HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 94 Create SID No. 267 ...____u_______ _. .n__.. CITY C01mISSIGN RESOLUTION NO. 94. A RESOLU'l'ION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE 'CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DEOLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID OOM- MISSION TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL DiJPROVEJ,IEHT DISTRICT NO. 267 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING: PAVING WITH ~WO OOURSE CRUSHED GRAVEL MAOAD~~ PAVEMENT AND INSTALLING SUCH DRAINAGE CULVERTS AS j{lAY BE NEC.! ESSARY ON NORTH GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF WEST 1.AM1VIE STREET AND THE NORTH LINE OF WEST VILLARD STREET, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO ;)PECIALLY ASSESS 1'HE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF 1~ING SAID IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE LAND WITHIN SAID DIS'I'IUCT AS CHEATED. BE IT RESOLVED BY TI-rE OOMMISSION OF 'J~lm OITY OF BOZEMAN: Section L That it is hereby dGc1are~ to be the intention of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Yontana, to create a Special Im- provement District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 267 of'said Oity, for the purpose of making the improvements within said Special Improvement District hereinafter described. Section 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 267, to be created, are as follows: BeginninE at a point in the north line of West Lamme str'oet, said point being 84 feet west of the west line of North Grand Avenue; thence north, parallel with and. 84 feet west of said west line of North Grand Avenue to 'the north n line of West Villard Street; thencoeaBt along said north line of West Villard Street to a J point 84 feet east of the east line of said North Grand Avenue; thence south parallel wi th t,. . and 84 feet east of said east line of North Grand Avenue to the north line of said West Lamme Street; thence we f3t along said north line of Went Lamme Street to the place of be- ginning, all in the City of Ib zeman, Montana. Section 3. That it is hereby declared to b~ the opinion of said Com- mission of the City of Bozelnan, State of Montana, that fill of the land wi thin sai.d proposed 81)ecial Improvement District, as defined in Section 2 of this Resolution, whether abutting on saHl imp:rovement or not, \vill be specially and eCf.1,:lally benefi tted by the grading, pavine: and instr,lla tion of said rlrain- age culverts, and all of said impl.'ov,ementu, and should eqlmlly bear the cost of said imIlrovement in accordance with t.he laws of the State of Montana, in such case made and provided. Section 4. That the character of the iml)l'Qvemcl1t to be made vii thin said Special Improvement District Ko. 267 is the grading, the pavint:: with two course crushed gravel macadam pavement, and the installation of such clraim\ge culverts as may be n'ecessary, on all that portion of North Grand Avenue in the said Gi ty of Bozeman, Montana, between the north line of West LaJrU'ne Street and the north line of West Villard Street. ---- Section 5. That an approxhmte estimate of the cost of dOing all of the worle of constructing all of said. imrn'ovements, including grad.ing, paving, culverts, engineerIng, inspection and all incidental expenses, is One Thou sand Nine Hundred Dollars (~~l, 900.00). Seiction 6. That the total frontage of the land within said pro- posed district to be taxed for the cost of said improvoment, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places, is Nine Huwired. Ninety Two and Three Tenths (992.3) lineal feet, and an approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement to be specially taxed and assessed against the land therein, is $ 1.915 per front foot of said land; the ter~ "Front foot" referring to the number of lineal feet fronting, or abutting, upon said North Grand Avenue within said proposed district. Section 7. That the entire cost and expense of mak ing the special improvements herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 267 shall be paid by Special Improvement District Coupon Bonds, as aubhorized by the laws of the state of Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, or fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and cl1argeable against a fund to be known as "S:pecial Improvement Distric.t No ~ 267 Eand", said bonds to be redeemable at .the option of the City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Improvement District No. Z67 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, which interest shall be chargeable as a part oftha cost of saicl improvement, and shall rDh from the date of registration of said bonds until said bonds are paid. Section 8. .To pay said bonds and interest thereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a special assessment shall be levied against all of I the lands wi thin said:pro:p.osed Special Im:provement District No. 267, as inbefore defined; each lot Or parcel of land within said ?istrict to be assessed for that portiol1 of the whole cost in the proportion' that the feet of said lot or parc$lof land. bordering or abutting on said North Grand Avenue bears to the total North Grand Avenue frontage, exclusive of streets, alleys, avenues and :public places, within said District. Section 9. Said Assessment and taxe s shall be payable in seven annual installments, with six per oent annual int.ereston deferred payments, comme.ncing with the year 1928, but this .:provision shall not be oonstrue.d to prevent full payment at any time. .......------., ,.-.-. --.-....-".--- -.--.-...-.-...".---..-...-".. --- Section 10. That the regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State ofT'Montana, to be he ld in the said Commission's room in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, on Frida;)T, the 20th day of April, 1928, a.t four o'clock P Mof said day, are the time and 'place designated when and where the said Commi ssion will hear and pass upon all protests, duly and regularly made and filed, against said proposed improvement and the creation of said proposed Special Improvement District, and the 8:Etent and character thereof, or of either thereof. Section 11. That the Clerk of the said Commission of the-City of Bozeman, State of Montana, be,and he is hereby, directed .to give notice as required by law, of the adoption of this Resolution. Passed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and ap p roved by the Mayor of said City, this 30th day of March, A D 1928. Mmku ~-~--,-"- MAYOn ATTEST: ~. CLEHK OF THE COJ\UvrrSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, rWJiJTANA. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, hel(l on FridfoJ.y, the 30th day of March, A D 1928, a Resolution was duly passecl and adopted by said Commission declaring it's intention to create a Special Improvement District to be known and designated as "Special Improvement District No. ,~67n of said City, for the purpose of grading; paving with two course crushed gravel macadam pavement and installing su.ch drainage culverts as may be necessa.r;y, on all that portion of North Grand Agenue between the north line of West LanIDW Street and the north line of West Villard Street within said City of Bozeman, Montana, and declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to specially assess the entire co st and expense of malcingSQch improvements against the entire Dis- tract, each lot or parcel of land within said District to be assessed for that portion of the whole cost tba t the lineal feet of said lot bordoring or abutting on said North Grand Avenue bears to the total North Grand. Avenue frontage, exclusive of streets, avenu.es, alleys and public l)lo.ces. That the estimc.te of the approximate cost of constructing said im.- provement is ~ 1,900.00; that tho total frontage of the property within said District to be assessed and taxed for said improvement is 992.3 lineal feet, and that the estimated cost per front foot of said property to be so specially assessed and taxed, is ~j~ 1. 915. - ----.-