HomeMy WebLinkAbout94- McCloy Office Duplex Structure IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR McCLOY OFFICE/DL'PL,F.X STRUCTURE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this e2h4/_ day of 1994 , by and between Daniel R . McCloy , hereinafter- called the "Developer" , and the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana , hereinafter called the "City" . WHEREAS , it is the intent and purpose of the Developer to meet the conditions of appro-val of Minor Site flan application ;;Z-93112 allowing tare construction of a 3616 Sq. Ft , combination office and two apartment dupleX with attached garage , related parking , and site improvements on the property in question; and WHEREAS , it is the intent of the Developer to obtain the required Building, Permit ( s ) ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent and purpose of both the Developer and the City to he-reby enter into an Agreement which will guarantee the full and satisfactory completion of the required improvements on the property- hereinafter described ; and it is the intent of this Agreement , and of the parties hereto , to satisfy- the improvements guarantee requirements for the approval of said ?Minor Site Plan appl i cat _ion . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein , it is hereby agreed as follows : 1 . Prouerty Description This agreement pertains to , and includes those properties which are designated and identified as Lot 1 , Block 12 , :Annie SuhdivisLor1 , Bozeman , Montana , and more commonly known as 704 ?north 22nd . 1 2 . I row ements This agreement specifically- .includes the installation of a pared parking lot , curbing' , and landscape improvements , and other improvements as illustrated on the plans and specifications hereto attached and mwle a part of this Agreement , as "E-:hibit A" . The estimated cost of said improvements is attached and made a part of this Agreement , as "E�.hibit B" . 3 . Financial Guarantees_ Time for Completion of Improvements If the use of the structure is to occur prior to the installation of the improvements , the improvements must be secured b\ a financial guarantee , as may be deemed accept Bible by the City , payahle to the City of Bozeman , in an amourit equal to one and one- half t.i.mes the estimated cost of the installation of any required improvements not completed at this time . Said method of security shall be valid for, a period of not less than twelve ( 12 ) months . In any event , all other re(_lirired improvements on the site as del ineatod on E�,.hibi t "A" , ( Final Si to P1 aril , Exhibit "B" , ( Fstimrated Cost. For Firial Improvements ) , and Exhibit "B-1 ( Fstimated Cost For Landscape Improvements ? , which are attached and m:=tde a part of this Agreement , shall he completed r. ithin nine ( J ) months of occupancy in order to avoid default on the method of security . -1 . Inspection Representatives of the City shall have the right to enter upon the property at any reasonable time in order to inspect it, and to determine if the Developer is in compliance with tliis :17reament , and the Developer shall permit the Cat% :and its representatives to Piiter >>pon and inspect the property ,;it any reasonable t ime . 2 5 . Default Time is of the essence of this :Agreement . If the Developer shall default- iii or fail to full- perform any of its obligations in conformance with the time schedule lender this :agreement , and such default or failure shall continue for it period of thirty ( 30 ) days after written notice speci fyinQ the default is deposited in the t;nited States mall addressed to the Developer at -1958 Annette Park Drive , Bozeman , SIT . 59715 , or such other- address as the Developer shall provide to the Cite from time to Lime , without be in (-om1)1eteIy remedied , :;atisfiF,d , and discharged , the City may elect to enforce any of the following specified remedies : A } The City mad , at, its opt ion , dec:Iare t he financial gu;Irarttee to he forfeited anri secure the complete construct ion ante itispectioIi of the i nil,ro%,e ate Iits described here Ln. l . 'File Cit Y , s represent at ive , contractors , and engineer-, shall have the right to ertt e r upon the property- and perform such work and inspection , and the Developer shall hermit and secure any additional permission required to enable t heni to do B 1 The Cit. - may enforce any other remedy provided by law . 6 . Warranty The Developer shal1 warrant against defects in these improvements for- a period of one year from the date of their written acceptaner, by the Governing Body , and insure that all required pedostrian sidewalks or pathways shall be maintained in safe walling condition , and cleared of -,now :tnd debris at all t imes . Any required landscaping must be maintained in a healthy , growing condition at all times . An\I plrint that clies must, be rope acrid with another living plant that complies with the approved landscape hl art . :3 T . Governing Law This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana . 8 . '.Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid , unless evidenced by a writino signed by the parties hereto . 9 . Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall. not affect the other provisions hereof , and this Agreement shal l be construed in all respects as if such inval id or unenforceable provision were omitted . 10 . tic, Assinment. Tt is expressly agreed that the Developer shall not assign this Agreement in whole , or in pert , without prior written consent to City . 11 . Successors F.xCept as provided in paragraph 10 , this Agreement shall be I bindiricy upon , enu.rre to the benefit. of , and be enforce.ible by the parties hereto and their- respective heirs , successors and assigns . UEVELOPER Daniel R. :IcCloy STATE OF MONTa\a ) SS County of Gallatin ) On this j_*' dad- of �7 � 199 1 , before me , a Notary Public for, the State of Montana , personally appeared Daniel R. �fcClov , known to me to he the person described herein who executed the foregoing Improvements agreement and acknowledged to me that he executed the same• . IN wTTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the da}- and year first written above . )e , :=i� '} Pub. c r• State-' of Montana i.dingrlrission F,xt� ir `(�''`jj - ( Sl;ai. ) THE CITY OF BOZEMA P1ii11i.p . --c,rbes - -.._._. -__--•—_ Director of Public Service STATE OF MOtiTANA ) : ss Count- of Gallatin ) On the 4th__ dad- of February___ _ _, t99 1 , before me , a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Phillip J . Forbes , known to me to be the person described in and who executed he fore7oing instrument as Director of Public Service of the City of' Bozeman , whose name is subscribed to the �, ithi.ri instrument and ,rcknowledgc:d to me that he e�cecuted tht, same for and on behalf of said ("it.v . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my yea] on the day and year first written above . .Not,.r-- Public for. State of Montana Re�;idin� at : Bozeman Commission Expires : June 11, 1996 5