HomeMy WebLinkAbout9-26-14 Reese-Militarization of the Police departmentFrom:Mary Lee /reese To:Agenda Subject:Militarization of the Police department Date:Friday, September 26, 2014 12:09:24 PM I am appalled at the language used in the application for the BearCat G3 – “armed & barricaded suspects, hostage situations, WMD’s,etc” WMD’s, really? Whatever happened to community policing and training for officers in strategies to diffuse situations? Shouldn’t our officers be working with mental health experts and other community resources so they can work with difficult situations before they escalate? Why don’t we have more bike and motorcycle cops policing the downtown for speeder’s and those who don’t stop for pedestrians? Also, why have a hands free ordinance if it’s not enforced? There has been an outcry about alcohol on downtown streets during public events. Those events should be family friendly, not an opportunity to get drunk and carouse downtown. Really, our officers should be used to help the community, not turned into a militarized army barricading themselves from the community. We all understand that protecting our officers is important, but what about the need to be involved in the community so we don’t get into situations where officers are hiding behind shields and barricades. I also speak from experience. I have a brother-in-law who was a motorcycle cop for 30 years in a large metropolitan area. He was very people-oriented and could diffuse situations through talking, not going straight to force. We should be training and rewarding officers who can bring compassion and sensible solutions to difficult situations. Sincerely, Mary Lee Reese 1757 Highland Blvd. Bozeman, MT 59715