HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 93 Create SID 266 ..----.. CITY COMMISrnON EESOLUTIO?r NO. 93. A RESOWTION OF THE COTvIT,USSION OF 'l'IrE CIn OF BOZEJ\'.AN, (j 1,WIJTAHA., DECLAn;nTG IT TC BE THE INTEl?rION OF SAID COM- MISSION TO CREATE A. SPECIAL IJ\rr'nOVS~';EJTT DI3TRIC'J~ TO BE KNOWN AND DES IGNATED AS SPEC IAL IM}'EWVJ<;l,\SHT Dr STRIC T NO. 266 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRADING: PAVING WITETWO COUR8ECl?0SHED GRAVEL I,IACADA]vI PAVEI/j~NT: AND IN;;;~'ALLING SUCH DRAINAGE STRUOl'1JI{ES AS MAY BE NECESSARY on WEST KOCII STREET BETWEEN 'rITE WEST LINE. OF EIGHTH AVENUE AIm THE EAST LINE OF ELEV;,jNTII AVENc)E, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO SPEClALLY ASS}jjSSTEE ENTIRE COST .AND EXPENSE OF MARINC} SAID nFEWVEIJIT~N'l'S AGAINST TIm LANTIWITr-tlIJ SAID DISTRICT AS CI~EArl'.ED. BE 1'1' H.ESOLVED .BY 'l'HE COIvll\iISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZIDM.AN: Section 1. That it is hereby declared to be the interltioll of the Commission .of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, to create a Special Impl'ovement Distriet to be l:nownand designated. as Special IL:provOimmt Dis- trict No. E66 of said City for the Pur1,ose of making tbe. improvements within said. Special Improvement Distl'ict hereinafter described. Secti.ol1 2. That the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 266, to be created, are as follows:- Beginning at a I)oint in the west line of S. Eighth Avenue, said point being 150 feet north of the north line of W. Koch Street; thence south along the said west line of Ij S. Eighth Avenue to a point 150 feet south of the south line of said W. Koch Street; r thence west parallel wi'th and 150 feet S ) of said south line of W. Koch Street to the east line of S. Eleventh Avenue; thence north along said east line of S. Eleventh Avenue to a point 150 feet north of the north line of said W. Koch Street; thonce east parallel with and 150 feet north of' said north line of W. Koch Street, to the point of beginning. The assessments against all corner lots, viz: the squth30 feet of Blocks 20, 21 and 22, and the north 30 feet of Blocks 23, 24 and 25 of West Park Addition to Bozeman, to be double that of inside lots. Section 3. That it is hereby declared to be the opinion of. said Commission of the City of Bozernan, State of Montana, that 0.11 of the land within said proposed Special Improvement District as defined. in Section 2 : I of this resolution, whether.abutting on said improvement or not, will be I specially beYiefi ttedbythegrading, paving, installation of culverts, and all of said improvements, andshOl.lld bear the co st of said improvements in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana in such case mad.e and provided. Section 4. That the chQracter of the imIJl'OVemont to be made wi thin said. Special Improvement District NO'. 266 is the gra(ling, the paving wi th two course crushed gravel macadam pavement; and the installing of such drainage .''''r ,...::::::! ':.;.;: C'.>',',.: ,. :,;..,-.' ';:',"':\ :'.,:.' .",","., struotures, engineering, inspeotion and all incidental expenses, is Three Thousand Forty Four ($3 , 044 .00) DOllars. Section 6. That the area of all corner lots within said proposed district. is 45501 sCJ.uare feet and the area of all inside lots within said pro- posed distriot is 182002.5 square feet, making the total area of the land in said proposed district to be taxed for the co st of said improvements' (exclusive of streets, avenue s , alleys and public places) 227503.5 square feet and. an , approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement, to be specially taxed and assessed against the land therein, is $0.0223 per square foot for corner lots and ~0.01115 per square foot for inside lots. Section 7. That the entire cost and expense of making the special improvements herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 266 \ shall be paid by Special Improvemen~ District Coupon Bonds, as author ized by the Laws of the State of Montana, which bonds shall be in the denomination of One Hundred Dollars (;i~lOO. 00) each, or fractions thereof whe're necessary, to be issued and cb.argeable against a flllid to be known as "Special Improvement District No. 266 Fund", said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bo zeman, :Montana, whenever funds are available for tl~t purpose fvom said Special Improvement District No. 266 Fund. Said bonds shall draw simple in- terest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, which interest shall be charge- able as a part of the cost of said improvement, and shall run from the date of ~he registration of said bonds until said bonds are paj.d. .Section 8. To pay said bonds, and interest thereon, representing the cost of said improvement, a. special aS8essment shall be levied against all of the lands within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 266 as herein- before defined, each lot 01' parcel of land wi thin said District to be assessed for that portion or the whole cost in the l)roportion that the area of said lot, or parcel of land, bears to the area of the entire District, exclusive of streets, avonues, alleys or public places, provided, that each square foot of the land within said district embraced within any corner lot, or tract, (and for the purpose of assessment in this district a corner lot is defined as being any trac~iof land, excepting streets, avenues or alleys, located within a dis- tance of 30 feet of either side line of W. Koch Street within the district) shall be so assessed that each square foot of the land embraced within any such corner lot, or tract, shall bear double the amount of the (~ost of such 'improvement that a square foot Of any ins~de lot, or tract, shall 1)ear. \ ----- ---- : I Section 9. Said assessment and. taxes shall be payable in six annual installments, with six per cent. annual interest on deferred payments, com- mcncing with the ,year 1928, but this provision shall not be construed to pre- vent full payment at any time. Section 10. That the regular sessi on of the Commi 8sion of the Oi ty of Bozema.n, State of' )"jolrtan D., to 1) e held in said Commission's room in the City Hall of said Cit:;r of Bozeman, on Friday, the 20th ciay of April, 1928, a t Four O(1)Clock P 1.1:01' said day, are the time f)l1d place desigmlted wrlen cmcl where the Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and. regularly made and filed against the proposed improvement and the creation of said Special'Improvement District, and the extent and. character thereof, o r of ei ther thereof. Section II. That the Clerk of Baid Commission of the C i't;y of Bozeman, State of Montana, be, cmd he' is hereby directed to give notice as reCJ.uired by law, of the adoption of this Resolution. Passed by the Commission of the City 01' BozernmJ, Niontana, and , approved b;Y;,the Ma;;ror of said City this 30th day 01' Earch, A. D. 1928. ~/J l'IAYOR ATTES1' : ~--9/A"~~A/ CLERK OF 'l'HE OOMIVlISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEJvIAN ,MONTANA. NOT ICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That at a regular meoting 01' the Commission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, he lel on Fr iday , t,be 30th day of Mar ell, 1928, a Resolution was duly passed by 'said Commission declaring its intention to create a Spe.cial Improvement District to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 266 of said Cit;y" , for the p'l1.rpose of grading and paving with two course crushed gravel xnacadampavement,and install:i,ng such drainage structures as may be necessary on West Koch Street between Eighth and Eleventh Avenues and declarin,s it to be ,the intention of said COlillni ssion to specially assess the entire cost and expense of making such improvements against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within such district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenue s, alleys and public places, provided, that each sg,uare foot of the land in said dl strict embraced within any corner lot sball bear double the amount of the cost of such improvement \ that a sg,uare foot of any inside lot s11all bear, a 60rner lot to be considered \aB 30 fee~ in width.