HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 100 Creating SID No. 267 -.--..- _.,--,_._---,. CmThHSSION H.ESOLUTION NO. 100. A RESOLUTION 0.1<"' THJ~ COMJ\;rSSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAN, li,ONTAHA, CHEATING SPECIAL HI:PROVF.j\:ENT DISTHICT NO. 267 OF TIlli CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MO J)j'T All,'\. , FOR 'l'HE PU~lPOSE OF PAVINe ViTtU '1'WO COURSE CRUSHl1jD GRAVEL FACADAIJ PAVEIVTSNT AND INSTALLING SUCH DRAINAGlI: CULVJi:RTS AS MAY :SE NECESSAIJ.Y ON NORTE GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN THE NORTH I,IlfS OF ViEf;jT LA1}]I; STREET AND 'rIm No:\'rn LINE OF WEST VILLARD STREET, ALL ViITIIIN SAID CITY, AND ~j]O Sl"ECIALLY .1 ASSESS 'l'IIE ;;:::N1' IHE COS~I'Alm EX1'ENSE OF ],;AKIHG SAID nU'ROVE1'mNTS AGAINST TEE F'Wl'EH.~CY WITHIN SAID DISTHICT UNDER AND BY VIHTUE OF TlilI: I'ROVn;ION3 OF SECTIONS 5i~25 to [j277 IHOL US IVE , OF THE REVISED CO]):l1:S OF T.im;TA[iIA, 1921, AWD Arrl .AIljE:TDHKNTS '1.'I-lERETO. WHEREAS, i~t a regular ses:'3ion of the Commisc::ion of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on the ;5Dth oay of ~,~.arch, A. D. 19,':'8, the sai 0.. C ommi 8:;11 on duly pas8cd Commission Re'solution :No .94, declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a special improvement. district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Distr ict No. 267 of s:'1io. City, for the purpo se of ptwing with two course crushed gravel macadam pavement, and. installing such drr,U.r:age culverts as may be necessary on North Grand Avenue between the north line of We,;t Lamme Street arid the north line of West Villard Street, all wi thin sa.ie1 City, and 1,0 specially assess the cntire cost anil expense of making saiil improvements against the property within said eUstrict under and by virtue of the provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inolusivc, of the Hevised Codes of 1Jlontana, 1921, and any amendments thereto, which said Commission Resolution No. 94 is hereby referred to ana: made apart hereof for flJj'therparticulars in rCGpeot to the bound.aries of caid (listl'ict, the eGtimateil cont of sai.o.. im]):covement, ":.)1(1 tLc: method. of assessing the same against the property within said. d.istr iet. AIm WEEREAC, , Eot:i.ce of the passage of Comc1ission Resolution Ho. 94. was duly publishcel in the Bozeman V(eekly Chronicle, a weekly newspaper printed,and published in said 0 it:>T of Bozerncl.n, to-Vii t: In the issue of April 5, 1928, and by sencling a copy of SUDh notice by registered mail, to each person, fi )~m or corporation, or agent of such person, firm or coqJOraHon [laving pl'ODerty wi thin the proposed rlist;'ict at his 18.st known ae1drees.J upon the ,:;;CUrle (Jay Duch notice was fi.rst publisb.ed aD tdoresaicl, and due JJ1'oof !mvini:' been made of the :[lc1b1ica- t i,on of saie1 notice; AND WEEREAS, Wi thin the tilile prav i'lcd. by law antI })Ublichecl notice there were filed wi th the Clerk of the Commission, no PJ.'otcsts a,S:'oJ,inco;t the proIJo sed work and against the creation ano.extent of said distJ.'ict to be asse sscd.; cU1d the said CommisDion ViaS in regular se0JGion on the ;~Oth clay of Apl'il, 1928, at four o'clock P ~ of ;3:::110_ (10.;~T, at tho Corrtmis:3ior: Char,lber in the CHy Hall BuillU.ng in tbe :3FI.:i.ll C i.ty of .'3ozeLmn, tho seTae beinf; thc t in\8 c\ nclnlae e CLe roic;n:.'" tea. for hoc',d.I.Ig eml} :V:'J,8:c:inC; Ti]Jon all rrotcDtF.:, if :lny, 8f:"., in 011> tho prOl\Osed, w()!~k or againot ~he ereat:Lon OJ~ extent of ,,:::del cl:lstJi'ict, 01' both; o.nc1 it fur tller app' e,u'- ing'th,o;.t all of the ])l'ocecilj.n[;s for the creation of SU.i,l eUstT'ict bave been com- plied wi tb; - .'..,". ',< ,. -, . .,,',::~>~C:,::.