, the 27th day of August, 19:~6, at 7:3('; u'cloeK P.M. of said day, are the time and p1cl.ce desie:nated when and where the said City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed, against said pro- pos ed improvement cmd the creation uf sai d pro posed improvement dis tric t, and the ex- I tent and character thereof, or of either thereof. Sec. 12. That the Clerk of the said City CQrnmifJsion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, be, and he is herehy dix'ected to give notice as required by law, of the adoption of thifJ Resolution. Passed b.y the City Comrnisf)ion of the City of Bozeman, l~ontana, and approved by the 1\<1ayo1' of said City, this 30th day of July, A.D. 1926. ATTI"ST:.. ______ ~~~f~~ .. 'I' \ ~lA~ YOR '- \ .', ..' ). 'it t " ;. J .I I I. . CU~RK OF THE COM1~ISSION. AJ~ 1 ~-i ~J~ . ~---" ;;;:) .n___ ,.,.._...__...__..._____.n. nm ------ ---.-...-. NOTICE I Notice is hereby given thGt at a regular meeting of the City Comnission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on Friday, the 30th day of July, A.D. 1926, a resolution of said Commission was duly passed and adopted, declaring it to be ~ the inten tion of said Commission to create a special improvement district to be known and desig nated as SpeciGl Improvement District No. 259 of said City of Bozeman, Mon- tana, for the purpose of making improvements as follows: The construction of concrete curbs and standard or Warreni ts bi tu1i thic pavement; the grading and seeding of the parkings, the planting of trees and the installation of sprinkling boxes on Sixth Avenue between a line 28 feet south of the south line of Garfield street and the south line of Grant Street, and providing for the future maintenance of said improvements. And declaring it to be the intention of said City Commission to specially assess the entire cost and expense of said improvements, i~cluding excavation, curbs, pavement, gradi ng and seeding parkings, plant ing trees, installing sprinkling boxes, engineer- ing, inspection and incidentals, agains-t the land wi thin said spe cial improveme nt district, each lineal fo ot of the frontage of the land within said district to be as- sessed and taxed for its proportionate share .0 f said en tire c os t . exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places. I That the estimate of the approximate cost of constructing said improvement is Eleven Thousand, One Hundred Twenty-two and 87/100 Dollars ($11,122 .n?); that the total frontage of the property wi thin said district to be assessed and taxed for said improvements is 1264 lineal feet, and the estimated cost per lineal foot of said fronta.ge to be so specially assessed and taxed, . '~8 3" 1S :~- .' u. ..-"...-..--.--....-.--- . n_.___"._..". _.....u_____._.__._____..._________._.__ .._n._._.______._._.__._._...._.... li>4 -.......--.------- -----.- -----,,-- -- -.--.---. - .....-.- -.- -.----. spe cti on to all i ntere sted partie s a.nd to the public' generally. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 30th day of July, A.D. 1926. I /":~~) /;':'1:' ,. CL.1<~RK OF THF. COMMISS ION. AFFIDAVIT OF CITY CL.~RK THAT NOTICF. OF PUBLICAT IO:{ HAS BEEN GIVEN STATE OF MOIITANA ) 53 County of G~llatin .) I, V{8.1ter Davis, Clerk of the Cormnission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify tha.t the foregoing Notice relative to City Commission Resolution Ho. 72 uf t.he City of Bozeman, Montana, was pUblished once within ten days after its fi- nal passage, to-wit: On the 30th day of July, 1926, in the Bozeman Weekly Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, I Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and fi led in my office. IN ~71THESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand a.nd affixed the corporate seal of said City this 31st day of July, 1926. r~;/.>,: :' . CLERK OF THE~ COMHISSION. I . ~_._..-