HomeMy WebLinkAbout94- 428 East Mendenhall St IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMP\T FOR -128 EAST MENDENHALL STREET THIS AGREEMEN�T is made and entered into this ,-c�L_- dad- of � r 1994 , by and between Frank J . I.-:eitz and Frank C . Seitz , hei einafter- called t he "Developers" . and the Cite of Bozeman , a Munir• ipal Corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the "C i Ly" . WHFREAS , it is the intent and purpose of the Developers to meet. the conditions of approval of a Conditional Use Permit rtpf,l icattori to change from one non-conforming use to another .t 1'?8 East, Mendenhall Street , thus allowing the conversion of the use of the brtilding from an auto repair shop to a cabinetry storage and countE rt.op mane CactIrri n� use on the property in quest ion; and WHERFAS , it is the intent, of Lhe Developers to obtain Final s i tP Plan approval ., anal WHEREAS , it is the intent and purpose of both the Developers and the City to enter into an :,greemerit which will guarantee the full and satLsfactovv completion of tht-z� required improvements on the property hereinafter described; and it is the intent of this _ -1—Bement , and of the parties het•eto , to spit tsfy Lite imt)rovements guarantee re(juirement.s for thc, conditional a1:,pvov1-:iI cif said Cend i t i onal I-se Pc.rmi t . NOW , THEREFORE . in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions, contained lrert:•in, it is hereby agreed as follows : 1 Prof-)erti _I7ns r i t,t i_oII This Agret•ment pc•r•tains to and includes those properties which arc, <.tesis;nated and identified as the West 16 feet of Lot 23 , all of Lot 22 , and the East 6 f et of Lot 21 , Block F , House ' s First _\ddit.ion , Cit;, of Bozeman Gallatin County . Mc)ntan.,, and more ..ommoril% krrov.n as 128 F.as:_ Mendenhall Street . 2 . Snill)rovenlent,s This Ag'r(-entent sper i f i cal 1 y includes landscapirr and other iml�ruvem�nt�: as i t lustrate d on the plans and spe .: if ications hereto at tachf-d and made a par•L of' this Agr-sement , as "E%I-Libit _1" . The estimated cost of said impro-, ement s it, •it.t ached and made a part of this Agr-eement , as B" . 1 3 . Financial Gitarant.ee,_ Ti-me fot__C'ompletic,n of In1provemep-t.s If occupancy of the project. is to occur prior to the insta1Latio11 of a 1 L reciui1'0d on-site 1m1)1•o'� eme•nts , the I nip roveincnts A r-c enient mus L be secured by a financial guarantee , as tnay be deemed arc ,rat.able by the C it to the city of' Bozeman, i n �1171 amount equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the installation of any required improvements not completed at that time . Said method of securit%. shall br valid for a period of not le°,s t.h,-1r1 twelve ( 12 ) months . In ar1;• e% ent al I reL111Lred improvements shall be completed within nixie ( q ) months of occupancy in ordr-r to avoid default orr the method of securit.- . ct ion R(-l-)rei::entatives of the Cite shal-I have the ri-lit to enter upon the property at any reasonah1e time in erder• to inspect_ it and to determitie if t11e Developers are in court>liance- w ; th tlii::� Agreement , and the Developers, shall permit the City and its representatives to enter upon and inspe-t the i)ropE•rty at ail,, reasonable time . 5 . Default Time '-s of the e:i�-:ence of this _% reement If the Devel•Dl)ers shall default in or fail Lo fully perform any of its obligations in c,onfor•m:ince wi t h the t ime• schecluic. under this A rc,enreut , rind such kl(>f'2111 t 0- f�1ilure shall continue for a period of Oiirtz ( 30 ) dat s after %,ritteri notice sl-,ecifyills; the default i5 deposited itr the United Stat eS mail addressed to Dr . Frank U . Seitz , 26.11 Spring Creek DiL%-E' , Rozonlan , .SIT 59715 or such other address as the Develor-rs shall l)ro%-ide to the City from t inre to time , witholit bein,, c•omplete1v remedied , satisfied , and (Iischars:ed , the City may elect. to enfor-c(.' LIrly of the following specified remedies : A ) Tho City may at it -i opt ion, declare t he f irrancial -uarar, t ee to l)e forf'c,it ed and sec;ire the c0ml:)lete construction and inspection of the impro-vements described 11c ve i 11 . k The representative , Cont l'LLCtor.'; ;Irld ens i.neers shal l ha%-e the right to enter, upon the property Lncl perform such fork and inspection , :ind the Developers sha11 pe r-mii and secure an\' a(-lcli t i onr11 r�ermi :;s i .