HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 76 Levying for installation of Sidewalks and Curbs in 1926 . --- -.- .._~--- ~ n _._ ._.. . ~.- --.- .-.-.-.. 146 .-.- .- -- -- .- ___..n__..__.__.___..___.._n. ._.__..__. ..... .. -........".--..-............ .--. .._.___n_._ _"'. .... .._n .. ... .. .n__""_.___u___.__.._.__.__ ...___.._.n.__.._____._. _.._ CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 76. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING I SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SIDF.WALKS ANDGURBS DURING THE SEASON OF 1926. Sec. 1. WHEREAS, On the 21st day of May, 1926, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, pursuant'to the provisions of Section 5244, Revised Codes of Montana. 1921, duly adopted and entere'd upon the Minutes of its meetings orde rs for the constructi'on of sidewalks and curbing as in B aid orders' spec ified; and WHEREAS, Sidewalks and curbs have been installed pursuant to said or- ders and the City Engineer has duly certified to the City Commission a list showing the cost of such installation and the property subject to assessment; NOW, THEAAFORE, In consideration of the premis'esand provisions of law in such cases made and pro vi ded, there is hereby levied and as'sess'ed agains t the" several lots, pieces and parcels of property as specified and described in exhibit "A". Sec. 2. That said special' assessments aha'll bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent. per annum from the date hereof until pai d and such payment may be made in six (6) equal annual installmentBcommencing with the year 1926. and not I later than November' 30th of the. year 1926, and each November 30th thereafter, unt i 1 all of said payments, together- with the interest thereon, shall have been paid in full. That if any payment shall become del inquent as herein provi ded.. then all of said payments shall be deemed delinquent and shall a-t once become' due and payable, and shall be certified to the County Treasurer for collection as other taxes-at the option of the City of Bozeman. Sec. 3. That after the adoption of this Resolution, sign'edby the Mayor, and the Clerk of the City Commission, it shall be kept on file in the office of said Clerk, and a Notice signed by him stating that the Resolution levying spe- cial assessments herein provided for is on file in his office', apento'inspection for a period of five days, shall be published by'said Clerk at least once in a news- paper published in the City of Bozeman. S uch "Notice shall state the time and place at which objections- to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard' by the City Commission, and the. time for such hearing shall not be less than five (5) days after the publication of such Notice. Provisionally adopted and approved this 3d day of September. A.D. 1926. I ATTEST: /r~~/~~ ~~/l~( MAYOR. CLERK OF THE COMMISSION. --.-- - ..~~._,_.__." .---... ~._-_._.- -.. ,,-~......~.__..... - --. ....- .",~- -"..~-~.__..., w.'--'-.. ..... ~ ... .~~-"",. - ~ ~.~~- ~ ~....._~.._~---_.- ~ - ,~.,-- -..-.~....~