HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 76A Levy Installation of Sidewalks and Curbs in 1926 CITY . CO.ISS1()N:RH:SOL~ION'NO; "7t3A. A COMMISSIONRESOLUT!ONFINAUYPASSING 'AND ADOPTINa:RESOL'UT'lON NO". 76; ENTITLED, "A RESOLUT ION OF THE cITY"COMMiIS'S'ION'OF THE'C'ITY 'OF 'BOZEMAN', I..:EIVYING AND ASSESS ING SPE- CIAL ASSESSWNTS"FORTHE'INSTALI,,;AT Tblr oF' SIIiBWALKSANDCURBS DURING THE SIMSON OF 1926. " WHEREAS, The' CityCommiasiouo'f the'~ City o"f"Bcrzeman, did on the 3d day of September, 1926,'ata :regU-lar se'sBi01'1,t"hereaf,"'pro-vi1Jlcmally passCommisaion Reaolu- ti on No. 76, entHled: "'A QSOLUTION ,. OF TEE' :OITYCmmIS'S'I'ON' 'O:JrTHE'CITY::OFBQZEMAN, LEVYING AND AS- SESSING SPECIAL ASSESSMErNTS' 'FOR'THE"INS'TAIZJ(T'I'ONi'^OFSIDEWALKS . AND . CURBS DUR- ING'.1Um SEASON OFl~26" i ' . WHEREAS,Said'CbminfSslonBeElaliitfo n Nb.76'was dulysfgned 'by the Mayor and the Cler'k of the"Commhsiolt' of said City, and 'VIas f'i;le-d"in,th'e 'off'ice of the Clerk of the Commission'ofsafd CHy' o'n 'tlTe" 3d day of'Septembe'r;"1'9<26,a!1d' evers-i'ne'e has been on fi le in said, of flce's'u'b~ect to 'at:ld'fo'r';theThspec'ti:on ofa.il pe:rscinsinterE1B ted ; and WHEREAS, Friday,the 17th'da:yof' Sep,terirbETrr"1926rat"7:300"dockP.M., at a regular ses:s:iorrofsaid,CiuyComm isB'ioIfrto beheJ:dat' theCommissi on Chambe r, City Hall,aaid'City)', W'I!t&"des'4gn'at'ett1nvs1tidResol'Ut, ion' "a'& "the'; t'i me. 'Bind plac e 0 f'he ar ing obj ections.tDthe':final'pas1I:a;ge ', and'ad'option'of"'sa:1d' Resolht!l:tI n; a.nd WHEREAS, The Clerk 'of't'he 'ConnrJias'fon'has"gi:vel'l"noti"c'6 of the filing cf said Resolution 'and the'fht8,l"pa'Bsa:g e';and'adoptionthereof" byp-ub'lfeat'ion and notice there- of in the Bozeman' Da i-ly , Ghxo'nio1e',a dailynew8paper"pu'bH's'hed- in'sa'idC:l:tY','at least five (5) days 'before the day set 'for hea:dngany'and"alT obJectiOris to thefi na:J;paa- sage an<iadopUonof 'said'Res'Glution; and WHEffil:AS, The"mat.ter' ofaafd finaI'passage andado'ptiou' ofaaid' Resolution, coming on regularly' tObehearct,.pur1luant.tosaid:, Rese luti'oJ'Iand'Ntrl1ric'e', th''is'17th dayofS'eptembe'r',1926j at a regular'Be8's'ibnof\sa:idC1tyComm:ta'~!!:'on,' due proof being made of the p'ubi'lloati'on 'of 'sddNoti'ce as reqUired byl'aw' and as 'crrde'red'bysai.d Reso- lution,and no'obj"ections'havoing' beenmade"orfi'led'to.the 'fina.J:;<'p'assage "and adopti on of said R~!3elution'and.th'elevY'in g ....oftheasses.sment'8;s'1iherein"'provided; NOW, THEREFORE; ....BE ....U"RE'SOLVED".AND.. . IT' ".' IS "Imm:BY" .ORDERE1>.BYTIill....CITY.'Cq'MMIS_ S I ON. OFTFJ:ECITYOFBOZEMP1N;"ST~T E' OF'1[ONj' AN A: Tba't ".$6.1.0.:. C\i:ty".Co.mmie,a1 'ol'.l:"R'e's'cfJf~tj;'on, Nd. '7'6.;'t)'e'iari'd.,.th'e"Bal!leis" hereby fi- nally passeo.'and;,,'a;dopted 'a-rrd.""the' 'spe'C'iaJ::a8s'ess'ment""Ofl,t'axe'Bt,o'de'fray'the dost and , ,~. expenB~of 'ma,kfng the'i"itttJr~vemen.t's' as t1'ierei,rt'Bet'f'orth;"be. andthe'saJne a.reJ:lereby 1 evied, 'aJ1d'ae8e'8sedafs'the-'re j;'n''''p~vided . . . Fl~allypasBedand 'f~'ria::qY'a;do'Pten'bX'1;);1e"CI ty'Commi'S'sionof'the City of Boz eman, at 'a..' r'$gula.'l""'1!I"eS'l'lhJnt'he'I'EoJio'P", 'he'~'d' 'o'n"ttl.'h,"J:7'tftl"'da:y "o'f'" 'S'8pte'l'nber', 192:6. Appr()v!d'by. the "May or this 17th' 'da;~rof' September', .1\'. D~'19 26. ATTEST: --r~e( /~ " . YO .