HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-14 Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes Minutes for Cemetery Advisory Board 5/8/2014
Members Present:
Russ Tuckerman
Katherine Ball
Lynn Flansaas
Scott Urban
City Staff Present:
Cyndi Andrus
Mitch Overton
Thom White
Shane Suber
1) Meeting called to order by Russ 1:05pm
2) No Public comment
3) changes to Agenda
a. Changes to prior minutes: (1) Change to item 12 to read Thom and
Shane are working on finance..... not Thom and Doug
4) Disclosures: none
5) Review of Cemetery Land City Commission Resolution:
a. Question from Russ: Who or which board advises on "BSF Field"?
b. Question from Russ: Who gets revenue from "BSF Field" activities?
c. Russ suggested changing the last sentence on the top paragraph to "The
land may be utilized for park, recreation and open space purposes until
needed for cemetery uses" as well as change the wording in the last
WHEREAS, to read....ensure adequate space for future Cemetery uses.
d. Thom White suggested that both the Parks and Rec. board and the
Cemetery board get updates from each other on the "BSF Field". Each
board would add this to their agendas.
e. The conversation of having a possible Liaison from each board attend
each other's meeting when issues with the "BSF Field" arose.
f. Russ brought up 2 motions for vote, in regards to changes to proposed
resolution: 1. Amend Cemetery map borders to include both current use
border and future use border. The motion was seconded by Kathy Ball.
g. 2: Change section 4, to section 5 and add new section 4 that states that
no permeant structure, or structures of any kind that would prevent
future cemetery use be built. Also in this was to change the word
"expansion" to the word "uses" in sections 4, 3 and 1. The motion was
seconded by Lynn Flansaas
6) Veteran wall update: Don Derby not present so Shane Surber spoke: Only
update was the trimming of the hedge on back side of wall.
7/8) Requests for Deviations Update and Superintendent/ Foreman Update
seemed to be mixed together:
a.Thom: Let us know he was meeting with water consultants to try and use
the Story Mill Ditch for irrigation water for use in the cemetery instead of
treaded water.
b. Shane: a. Weed trimming was contracted and scheduled
b. Mower rotation budget still intact.
c. True Green spraying being scheduled
d. Full crews on Monday the 12tn
e. Water turned on May 12tn
f. Lots of raking to be done and happening
g. Youth group coming to rake. Possible 20 people
h. Ryan Stover to move 9 trees that are flagged from nursery to
i. A private citizen has offered to donate 20 bare root trees to be
j. Russ asked if the cemetery had a budget for new trees to which
he got no definitive answer from anyone.
Memorial garden update:
A. Shane is talking to engraving people about mounting options. He is talking
to both Scot Walden of Goose Ridge Engraving and Dennis Springer of
Bozeman Trophy and Engraving about this.
B. Russ asked for an August action item to open garden
C. Was said by someone that a brochure for the memorial garden was in the
D. There was a question if citizens could put in benches or flowers?
9) No Commission report
10) Next Meeting confirmation of August 28tn
11) No FYI
12 Adjournment at 3:18pm
Russ Tuckerman, Chairperson
Doreen Olean, Board Secretary
Doreen Olean, Board Secretary
Approved on C4 , D o l T