HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 87A Passing of Resolution 87 ~-,._. - CUY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 8n. COMMISSIONRESOLUTIONFIN1\LLYEASSING A:NDA.DO~mING COWl!IS$ION RESOLUTION NO. 87, EN- TITIED',fARESOLUT;J;ON OF THE CJ:TYCOMMISSION OF THE CITYOF>BOZEM.AN, MONl!ANA, .LEVYING AND ASSESSING A ,SPECIAL ASSiESSMENT OFT~$ UPON ALL ,TEEPROI!ERTY IN SPECIl\.LIM- ' J?ROVEMENTDISTRICTNO.261 INTHI!: CITY OF BOZE:MAN ,COUWDY"OFGALLATIN, STATE OF MON- TANA,TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAKING TEE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIALTMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO . 261ft. WHEREAS. The City COmn>.issi.on of the City of Bozeman, did on the 9th day of Sep- tember, 1927, at a regular session thereof, provisionally pass Commission Resolution No. 87, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSINCi A SPEC;IAL ASSESSMJ1:NT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 261 OF THE CITY OFBOZ~, COUNTY OF GALLATIN,STATE OF MONTANA, TODE FRAY THEqOSTOF CONSTRUCTING ,A,NDWUCrNGTHEIMPROVEMENTSWITHJ;N SAID SPECIAL IM_ PROVEMENT ' DISTRICT NO.:g6:h'tj ", '.' " WHEREJA~,Said.Commfssion Resolution No. 87 was duly signed by the Mayor and 1;h~ Clerk oftha Commission of said City, and was filed in the office of the Clerk of tb Commission of said City on the 9th day of september, 1927, and ever sinoe has been on file in said offioe, subject to and for the inspection of all persons interestedj and WHEREAS, Friday, the 16th dayot september, 1927, at 7;30 o'clock P.M., ata \ regular session of said City Commission, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall, said City, was designated in said Resolution as the time and place othearing objections to the final passage and adoption of said Resolutlonj and ~-WR'ERE.A.S, The Cle:rk oftha Commission has given notice of the filing of said Resolution and the .final passage and adopt~on thereof by publication and notioe thereof in the Bozeman Daily Ghronicle,a daily newspap er published in said City, at least five (5) days before the day set for hearing any and all objections to the final :passage and adoption of said Reso lut ion; and WHEREAS, The matter of said final passage and a.cl.aption of said Resolution, com.. ing on reguJ.arly to be heard, pursuant to said Resolut ion and Notice this 16th day at September, 1927, at a regular session of said City made of the p1lbUcationof said Notice as requ.ired by 'law and as ordered by sai<i Resolution, and no objections having been made or filed to the final passage and adoption of saicl Resolution and the levying of the assessment as therein provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY TEE CITY COM1J!ISSION OF THEe ITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA,: That ,said Commission Resolution No. 87 be, and the same is hereby finally passed and adopted and thespeciaJ. assessment of taxes ,to defray the cost and ex- pense of making the improvements as therein se.tforth, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed as therein provided. Finally passed andfinaLLyado~te,dbY the City C<:>mm:tssion of' the City of Eoze- man, at a regular sess:l;cinthe:t;'ebf,~IdonthisI6thda;rpf September, 1927. . , Approved by the Mayor thi s 16th.d~yof Sept!tm1.Jer ,A.D. 1927. ATTEST: CLERK~~~. ~fF;~//~.