HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99 Creating SID No. 266 ---......-. .----..----. COMl\USSION RESOLUTIOll HO. 99. .A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COIlfilHSSION OF s:'HE C!':i:Y OF nOZElD.N, 1WNTANA, On.EATING SPECIAL IMI'IWVEMENT DISTIUCT 1"0. 266 of the CITY OF BOZEM.A.E, 8TA'1'E OF MOJlTIANA, FOR TEE PURPOSE OF Gl1ADnlG; PAVING Vin'E TWO COUnCE CHUSHED GRAVEL MACADAM PAVEMENT IJJD CONSTRUCTING SUCH DRAINAGE STHUCTURES AS I,IAY BE NEOESSAItY ON WEST KOOl-: STREI~T BETWEEN ~'EE WEST LINE OF ElGHTH AVENUE AIm TII:Ii; EAST ]~llJ.E OF ELE1JBNT? AVENUE'NrrHIN SAID C I'I'Y , AND TO SPE:CIALLY ASS:;SS TEE ENTIJIE COST AND 1];XI'EIJGE OF MAKING SAID n,1J?ItoVE1TJ;1tCS AGAINST THE PHO:P:ZHTY Wrl'III]\T SAID DIST:nCT UNDER 11.ND BY VIltTUS OF 'l'n'!: PHOVISIOllTS OF SECTIONS 5225 to 5277 INCLUSIVE, OF Tm; REVIS~W CODES OF 1WNTANA, 1921, AND ANY 1\l"EI>1Dl1ENTS TI!EjI(Kro. WHEREAS, At a re{!1l1ar sesf;ionof the COmP.1issiOn of the O:L ty of Bozeman, State of ~I:ontana, held on the 30th day of },':arch, A D 1928, tho saicl Commission du.ly passed Commission Resolution No. 9:':\, ciecle.riD.,g it to l)e tho intention of said Commission to create a sJ)ecia1 improvement district to be known and designo.ted. &8 ,. Special IIffprovement DiEJtrict No. 266 of said City, for the purpose of Grading; Paving w:!.th 'l'wo Course Crushed GrclVa11,Tacarlam Pavement; ,(' ll::.,:b!: I,U li,lb (, ,~. ~ - ,.~ C"nt'l,.""..hrz. ~ch andllsuc ..dra.i . ge structures as nm'JT be necessar;)T on Vvef;t .. L d :3treetb"tween the .I Ei 1,/.6, EIti'II'f'h#t wef1t line of ,~ Avenue ancl the east line of::::cL I,) , Avenuo, within said City, and, to specially assess the entire co st ancl expense of' Elaking said. imIJ.l'ovoments against the Ilroperty within said d.i~Jtrict, under and. by virtue of tho Provisions of Sections 5,~25 to 52'17 inclusive, of the Rev.iseri Co(les 0:[' IEont8.n:;., 19(21, and D. ny amendments tb creta, which said Commission Hesolution No. 93 is hereby referred to and. Fia,le a part hereof for further 11c:.rticulars i,n 1'e srect to 't}J.e botm.c1.E'.rie 8 of said cEstrict, tho 0sti.flHlted, cost of 8aic1 irnprovomellt and t,to :tiet:',o,l oJ.' 8.ssescdn~: the sarno against the propertJ' wi trd,n said cU3trict. MID ifiHERI~A[;, Notice of the passage of Comn',:i.sl'Jion ::1.esolution No. 93 was duly p);l.olishod in the Bozemal1 vYeGkl;I Chroniole, a weekly no'W[opaper p.,':i.nted and. published in said City of Bozeman, to-w:L t: In the issuo of A1)riJ. !5tb, 19(28 and by send.:i:ng a COIJY of mwh notice l)y ree:i,Jterecl mail, to each person, firm or corporation, or agent afouch per80~, firm or oorpor,ati,)J:) J.nvi.n.('; p:eo,porty w:L thin the IH'oposed distl'iot, at his last knovm uddr8~JS, upon the same (1:':;\T sudl notice was first lJUbliohed as aforesaid" and clue ]Hoof hu.v ing been macle 0:(' the publ ic;;:. ti on of saicl notice; AND WHEEEAD, Wi thin the ti.me provided by law and 1:1.1:)1 i:]))oc1 no tice thec'e were filed with the Clerk of the Commission __....,_____'_ :pr ot'e s t S d.E;G. :Lnst the propose,1 work and, against the creat:!.on and extent of said d.ist:r:Ict to be assessed; and. tt.o Comm:!.ssiOYl was in I'o{'.'Ular sesDion o:n tIle ;~;Dth (lay of April, 1928, at 4 o'clock P 1'; of saH.. clay, at the Comu:LSfdon Charfiber in tbe City Hall i Build. ing in the said City of Eozeuan, the cW;':G b c~:Lnt:. the tiI;',e r.1Ylcl place del,j..,snnted J '.' for hearinf: and. Iin ssinc; upon all pro to [Jtr3, if an;l, agairwt the pl'opolJecl viod: or . ... ----.-..--- .....-.-- aga1nc-)t tJ"Jc creation C~' GxtCY.lt of :3DJ.d. cUutrict, 01' 110 tt,., and. the to,to.1 ,,-'.rea of all property within saia district to b 0 (,1 DSe;] rsrcl ~) (; ;:?;:27 ;,) 0 ~:;I . 