<::,::;';:,.:. : :, ;/:,;:,:';':::',';--:";:.,<:': .. -- NOVi, !:PEER}~:r?O;:tE , DE 1'2 ImS01"ITJ,I) POY 'J'}'E COIcTH;;'3ION OF 'PIli" C:I'r.Y OF 10'i;liJ.'l!.W, 8:r Arr}'~ OF I,,'~:CI')f.r /\ :~"L;\ : ~)GC 10 l. That said. C:pec:Lal Irnp:('ovemcnt J)i strict Ne. G7 of the City of Eo ~::~oL1an, State of Yontr\rla, J1e, and. tLe fJar:'18 1 f~ , hBreby created for thc IJU,oll 0 DC of mukin,::; the impl'olTcmcnts ttl.ercin as horc:inafter clefJCribecl.. ~ Soo. ,2. That oaid special improvements be, anel the same i,:'l,re, 1I.el'Bb;I ordered to be made in said Special Imp'ovement Di.::;triot Ho. 267 i.'.3 follows: The paving with two CO\;l~Se CrllE)}wel {'ravel n[tc[tcLam pavement and inotalling :c"L,.eh clrD.in,lCe (~\J.lvert,3 as m:cy l:Je neCeSfJury on JlJortJJ G-raml Avenue lie tween the north line of Wect Lanme street and the North line of Vi. Vill,u'll stre:"t, all vli.th:i.n eJ(,.id. Ci.t'r. SeG. -, Tlut the 8nti.1'8 cost and 8XlromJe of the sJ!c c in1 :L l"O r) ~:~' ()\l e- d. ments herein set forth in caid ~::;lJecial IT:\ppoveT:1cnt D:Lc:,t';'i,ot Tro. :;67 SbF'.11 be pU,:i.d IW Spec i.al Improvement Di:3tr:Lct Be)]1e],fJ of 1;11..0 denomination of Dne E1111e]x'od IJol1a"G eac.}i, and in fractioJ1S v!here necessary, ',;0 Ii 0 =Ls ;:.:~'uef~ (c.rIel u 1(':(' :':30 [O.1i 1 e :i.I,c:c:t a :CU,nel to bo known as ;31)eoial ImDl'OVOment Di. ':1triot l'fo. :.:6 7 :!Tunc]; f3U:1(1. 1)0)'1(13 to lie l'edoemaJJle at "fjJ-.-1C or,t ion of the City of:3ozomf1.n, FontD,i\:I, \','hc nev()r :fund fc, ,,,,re av:;, :LlaJi le for t:h(1t r'-IJX'I')O se from fJf1111 :JIJOel.r:.l Im})I'OVolf:OI,G D.i.st:ciet No. (~6'7 FlUJI]; sai.d. bon0.f:C: shull draw '3ircTTJle in tOI'(: u-t U,,-t; the ratc: of sj,x per (3C}.'~~~. lior r-.lnnnr8, which shall be elI/2r[;E2,1)le ,:U.? a })[(1"t or t.lo COfJt o'f 8::1,i11 spec:i.al iml)I'OITGn1Emt and shall i"Un frOD\ tho CLf.',tO of the registration of mlie], bon(1.", lmtjl oail], bonis m~0 :po. :Le1 ; and. DUG]] :i.ntoroot, from the iJate of the r i.st:r8,tion of t}w bonris unt:i.l 'the :payment of the. first installment, will be collocted by the Director of Finance of said City of Boseman at the time of oollecting such first irHJtallment; tbr::.t the entire cost and eXDcnDe of said HnprOVer:l()11t Vii thin said. c1i:3triot ;3ha11 be de- frayeel by a speeial assessmGnt agaiw3t the eIltirc d.i. strlct, ee.ch lot or lIarce1 of land wi thLn Gai.d, cHstr:Lct wherein the improvements shall J)0 I'nad.o, to lJO 'E188e ssed. for :Lts proportion of :3uch expense, each lineal foot of the frontage of [ouch lots or rarcels of land. within sai.d. Special Improvement D:Lctrict No. ,~:.6 7 ! exclus :Lve of streets, avenue s , alleys and. lnib lic places, to be asse sseel for its proportionate share of such entire cost; that the amount assesscd against each lot or parcel of land shall be paid ln equal annual in sto.llmcn t8 exte nding over a per:Lod of six ye 0.1' s . Sec. 4. That the City )ijn!!,ineer l)e, an c1h.e ----. -.--- ---.--..--..- -,,-- .-. Sec. 5. !rha t the Olerk of the Commission be, and ho is hereby (Hrected pul)lish 8. notice inviting IJl'OposalS for the ftlrnh;hine; of nuteriuli3, the cloing 'of the work and. making of said 'ill1provements in said Special Improvement District No. 267, referring to plans and specifications on file, by publishing the same in two issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper 111' intecl a:nrl publ ish eel in the said City of Bozeman, not less thfJ.n ten days 11efore the time 311.oh bicls wi 11 be ol")eneel, Vlhi.ob sball be 8.t 12, meotine; of the Commis;;ion to be hell1. on li'ridEY, the 11th day of Nay, 19 [28 . Passed. and adol1toc1. by the CommisDion of the Oi t~r of Bozer:-v:m at 1"- regular session thQ;L"QOf, helc1. on t be 20th (lay of Arr n, 1928. ApIH'oved by the Mayor on the [20th day of April,. 1928. -~ ---~~_._---- MAYOR AT'J)EST; ~ -- 7{ .t?jJ/~/ OLEnt: OP 'rEE U 01'lJ1iUS:J ION. -.... ----- .-- -...-.- __n____ - --.- -----