HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 81 Building of Beall Park CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. Sl. A HESOLUrIOlJ OF THE CITY COIiJJV[ISSlON OF THE CITY OF BOZEE.AN, ACCEPT lNG .A~m GRAN'l' lUG THE PETITION OF ELLA T. MARTIN TO COIJS'rrmCT A BUIlDING- IN BEALL l"ARK, AND TO DOJI;ATE .0"'1 THE SA}.::;~ AS A GIFT TO TITB; CITY OF BOZEMAN. BIG IT EESOLVED3Y THE COMMISSION OF 'rEE CITY OF BOZEMAN: THAT, WHER.E-4..S, Ella T. Martin, for many years one of Bozeman's most highly esteemed, respected and public-spirited residents, the widow of E.Broox Martin, de- ceased, has filed with the City COmmission of the City of Bozeman, a petition which is as fo llows: Bozemru1, Montana. March 31, 1927. To the Honorable Mayor, and City Commission, of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Gentlemen: In Re: Construction and gift of a Community House for Beall Park Playground, located on that block bounded by Black st., Bozeman St., Short st., and Villard Street. WHEREAS, My husban(l, }<:i. Broox Martin, and I lived. in Bozeman fOl' upward of 3J years, reared our family here, made our home here, earned a livelihood in this valley, and have been interested and. concerned, dur ing that time, in the growth, progress and. improvement of this community; and WH:B;REAS , It was our wish in later years to contribute substantially to some good,and reasonable cause fostered by the Community for its young people in particular and the Public good in general; and WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman has no definite, suitable Community House for free recreational activities; and WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman owns Beall Park, a site adaDtable and valu- able as a Public Playground, Md has therein set aside space and allowed and DroVided apparatus and areas for games, Dastimes, and Public recreation; and WHEREAS, The yearly increasing numbers of young and old who take advantage of the present opportunities available there, and, the civic benefit to be derived from the use of a first-class community house seem to justify larger, more permanent and more suitable accomodations than the Dresent facilities at Beall Park offer; and WHEHEAS, The building now in use on the property is old, dilapidated, Md in sad need of innumerable repairs; and WHEREAS, Such building as it stands does not contribute toward the beauty of an otherwise fairly respectable-appearing and improved ill'ea, and is not compatible with the idea of civic pride in sUitable, modern, well-kept buildings and grounds maintained for Public use; and WlfEREAS, The City of Bozeman has no funds available for the proper mainte- nance of this property, much less for any additional substantial improvements of grounds or buildings; and WHEREAS, There is at present no legal means by which moneys for this pur- pose may be produced or accumulated by taxation Or bonding, nor by which the city may further o"bligate itself at present time; and WHEHEAS, I have already made various donations for the establishment of this Play Center and wish to make a considerable. definite contribution toward the welfare of Bozeman's young people, and desire to see a plan consummated. by which a suitable structure, for the purpose herein set forth, may be built and utilized at the earliest possi"ble date; I, 'I' IillREFORE, petition the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman to grant me permission to build on the premises of Beall Park a structure such as that illustrated. in the Sketch and floor plan submitted herewith as a part of this petition; Further, to grant me such permission to begin, construct, and complete the project herein after described. and under the conditions hereinafter set forth: ..._._..u ___. _._______.._ n__.__.___n __ ...___ __.. The' main or gro'lUld floor will contain: A general recreation room approximately 25'x 40' A Readtng Room approximately 20' x 40' . A warming room for skaters approximately 15'x 28' A ticket counter and tUJ:'n doors for skating season Two toilets leading from Main Room Two toilets opening on rink side A supply room Shel ves for bo oks. It is proposed to have the main floor of fir, flanked by wainscoting, and. the walls plastered and calcomined. It is intended to heat the building by hot air. The basement plans provide for approximately the fOllowing: An ap];l ara tus storage room 13' x 15 t A coal room 10' x 10' A furnace room provided with a hot air furnace attached and complete stairway leading to second floor Stai1'way leading from basement to outside, with SDace for hose A kitchen 15 r x 20', provi ded with range, sink and cUDboard A custodian's room 12' x 20'. . I propose to construct said building on approximately the same sit@ now oc cupied by the old, or, specifically, as follows: The North line of the building will be approximately eighty-five feet sout of the wire fence that bounds the Droperty on the north. The East wall of build.ing will be set back from sidewalk approximately twenty-six feet and connected with side walk by a cement walk. Such placement of the new building will not necessitate removal of nor interference with either