HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-22-14 Table of Contents_1Table of Contents Agenda 4 September 8, 2014 09-08-14 City Commission Minutes 7 Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims Claims Memo 17 Award Bid for the purchase of one new refuse Sideload Packer to be installed on Existing Chassis Commission Memo - Sideload Packer 18 Notice of Award Form Solid Waste 20 5. Bid Purchase Agreement Packer 21 Packer Bid Tab 25 Findings of Fact and Order for the Legends at Bridger Creek II, Phase III Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application P14022 (Quasi-Judicial) Legends at Bridger Creek II, Phase III Major Subdivision Memo 26 Legends at Bridger Creek II, Phase III Major Subdivision Findings of Fact and Order 27 Sub-recipient Agreement with Gallatin County for the purpose of passing Federal Funds in support of the Missouri River Drug Task Force Commission Memo MRDTF Agreement FY15 09092014 53 MRDTF FY15 54 Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech Inc. for ongoing post-closure soil gas investigation at the Story Mill Landfill Commission Memorandum-tetra tech -database(9-15- 14)77 Tetra Tech Task Order 79 Memorandum of Understanding with the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology providing for the installation and maintenance of a stream gage on Lyman Creek CC Memo 85 MOU 86 Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Medical Office Building (MOB)5 - Release and Reconveyance and Water/Sewer Pipeline Easements Commission Memo & Agreement 90 Amended Plat of Lots 8-15, Block 5 & Lots 14-18, Block 9, Meadow Creek Phase 1 Major Subdivision Final Plat, Application P13046 Amended Plat of Meadow Creek Block 5 & 9 Attorney Memo 91 Amended Plat of Meadow Creek Block 5 & 9 Review Memo 92 Amended Plat of Meadow Creek Block 5 & 9 Final Plat 94 1 Contracts for Snow Removal Services for City Facilities to Alpine Lawn Care, Big Horn Snow Removal, Granite Peak Hardscape and Landscape and Solstice Landscaping Commission Memo For Snow Removal Contracts 98 Alpine Lawn Care Contrtact 100 Alpine Attachment A 111 Big Horn Snow Removal Contract 114 Big Horn Attachment A 125 Granite Peak Hardscape and Landscape Contract 129 Granite Peak Attachment A 140 Solstice Landscaping Contract 144 Solstice Attachment A 155 Support from the City for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) titled “Missouri Headwaters and Lower Gallatin Basin Conservation & Restoration” and being a committed partner to the project Commission_Memorandum_GVLT_RCPP_Grant 159 GVLT__RCPP_Grant_ 2014 161 RCPP 2014 preap - Missouri Headwaters and Lower Gallatin Basin (2)162 Update on Story Mill Landfill Corrective Measures Assessment Story Mill Landfill CMA Update 9-22-14 169 Resolution 4550, Modification of Special Improvement Lighting District 714 for Southbridge Subdivision Phase I, IA, II & III Memo-Modification of SILD 714 171 Resolution _4550 to Modify SILD 714 172 The Norton East Ranch Major Subdivision Phase 3, Preliminary Plat to subdivide approximately 119.90 acres into 104 single- household residential, 6 townhouse residential, 2 restricted development lots, and the remaining area as streets, common open space, and parkland generally located west of Laurel Parkway and south of West Babcock Street, Application P14037 (Quasi-Judicial) staff report 175 public comment 199 rpab memo 202 preliminary plat 204 cover 207 table of contents 208 application 209 intro and response 214 plat supplements 224 additional supplements 326 surface water and floodplain 339 wildlife 343 response letters 346 water and sewer 366 traffic 394 2 park plan 438 lighting plan 461 phasing plan 473 planning board resolution p14037 475 planning board minutes 9-2-14 479 Reappointments to the Tree Advisory Board 09-14 Tree Reappointment memorandum 489 Hoch, Tree Advisory Board Application 8-14 490 Makoutz Tree Advisory Board Application, 9-14 491 Appointment to the Wetlands Review Board 09-14 Wetlands Review Board Appointment 492 Huckabone, Wetland Review Board Application, 9-14 493 House Joint Resolution (HJR) 2 Public Records Bill Draft Update LCOptC_Comparison_Chart_Sept_14 494 3 THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Monday, September 22, 2014 A. Call to Order – 6 p.m. – Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. Changes to the Agenda D. Public Service Announcement – No City Commission meeting on September 29th as it is the fifth Monday of the month (Ulmen) E. Minutes – September 8, 2014 Consider the motion: I move to approve the September 8, 2014 minutes as submitted. F. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 2. Award Bid for the purchase of one new refuse Sideload Packer to be installed on Existing Chassis (Handelin) 3. Findings of Fact and Order for the Legends at Bridger Creek II, Phase III Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application P14022 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rogers) 4. Sub-recipient Agreement with Gallatin County for the purpose of passing Federal Funds in support of the Missouri River Drug Task Force (Price) 5. Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech Inc. for ongoing post-closure soil gas investigation at the Story Mill Landfill (Johnson) 6. Memorandum of Understanding with the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology providing for the installation and maintenance of a stream gage on Lyman Creek (Heaston) 7. Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Medical Office Building (MOB)5, Release and Reconveyance and Water and Sewer Pipeline Easements (Johnson) 8. Amended Plat of Lots 8-15, Block 5 & Lots 14-18, Block 9, Meadow Creek Phase 1 Major Subdivision Final Plat, Application P13046 (Rogers) Page 1 of 3 4 Bozeman City Commission Agenda, September 22, 2014 9. Contracts for Snow Removal Services for City Facilities to Alpine Lawn Care, Big Horn Snow Removal, Granite Peak Hardscape and Landscape and Solstice Landscaping (Goehrung) 10. Support from the City for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program titled “Missouri Headwaters and Lower Gallatin Basin Conservation & Restoration” and being a committed partner to the project (Overton) Consider the motion: I move to approve Consent Items F. 1-10 as submitted. G. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. H. Special Presentation – Update on Story Mill Landfill Corrective Measures Assessment (Kukulski/Woolard) I. Action Items 1. Resolution 4550, Modification of Special Improvement Lighting District 714 for Southbridge Subdivision Phase I, IA, II & III (Rosenberry) Consider the motion: I move to approve Resolution 4550, modifying Special Improvement Lighting District 714 for Southbridge Subdivision Phase I, IA, II & III. 2. The Norton East Ranch Major Subdivision Phase 3, Preliminary Plat to subdivide approximately 119.90 acres into 104 single-household residential, 6 townhouse residential, 2 restricted development lots, and the remaining area as streets, common open space, and parkland generally located west of Laurel Parkway and south of West Babcock Street, Application P14037 (Quasi-Judicial) (Krueger) Consider the motion: Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and the staff analysis, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for P14037 and move to approve the preliminary plat for the Norton East Ranch Major Subdivision, Phase 3 with the recommended conditions in Planning Board Resolution P14037. 3. Reappointments to the Tree Advisory Board (Brunckhorst) Consider the motion: I move to reappoint William Hoch and Scott Makoutz to the Tree Advisory Board. 4. Appointment to the Wetlands Review Board (Brunckhorst) Page 2 of 3 5 Bozeman City Commission Agenda, September 22, 2014 Consider the motion: I move to appoint Breanne Huckabone to the Wetlands Review Board. J. FYI/Discussion 1. House Joint Resolution (HJR) 2 Public Records Bill Draft Update (Ulmen) K. Adjournment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, James Goehrung, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel 20 and streamed live at www.bozeman.net. City Commission meetings are re-aired on cable Channel 20 Wednesday at 4 p.m., Thursday at noon, Friday at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Page 3 of 3 6