HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 89 Construction of Beall Park CITY C01~tISSION RESOLUTION NO. 89. <1.. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE:!vT.AN ACCEPTING THE BUILDING 'CONSTRUOTEDBY ELLA T. MARTIN IN BEALLPARK,AND DONATED TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AS A RECREATION CENTER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOzEMAN: That whereas "Qy CITY COMivtISSION RESOLUTION NO. 81 of the City of Bozenan, Ella T. ~artin was granted a petition to construct in Beall Park a certain building to be known as a RECREATION CENTER which, after construction she was to donate and give to the City; and WHEREAS, in pursDance of said Resolution, a written agreement was entered into between the said City of Bozeman, and the said Ella T. Martin, rela ti ve to the construction .of said building, which agreem~mt is dated April 1st, 1927; and WHEREAS, the said Ella T. 1~rtin has complied with all the terms of said agreement, .and has erected said building without expense to the Oi ty of Bozeman, and did, on the lOth day of October, 1927, with appropriate exercises, formally donate and give said building to the said City of Bozeman and the same was, by Mayor Edmund . BUJi"ke , and the City Commission of the said City, formally accepted. and dedicated; an WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that a lasting record be mad.e of the final construction and donation 01' said building, and that said Ella T. Martin be released from any liability on said contract and the City record its acce:ptance of this splendj_d gift; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said Ella T. Martin, has fully complied with the terms of the agreement hereinbefore mentione:d; that pursuant to the provi- sions of Sections 5043 and 5044 of the Revised. Codes of the State of Montana, 1921, the ICity of Bozeman do accept this most generous gift and donation; that from this day the ot ty accept the responsibility 01' ownership and take slJ.itable care 0 f said.. building, ancl tl1D. t said. build lng, in the language of the giver, "BE USED FOR THe:: PURPOSES FOR WHICH IT IS BUILT, NAMELY, A CmilMUNITY CENTER, WHEHE YOU.NGAND 'OLD , OF , GALLATIN VALLEY, MAY GATHER AliID EN/JOY THEMSELVES AND INDULGE IN WHOLESQ:rvIE RECREAT ION". BE IT FURT}~R RESOLVED, that the City Manager be, and he is he'reby instruct ed, to have made and placed. in said building, in a conspicuous place, a bronze tablet sui tably inscribed, and setting forth/thea:ppreciation of the City of Bozeman and its people for this most generous and splendid gift. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions be , by tfJ-e Clerk , oI' the Oi ty.Commission, sent to Mrs. EllaT.Mart:inconveylng from each member of the Commission his heartycongratulationsuponthefina,loofupleUon of the beautiful build.ing, and also conveying, as individuals and asreIJresentatives of the City and I their gratefulness and appreciation of this wonderful gift to the City. :Lts people, Pa.ssed by the City Commission of the City o.f Bozema.n, IiIontana, and ap_ proved by the Mayor of said City, thi5<Twenty-eighth day of October, A.D. 1927. ----4~_=_,//~ ATTEST: MAYOR. ~h~/~~~/ CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION. ....-.---