of the water mains and. seWers which now run parallel to the old building. Neither will it be necessary to remove any of the trees immediately south of the building. . I do herein further petition t,he City Commission to grant me the fo llowing rights, Drivileges, assurances, and concessions: FIRST: Permission to wreck the old building now standing on the site re- ferred to. SECOND: Permission to utilize and appropriate such parts, fixture s, and contents of said old building as may be of use or value in carrying on the construc- tion of the new, or in completing the building, or partially furnishing it with ap- Dropriate equipment afterward. THIRD: The assurance that the City will ms1ce l"Jrovision for the use, or disposal, or storage of all unneeded or unused portions of the old building, and of all rubbish aml refuse of both buildings, dUJ:'ing wreckage if necessary to clear sDace, but in any case, within sixty days of completion of the new building and no- tice given of same. ," FOUHTH: The sole right to let contract for wrecking the old building, for excavating for the new, and for construction of the new, to whomsoever I wish; the right to hire, delegate, or appoint whomsoever I choo se to carry out the plans and proposals herein made; the right to find a suitable place to store such contents, fixtures, and usable articles as I may wi sh to preserve out of the old l)uilding for use in the new. FIFTH: The assurance that the City will furnish free ;vater on the premises during construction period;tba t the City will furnish all sewer and water connec- tions necessary; that the City will, uDon comple.tion of the building, prepare sui t- able lawn about the building, and. vdll build and Day for sufficient additional wire fenc$ to complete enclosure around the park; SIXTH: That the city will pay the insurance premium against loss by fire tha t may occur dUJ:' ----- ---.-.--. --.--. 4. I agree and do bind myself and my heirs, in consideration of the grant fng of this petition, to commence work at once upon the proposed project and to full complete the same on or before the first day of January, 1928, and if said building is not completed and d.elivered to the city of Bozeman on or before said first day of January, 1928, then the Oi ty of Bozeman shall have the right, at its option, to the full possession and ownership thereof. 5. That any contract I may enter into wi th any person for the doing of a 1 I of the work proposed in this petition, particularly in the construction of said new ) building, shall bear a clause inserted therein to the effect "That the City of Boze- man shall not be responsible for any cost or expense in and about the construction 0 said new building, or the doing of a~y work in connection with such operations, nor shall any lien be placed on any property or attempt to be placed thereon helonging t the City, nor shall the City of Bozeman be responsible for any loss or damage to any person by reason of said work". " 6. Tlk'1 t when the proposed. building has been completed and the stipulation and agreements aforementioned carried out, I agree to relinquish all my rights there in t.othe City of Bozeman; That I will give wholly, without remuneration, reimburse ment or reward, and as a gift, the said building with its additions and appurtenance , fixtures, and such furnishings as I may place therein, to the Cityo! Bozeman, to have, use ,and enjoy, as those inauthori ty see fit, wi thout any restrictions or other conditions than THAT THE HOUSE BE USED FOR T:H:f!3 PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT IS BUILT, N.AJv1ELY, A COMMUNITY CENTEH, WHEH.E YOUNG AND OLD, OF GALLAT IN V ALLEY MAY GATHER AND ENJOY THEMS ELVES AND INDULGE IN WHOLESOME RECREAT ION ,andtha t the City of Bozeman accept the responsibility of ownership and take suitable care of the building there- after. Trusting that your Honorable body Will grant the prayer of this petition, I am Very sincerely yours, AND WH.EREAS, rrhe City Commission of the City of Bozeman, has fully consid- ere.clsaid petition and endorse and approve the plans proposed by Mrs. lVlartin, subjec to the covenant, agreements, conditions, and reservations therein cOj:ltained; and WEE REAS , it appears that the granting of said petition will result in a great and everlasting benefit to the City of Bozeman,. +):;s people in general, and its '.: ".~' young people in particular; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the. tsaid petition be granted sub ject tQ the covenants, cond.itions, restrictions and reservations therein contained, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Bozeman, through it,13:;City Commis- ..,~ sian, express to Mrs. Martin its grateful appreciation for the wonderfU(~ and exceed- , (~;; ingly valuable donation and gift proposed by her; And that she be assured of the fullest and heartiest cooperation by this Commission in carrying out her plans. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, :Montana, and approve by the Mayor of said City, this first day of" April, A.D. 1927. ATTEST: ~/ 'a/.7~ :MA YOK. CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EO ZEMAN, MONTANA. /:l. I " j,