�n required t o en.lb 1 c� them t o do S O . Ii1 The City may enfor•c•e �-my other rc-me(ly pro% ided by Law . G . Isarrunt Tkte Iopers sh<aL1 w�-Lrrant a"rLitrst. cl('fects in these improvement for a period of one rear from t.11- date of their wr i t ten arceptarice 1)�- 1-he tio% erni n^ Body . 1n=, required landscaping mast be rllaintaine(1 in a healthy , :1r01'in7 condition at atl times . Any plant that (lies must be replaced with another living plant that cornpl ies with the .-lpprowed landscape r-)Ian . 7 . Cove r•n i n Lr.w This ag*reement. �-•hall be construed according tc the laws of the 51 .It. c7 f' Mr)rit ana . H . Modification,, or alterations• No modifications or amendment of this .Agreement sh::.11 'be valid , unless eviaenced by a writing signed by the parties. hereto . 9 . 1 n al id Prov is i on The invalidity or, unenfor•ceahiIity of anY provision of this -AcIreement sha11 not :Affect the other provisions hereof , and this agyr 00me11i sha11 be construed iti _ill respec• t. s as if such in% al ici or• unenforceable provi :;ion were omitted . 10 . No _Alz�!;i ;4nment It is expressly a:;reecl th�rt t1.e Dc.vc�l,�per shall not, assi rl this :A,=:r>:•e'ertre,nt in whole , or in p :rt . without prier written consent to r'it � . I1 . Success:ors Except as provided in paragraph 10 , this _igreemerit sh_3ll. be binding upon, enuro to the benefit of , and be enforceable by the ;)ar•ties hereto and their respective heirs , succes_:ors and assigns . 7. Frank J . _ itz r Frank C . Seitz STATE OF MONTANA ) . ss County of Gallatin 1 On this _�K dad- of 'TvAG--+---JZ . , 1994 , before me , a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Frank J . Seitz and Frank C . Seitz , known to me to be the persons who executed the fore oing improvements Agreement , and acknowledged to me that they eNecuted the same . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand and affixed m� Notarial Seal the d.-ty and year first- above written . \et ary ubl ic• for State of Montane: Residin at Bozeman Commission THE CITE• OF BULEMAN Phillip J . F bes Director of Public Service STATE OF MONTA\A : ss Count- of Gallatin ) On the _ dad- of jo _ 1994 , before me , a Notary Public for the State oftana , personally aI>peared Phillip J . Forbes , known to me to b._ e person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as Director of Public Service of the City of Bozeman, whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and z10knovled,ved to me that lie executed the same for and on behalf of said Cite . I:• WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set in'v hand and aff fixed m•: :seal c , the da and � eai•�f/irst written above . tar public for Stat of Montana Resi.din," at F-,ozeman _ ommission Expires : _0—.5- `9i3 } "EXHIBIT B" ESTi ATED COST OF IMPROVEtIEI TS '128 EAST ME:\DENHAL.L STREET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRUJECT : Z-93170 - Conditional Use Permit to allow storage and countertop manufacturinc-* at •128 East MendenhalL Street as a non-conforming use DEVELOPERS : Frank J . Seitz and Frank C . Seitz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITE:f - - _ — -- —SCE. FT . LX. FT .., --- -- ---- - - -----�COS�L-\IT _ - EST . COST Landscaping : Colorado Spruce,. _8 ' in._height 1 $ 155. 00 ea. S 155. 00 Red .Twig--Dogwood, 1,2" , high 3 . s_-4. 00 ea . $ 12. 00 General landscaping ( Grading , sod , irrigation ) 400 sq. ft . S 0 . 21 ea. S 81 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST : .251 .00