HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 85A Passing of Resolution 85 -...- -..-. -.. - 187 -----...- -..--.., ...-......-- .- - ,...-...-..- --"...._-- . -., "....,...--..-...-. -.------- -----------........ --- - -.-.-------- CITY C0111CISSION RESOLUT ION NO. 85A A C01ThIISSION RESOLUTION FINALLY PASSING AND ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 85, E~~ITLED, I tlA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMIHSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, !\WNTANA, ASSESSING AND LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES IE SPECIAL Il/:PROVE!\'[:3;NT DISTRICTS IN SAID CITY, IN ACCOHDANCE WITH THE S3V. ERAL RESOLUTIONS CREATING SAID DISTRICTS AS HEREIN NUMERATED, FOR PARK- ING HAINTENANCE, SPRINKLING, ORNA1tIENTAL LIGHTING, CUTTING WEEDS ll.nD REMOVAL OF SNOW, FOR THE YEAR. 1927". WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, did, on the 9th day of September, 1927, at a regular session thereof, provisionally pass Corrunission Resolu- tion No. 85, entitled: "A RESOLUTIO~J OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZID,'~:.A.N, MONTANA, ASSESSING AND LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES lIT SPECIAL I~PROVE}mNT DISTRICTS IN SAID CITY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SEVERAL RESOLUTIONS CREATING SAID DISTRICTS AS HEREIN NUKERATED, FOlt PARK- IlIG 1.:AINTENANCE, SPRINKLING, ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING, CUTTING WEEDS AND REMOVAL OF SNOW, FOR THE YEA...~ 1927"; WHEREAS, Said Commission Resolut ion No. 85 was duly signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission of said City and was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of said City on the 9th day or September, 1927, and ever since has been on file in said office, subj ect to and for the inspection of all persons intere sted; and WHEREAS, Friday, the 16th day of September, 1927, at 7:30 o'clock P.:r,l., at a regular session of said City Commission to be held at the Commission Chamber, City I Hall, said City, was designated in said Resolution as the time and place of hearing objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, The Clerk of the Commission has given notice of the filing of said Resolution and_ the final passage and. adoption thereof by publishing notice thereof in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper published in said City, at least five (5) days before the day set for hearing any and all objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, The matter of said final passage and ado ption of said Re solut ion, com- ing on regularly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolution and Notice, this 16th day of September, 1927, at a regular session of said City Commission, due proof being made of the publication of said Notice as re~uired by law and as ordered by said Resolution, and no objections having been made or filed to the final passaGe and adoption of said Resolution and the levying of the assessment as therein provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AIm IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY Trill CITY CO~~ISSION OF TEE C rr Y OF 30ZEl::A};, STATE OF EONTANA: That said Commission Resolution No. 85 be, and the same is hereby finally I passed and adopted and the spocial asse ssment of taxes to defray the co st and ex- pense of making the improvements as therein set forth be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed as therein pl"ovided. Finally passed and finall;)' adopted by the City Commission of the City of Boze- man, at a regular session thereof, held on this 16th day of September, 1927. Approved by the 'r.~ayor this 16th day of September, A. D. 1927. ATTEST: ~~W~~ - ~~M.(,q1tkt GLE ..:,. I nSSI ON . - :rvfAY R. .,