HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 101 Referendum Petition for Repeal of Ordinance 570 _u_ ---. -- ..-- COMl\'lISSION 3J1:S0LUrrON NO. IOI. RJ~LkrrNG TO REJ?ERlLNDUIvI PETI'rICN Fa:? HEPEl,I, OF OrmUjANcE!f 570, RECONSIDEIUNG ORDINANCE If 570 1'1.1\"1> I'JOVIDE1'(: FOE ':~EE DE~mm\Tn!j;..- TION OF THE TOTAL TfUllBEIl 0]' HEGISTIBHED VOTERS, EEGULAHLY REGISTERED AS PROVIDED BY LAW IN TETE CITY OF BOZE1:J\.E ON tl14'1CH 30th, 1928, AND THE PR OPORT ION THEREOF l;llTQ SE S IGNA~\Uni'!:S Al"I'EAR ON SAID REFERENDU1il PE'rr'rION AND SUSPEN1HNG THE OPEEATION OF OH1HNANCE# 570 UNTIL FUHTEEl: ACTION \VITTI H.EFE~mNCE TO SAID REFERENDU}l PETITION. WlLE~'ZEAS : 1- Heretofore, on the 2nd day of March, 1928, the Conmission of the Ci ty of30zennn passed Orc} i.nance If 570, ent:L tled: An Ordinance Amronliing Section 1 of OnU,ll2.nCe No. 5i;;i:j ent i tlecl : "AN ORDINANCE l1:~GDLATn:iG 'I'EJ~ OFfi;;;A'l'ION AI'ID COND'iJCT OF POOL H.ALLS, 3ILUA.;1D IIAI.LS, OMm aOQ](lS Atm SOFT DRI11{ ESTABLISH- MENTS AND OTImH PLACES OF 3tr:3INEi3S Wm::HE I-'OOL, nUr.rARDS AND CAI1.DSAHE PLA.Yl~J); PHESCHIGING THE EOTJRS Wlrl'HIN WHICH SliME MAY BE OJ?EN FOn THE TRANSACTION OF BUi3INESS; PH OEI]3- !TINO llINORS UNDER THE AGE 0]' EIGHTEEJIT YEARS FROM VISITING ,on FREQ,UENIING THE SJ'J,lE; AND PllOEIBITING THE PLAYING OF . CERTAIN KINDS OF POOL; PROVIDING Fon A F]~NALTY FOHVIOL..<\.- TrONS OF IRE: PROVISIONS OF TEIS ORDINANCE AND HEPEl\.LING ORDINANCE NO. 505 01<' TP".E CITY OF BOZEkAN". 2. And, uncleI' amI by virtue of the provisions of Section 5436, ROM, 1921, saia. OrcliDD.nce becaL1e effective thirty clayc after .t f' i1 1 S I)[)'8sage as a,'OreSEll....,. 3. And., on the:30th day of "March, 190'.8, there was f'ileli with the Clerk of tbe Commission, pur suant to the provifJiom1 of Sect:Lon !)4;36 as af'orN)et:Ld: "REFEREJifDm~ PETITION FOn HEPEAL OF ORDINANCE. TOTTIE CITY COJ!iIT.aSSIOH OF THE CI'.ry OF BOZ[i;]':UIJ'i, IltOliTAFI\.. We, the lmdersigned, being twenty-five per cent. of the total number of registered. voters in the City of Bozeman, Montana, req.uest tba t the::,fol1owing entitled, ordinance of the City of Bozeman, },~ontana; finally passed March 2, 1928, be repeal~d or submitted. to a vote of the electors,of the City of Bozeman, Mont;:;.na, in aceoro.anee with the provisions of the laws of t1'IO State of Montana: OHDIlJA]\,CE N'[]}m:SR 570 An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. t:- ,~~ r-' en- ~)t"....D ) titled: "AJ'T OHDIIUJJCE REGULATING TEE Ol'ERA'rION AND CONDUCT CF POOL }iALI.S, BULIAED HALl,S, CAnD EOCES AND SOFff DJ.U;K EST,ABLI3HMENTS AND OTHEH PLACES OF BUSHIE 5S WHERE POOL, r' 5. And ponfling subseguontpr'oooedings, the operation of said ordinanoe shall be suspendeel. \ NOW, TI-IEREFGrm, BE IT HESOLVED BY TEiE CITY Oii' BOZE1'_AN: 1- That saHl Ord_inanoe # 570 passed as hereinbefore sot forth bo not rep oalo(l. 2. That the relloal of said Orclinance passed as :herei,lbefore set fo'_'th be subrni t teel to tIle vote of the electora of the City of Bozeman. 