HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 95 Create SID No. 268 C011MISSION RESOLtITION 1W. 95 A HESOLUTION OF ~nm Cm!:J'HSSICIii OF TE::>: CITY OF BOZE1iii0]", I,lONTANA, DECLAIUNG I'J,' TO BE TEE INTENTION OF SAID C()!:TMISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEIvlENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL IMPROVEI,mNT DISTRICT NO. 268 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING: PAVING WITE WA..'t.RENITE-BIT1JLITI-IIC PAVE1U":NT: AND SUCH STORM SEWERS AND HEADERS AS HAY BE NECESSARY ON WEST. COLLEGE STREET BETWEEN 'rI-iE EAST LINE OF FOURTH AVENUE A1!!D TEE EAST LINE OF EIGHTH AVENUE, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPECIALLY ASSESS TEE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF M_AKING SAID nUJROVEMENTS AGAINS'r TEE LAND WITHIN SAID DISTRICT AS CREATED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION Q]' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Section 1. That it is hereby (teclared to be the intention of the Commii;!sion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, .to create a Special Improvement District to be known and designated as Snecial Improvement District No. 268 of said City for the purpose of making the improvements within said Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Section 2. That the boundaries of said Special Iml'Jrovement District . No. 268, to be create~, are as follows:- Beginning at a point in the east line of South Eighth Avenue said pOint being 165 feet north of the north line of W. College Street; thence south along the said east line of S. Eighth Avenue to a point 165 feet south of the south Une of said W. College Street; thence east I!arallel .wi th and 165 feet S. of said south line of W. College Street tOe~€lt east line of S. Fourth Avenue; thence north along said/line of S~ Fourth Avenue to a point 165 feet north of the north line of said W. College street; thence parallel with and 165 feet north of said north line ot W. College Street, to the point of be- ginning. The assessments' against all corner lots, viz; the wouth 30 feet of the tracts south of Blocks 46 - 47 - 48 and 49 of Park Addition and the north 30 feet of Blocks 2 - 3 - 4 an~ 5 of Capitol Hill Addition to Bozeman, to be double that of inside lots. Section 3. That it is hereby declared to be the opinion of said Commission of the City of -Bozeman, state of Montana that all of the land within said proposed Special Improvement District as defined in Section 2 of this resolution, whether abutting on sa'id improvement or not, will be specially benefitted by the grading, paving, installation of storm sewers, and all of said improvements and should bear the cost of said improvements in accordance with the laws of the state of ~i[ontana in such case made and provided. Seotion 4. ~hat the character of the improvement to be mad.e within said Special Improvement District No. 268 is the grading; the paving with'Wa1"renite-Bitulithic pavement; and the installing of storm sewers and . t headers as ma;\T be necessary on West .College Streat between the east line of Fourth Avenue South and the East line of Eighth Avenue South in said City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 5. That an ap~roximate estimate of the cost of doing all of the work of constructing all of said in~provements, includi ng the grading, paving, storm sewer, headers, engineering, inspection and all incidental expenses, is twenty-one thousand dollars, ($21,000.00). " Section 6. That the area of all corner lots within said proposed district is 67742 sQ.uarefeet and the area of all inside lots within said ~~_m"""J"'.."~. - proposed. d.istrict is 302378 Slluare feet making .the total area of the ],and. in said propos'ad district to be taxed for the cost of said. improvements (exclusive of stree s, avenues, alleys and. :publicplaces) 370120 square feet and an approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement, to be specially taxed and assessed. against the land. therein, is $0.09592 per square foot for corner lots and ::~O .04796 per square foot for inside lots. Section 7. That tlJe entire cost and exp'ense 'of making the special improvements herein set forth in said. Special Improvement District No. 268 shall be padd by Special Improvement District Coupon :Bonds, as authorized. by the Laws of the State of Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred " Dollars ($lOO.OO) each, or fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and. chargeabel against a fund to be known as IISpecial Improvement District No. 268 Fund n . said bonds to be redeemable at the o];ition of the City of BozeIllan, Montana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Iuprovement District No. 268 Fund. Said bond.s shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, which interest shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said. improvement, and shall run from the date of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are pa id . 