5 S(J.'),I:"J,.r8 feet, aD stat cd in CODlTills:3ioE Re:'Jolution No. 9:3, and tLe area of' all pI'operty, 'c'Ii thin rJaid distl'let ovrned. by persons protesting bein)J,: 1C'715.5 sl!.uare feet, t'(J,e s::~me being 7.43% of said total area and le 8S than /l,Q1(, there of, said protests were, bw oJ re,gular vote of said. Comr:1i8dion duly oven'uled; and. it further ::1ppearin8 that all . of the prodeedings for the creation of s[~id. clistJ'ict have been compliod with; NOW. , rrIIE}~El~,CnE , BE I'r ;:lEGOLV:8] BY '1'1m CGHFISGIUE Of' '['II!:': C ny OF BOZELAl) , S'J:A'rE OJ!' I"Cl:TANA: Sec. l. '];J13.t 8alcl Speciul IllilH'ovelMnt District ]';0. ;.266 of the C it;:,r of Bozem8.n, State of Nlont :U1'-~, be, and the mU.1e i ~J, hereby created for the purpose of ma1dne; the :Lfl1provernents ther8in 8.S lwreinufter described. Sec. .) That sc.id. ::;I)(~cial Improvements be, ancl the DD.rne c:~re" hereby ... . ordered, to be made in said Spcoial Improv-cnont DiDtJ'ict No. (~CG as felloVls: The Gra<linc:, tho Pavinc with two course crushed gravel pavement, and t.l',e construction of such drainage st1'1wt- 111'OS arc, r:my bo neceSc',Qi:y on West Koch 0t1'eot between the vveDt line of JHchth Avonuc unO the ~:"st line of Eleventh Avenue. Sec. 'A Tho. t the ent ire co fJt and e:x:pelluo of making tho f3p eeie,l iJ. improvoments he:eeln set forth in saicL Special Imp.'i:'ovement DiB.tJ'iot No. 266 be paid by Special Improvement DiBtrict Coupon Bonds of the clenomination of One Ihiml:r.ed. Dollars (:$100.00) each, alld in fractions thereof where necessar;,T ,to be issued and. chargeable against a fund to be l:nown as Special Improvement District . No. 266 Fund; sairl lJoY!cls to be red.eemable at tl1e option of the City of Bozeman, ------ 1:0 11ta])a , wr.eneve.1' funds are iwailable for that purpose from saia. Speeial Improve- mor:t District No. 206 Funl1; 88.irl l)OIHlc sh:?ll (lraw simple int8re st at the rate of six per eent. per cmnuJI1, Vihi Q b shall 1Je chargeable aB a :p.art of the co st of sa.1 tl special il\lJ)rOVen18nt, and shall rim from the date of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are paid; and such intere st, from thed.3.te of the regis.- tr::1 tion of the lJond.s until tJ)epa~Tment of the first installment, will be col- lected by the Director of Finance of said City of Bozeman at the time of, col- locting such :first insta llment; tln t the 011 tire cost and e:x:poJlse of said. im- provement within said tlistrict she.ll be (Lefra~red by 118p ecial e.f3se sc;ment against the entire CU strict, each lfut. or parcel of land wi thIn said, (listriet wherein .the improvements shall lJCJ made, to be assesBetl for its proportion of Dueh eXlIense, each square foot 'of the. area of, Buch lots or parcels of l::1nd withIn said Special Improvement Distl" iet No. 2.66, exclusive of streets, avenue8, alleys :).nd publi c tract (and for the purposcs of assessment in thi~ diatrict a COrner lot is 'd.efined as being' any' tract of 1a nel , excegt inE,:stre 8"G8, avenue s or alloy,], loc2ted within a distance of 30 feet of e1thep wLlle line of W. Olive Street within the district) shall be so assesseel that each sq.uare foot of the land om1Jraeerl Vii thin any such oornor lot, or tract, (,hall boar d.ouble the ",mount of the 00 st of such improvement that a slJ.UBre foot of any inside lot, or tract, 8118.11 bear. rl~}m tthe amount assessed against each lot or parcel of lancl shall be paid in e gual annual insta,llments extenc1ing over a period of s1x year ('3. , 'Sec. 4. That the City Engineer be, ancl he is hereb;:?, r}j .pccted. to prepare plans and, specifications fOl~ the eloing of said worJe ~mcl ma};:ln,'! said imrirovements. Sec. 5. That the Clerk of the Commission be, ,"no he is hereby directed to pulJLtsh a nO,tice invi ting proposalG for the f11j':i1,ishine of lYJaterials, the doing . of the work and maJdng of Gaid imp:rovemonts in rmid Special Improvement Dii'Jt:riot No. ;?Gc" referring to plans and specifications on file, by publishing the fJarne. in two issues of the Bo zeman Daily Chronic le, a d.aily newspaper printed anel published in the said City of Bozeman, not 108s than ton days before the time- such bids vdll be opened, which shall be at a meeting of tho Commisr;ion to be he: 1(1 on Fr ir1ay , the 11th day of M~y, l'n8. I;assed amI ad.opted 'by the Commiseion of tll8 C:i. ty of Bozeman a t ~{ 1'eg\],1::o:,r session thereof, hole1 on the ,~Oth day of ADril, 19;28. Alipl'oved b;y the ],',0.;701' on the <~O t h da y 0 f [\.lH' 11 , 1928. \.) -------._..,.,-" ~y-l 1IAYOR Arrlr~r:[~Srr : ?""'/ hdb"R~.d/ CLEnK OF THE C OI\r:MrSSrOI:l. '1,. \ _".....___.'....__.m__ -..,.--