3. That the Clerk of the Commission procure from the County Clerk a11cl Recorder, ex-official County Register of Registration, a certified list of the registered voters in the City of Hozoman on the 30th day of Varch, 1028, ~'.l.nd the to tEl .I.1l1E1ber t]-1 eroof. Thr~_t thereupon, the Cler}:: 0:.1': tho CommiScc:ion 8.ne1 the Rogi ster 0 he cJ\: the J:lam e D [rppea:L'ong on mJ 1<'1. Roforenrlum Pwt H:I. on J;ntr par t :Lng to 1H) ~'6gietered voters in tho Ci t:v of Bozeman on the 30th dny of 1\'[<3.roh, 1928, agaim5t said certified list of voters on the 30th rJrlY of 1/arc11, 1') 28. ,1- That the Gler}, 0:[ the Gornmi:3c'Jion :J,nd_Ex-Offi.cial Reg:U3tcr of the COu11t;r l' eport to the Commisnion under their certifi.oate: a. Lirot of rc{':iBtcred. voters in t}V) City of BOZenLlJl, registered accordinC to law on the ;;,Oth day 0:1" L'uroh, 1928. b. Th.e total number of tl-lC recistered voters in the City of 3ozorrmn on tho 30th day of ~/",ar cJi , 1928. e. The total numlJe.r of :ceg:Lstel'ecl voters regh;tel'oll o.c()ording -to law, on tho :50th day of Maruh, appear inf; on tIle Referenclc:tm Potition for Repeal. cl. Tho percentage of regiotored votere appear- ingllpon said Referendum PetitlOI.I.. e. That the proceccLLngs for tLe d.etermlnu.tion of the nl)m~)er of registered voters D..pfle;J.LLnc; on said_ Refe.l'endum Petition be had. forthv!ith and. w:ithout 1mnoce::mar;! dola;\'. ~5 . That I)OnU tll (' nt'oc()i,l j YJF" ]'81,J1 -j l' tt,c ODcration of suid .. J ..I:" '. ' ,. ....:')..) ,_:.." "."..L., OrcUn:Hwe 17' 5'70 belE,,!:, ancl en [:Ie i3 hererJY ~)113IJC]~,(led. ~ G. That,- if it is fO'lDCl and. cleterrnined tlJat said net'crond.nm Pet,iti.on 0011i,~\in3 t1l.o :nall8S 0:[' 25 lJ8r cent o:f tbe tO,tal reC;l ~Jter8d voters, r(:)ci c,tered. accori'L_Lne: to luw on the ;30th (lay of l'/,aro.h, 1928, thon amI in tJl'lt event, a special election shaD. be 1:.8111 rlitll:in tho City of Bozeman, and. the Commistdon sl'a11 T'l'ovicle for submittirJ.t~ to a vote or sail1 electors the Quecition of the repeal of saW 01' d inane e :j. 5 '70; -,.. -- --,.,. Passed_ by the City of Bozomau, April 13, 1<::128. ._----------~----- I ) \ l:AYOR .ATTE::::/2 : ._~--_._--- C LmU( OF 'rR]}; C0T/11ISSIC~: . ) '- ,,'" '. ,~',:;',:.,~.:: i ',;:, ,. ,; ,:,'::Vh~~'I.','i.> -- ,I,;. .. --