'Section 8. To };Jay said bonds, and ihterest thereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of the land,s wi thin said proposed Special Improvement District No. 268 as hereinbefore defined, each lot or parcel of land within said District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost ,in the proportion that the area. of said lot, or parcel of land, bears to the area of the entire District, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys or public places, provided, that each S'luare foot of the land within said district embraced within any corner lot, or tract (and for the purpose of asse~:3- ment in this district a corner lot is defined as being any, tract of land, streets avenues or alleys, located within a distance of 30 feet of either of Vi. College Street within the di strict) shall be so assessed that each square , foot of the land embraced within any SUCrl corner lot, or tract, shall bear double the amount of the cost of SllCh improvement that a s'luare foot of any inside lot, or tract, shall bea,r. Section 9. Said assessment and taxed shall be payable in twenty-one annual installments, with six 'percent annual interest on deferred payments; commencing with the year 1928. but this provision shall not be construed prevent full payment at any time. Section 10. Tha't! the regular session of the Commiss.ion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, to be held in said Commission's room in the City \ Hall of Said City of Bozeman, on Friday, the 27th day of April, 1928 at Four o'clock P. M. of said da.,y. are the time and place designated when and wh(3re Commission will hear 3.nd pass upon all protests duly a'nd re~larly made and - , aga,inst~ tItS pro];) 0 sed ic(];)rovemont and the orea t ion 0 f siad 8.p eci al Improvemen t District, and the extent and character thereof, or of either thereof. Section 11. That the Clerk of said Commission of the City of Bozeman, State, of :Montana, be, and he is hereby direoted to give notice as reg,uired by law, of the ad.o:ption of this Resolution.' Passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and approved by the Mayor of said City. this 6th day of A];)ril, A. D. 1928. y~ ATTEST: . ~~~' .---- Clerk of th.~>S8 on ~ty of Bozeman, Montana. ~o . . NOTICE NOTICE IS HE Y GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City ~f Bozeman, Sta'e of Mont~na, he~d ?n Friday ~he~th ~ay of April, 1928, a Hesolutlon was duly passed by sald Commlsslon delc8.1'lng lts lntention to create a Special Improvement District to be known, and designated as Special Improvement District No. 268 of said City, for the rmrpOGe of grading; paving wi th Warreni te- Bi tuli thic pavement and installing such storm s.ewers and headers as may be nece- ssary on West COllege Street between Fourth and Eighth Avenues and de(Jlaring it to be the intention ofsa-id Commission to specially assess the entire c.ost and expense of m::ikingsuch improvements against the entire district, each lot or parce of land wi thin such districtLt'o be assessed for tha tpart of the whole co st which its area bears to the area of the entire di$trict, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public p1,ac8s, provided, that each square foot of the . land in said di strict embraced within any corner lot shall hear (louble the amount of the cost of such improvement that,ast;[uare footOf'any inside lot shall bear, a cOI'nerlot to be considered as 30 feet in width. illhat the et1timateqf the total cost and expense of makin8; sucb improve- ments il1 $21,000.00, tMt the total area of pro];)ert;y in the district to be assesse for the proposed impr~vement exolusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places is 370,120 Slluare feet, that the est;i.mated cost for each cornor lot in said district is :$0.09592 per square foot and the estimated cost for each inside lot in said district is ;i~0.04796 per square foot, and that Friday, the 27th day of April, 1,928 at 4 o'clock p. m., and the Commission Chamber of the said City of Bozeman, has been designated as the time v,'hen, and the place where, the said Commission will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the siad district to be assessed or both. Such l1rotest, if any, must be in writing, and must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission within fifteen days after thE) date of the first publica.tion of this notice. .. For a description of the boundaries of said proposed Spcial Iml)rOVement District No. 268 reference is hereby made to Commission Hesolution No. 95 declal'i the intention of said Commission to create said special improvement distric"b, whic is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of the Oi t:l of Bozeman Montana. Dated at Bozeman, Montana, this 12th day of April, A.D., 1928. . Wal tar D'avis, Clerk of the Commission n .j :i <~,i .. --------