HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98 Creating SID No. 265 OO:MJHISSION 3.ESOLUT ION NO. 98. , A RESOLlYnON OF THEe ON!J1,:ISS ION OF ~~RE CITY OF 802m/A'!, 1':ONT1I.I:A, CREATING SPECIAL I~~ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 265 OF 'THE CI'l'Y OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF 1WNTANA, Fon '_WE PURPOSE OF GRADING; PAVING WITH EITHER CONC[{D;'FE O~1 WA'mENITE-B ITULITHIC P AVEE:I:HT AND IN- STALLING SUCH STOlU/ SEWEI{ INLETS AND CONNECTIONS itS ii:AY BE; NECESSAHY IN TE1~ Fl"\.ST AI,LEY Imn'l'H OF VAIN STRTI;l~T BErr\Vrr;"N I:OI'?_TH WILLSON AVENUE AIm N011TH GrUdfD AvmmE 1\.I,_L 'NITEIF 3LID CITY, AND TO SH~CI.ALLY ASSESS 'rr:::c EN'l'IRE COST ,~lJD EXPENSE OF ijAKIJiiG SAID U!:}'ROVEIJiTG1\fTS AGAIF3'l' THE r:::l_OF1~!{TY !t:ITnIlJ SAID nrs~~nc~:, UZEER A.,I[] BY VIH::CUE: OF 'rEg FiWVISIONS OF SEOTIONS 5;2;~;'j to ~)277 IN- CLUSIVE, OF THE I-/.EVISED CODES OF }j.ONI, AT:;-A 19;~1, AND ANY AIE1'TD- IvIEET S T 11Eru~'r 0 . WI-J:EimAS, At a re{lllar sos[don of the Commission of the 01t;1 of Bozeman, ! State of l;:onta:r.a, held. on the ;30th day of ITarob, A D 1928, the said Commission d.uly passerl Commis:3ion Resolution No. 92 declaring it to -be the .i.ntention of said_ Commission to create a specia:j!improvcL1ent d.'ifJtric.t to bo Imown o.ncl designated as Spec ial Improvernen t Distriet No. 255 of said City, for the lru:rpo se of Grad.ine; Constructing conCl'ete :pavemcnt and. :Lni::tall~r;g mlch [)torm sower inlets and connections as may be necessary in the first o.lley north of Main Street between :North Willson -Avenue eUli], Jllorth G-ru,nd. Avenue, all within said City, (md .to [JIJecially assess tJ:w entire cost a:(1d e).,1)ens0 of ma1dng s8..id improvements aga inst th8 propert;v within said district Ul1der and by virtue of the provisions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inclusi.ve ,of the ~evised Codes of Montana, 1921, and any amendments thereto, whicll said Oommission Resolution 110. 92 is hereby re- ferred to and made apart hereof for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, tho G stimated cost o,f said. impl~ovement and the method of assessing the same against thB property within said district. AJIID WmmEAS, Notice of the pasnage of Oommission RN,olution )'To. q') .~, hi Vias duly published in th8 Boz8man Weekly Chronicle, 0. weekly newspaper printed and pubiliishod in sairi City of Bozeman, to-wi t ; In the issue of l\.pPil 5, 1928 and by sending a COp~T of such noU..C8 by regiotered_ mail, to each perf3on, firm,or corpora ti 0'-1, or agent of ~311C h :P OJ ~~... so }'), , fi1'I':101' corrJoration hiwinC' pro:per't~T within the proposed clistl'ict at hi~: last know:l:1 adclresf3 lJ1J011 the Burne 0sy such notice was first published as &foresaid, awl (lr;e TJroo:C h:\v:i.l1g beon r;;ado_ of the pU.bliei,l,t:Lon of ,3a1d. 11otiee; 'lUm 1NmtrtE;\S, Within tL_o time provided by law and published notiee there were filed Vlith the Clerk of thE OomminsioD DO protests against the :pr~~ posed vforle and a(:a111::;t the creatio~ a11'l extent of sell 0.._ dif;t!Oic)t to be asseSGed; and the said Commission was in reC~lar 8eo::;ion on the 20th c1t~y of Apr 11, 19:28,o.t four o'clock P M of said day, at the Comm1scion Cbalnbe:r in the Cit;,{ Jbll BUild..h1,S in tho said C:I.ty of'30:',(~ma", the same be ing t,l-.:.e time and plaee deslgnatedfor hearing und passing upon all protests, if B.ny, against the proposed work or against t~e croat ion or extent of said district, or 1J 0 th; and. i tfur ther appe 0.1'- i.ng thEt 1111 of the }Jroeeerline:~s fo',' the creation of said district have been complied with; . ,'.'. ".,": .' .",'.. ,:.",0":,, ---..--. .-"'.- .~~'_.'~" AND WIIEHEAS, after the 1<,D::"at;G of CO!i!niusion ReuolutiQn ITa. 9(2, \!i1~~ i 0 h SlJcoifieli ooncrete as the type of pavement to be ins tall ed. in :3aie1 DiDtrJot, ," request, s iened 1)y tIle })I'01Jerty owner's wL,o ,d gn e Ii the oriGinal pntition asking n ' , for the creation of said. district, was f':I.lo(l \'rith the CloI'1{ of tl1C COmrnii"HJion, i .~ ar3J(~ine; t}.\Ht tb,e :f inal re Goln tion cro2i.1;ing tho (US tr io t be 80 clravm that Jji'OI108C:.l,J .'."-". c,ould. 1)e received, on Warrecite-Bitulithic as v/ell a~3 cJOncrete; .Alm 'fiT'Tt:R,SA3, no protests have heen filnd acGinst tl t. f:' . 1 '.i'....C cx'eL:. <Lon 0:; Si.-:'!..J..C district; HOW, Ti.n~I\EEO~{'.~, Jl~ I'I! TL.~SOL\rE1) .:JY ~'lIr~~ CITY. C01.J}\.LIS3IC.IT D'F ;j:EE CII''Y CD' BOZEli:_i\.I\\ , ~./rl~rrE UF I.~C:L,1.T.A.J\-J~: Sec. L Tbat said ;3pec1al IrnlH'overIlent Di:J'triet 1;0. 265 of the City of Bozernan, S.tate of 1.JontanH, b? ' and the srunc' is, hereby oroa tod fOI' the pm'po :3e of making the Jmprovomen.ts tJ~,crGin as here inafter desoI'i1J ell. Sec. ') That said. special improvements be, and_ the i'Ju..rne :.u;,' e ~ hereby ..... ordered to be made in said Special ImfJI'ovemont D:i.utriot JTo. i26[) as fa 110\1 s: Gracling; paving with eitherConcrote or Warl'Crl:! te- Bi tuli tbic 1)Q.vomont aml installing suoh storm sewer inlots anil c0Il118ctions a~" rnay bo neee8s:-'~,'y ir\ the Firat Alley North of Main Street betwecn North Willson Avenue ancl North C-rn-nel Avenue. Seo. 3. That the ent11'e cost aml e::qlense of m2.1;:inC; t)-.e D1-'2Cial imJ)1'ovo- menta herein set fortb in sairl Special Irnpl'ovoment D1st:C'iet TIo. ~;6!5 Dha11 bo p::d d by Speoial Improvement District Bonds of the d,enominationof :)ne Elulrlred. Dolllu's each,a)1(l in fractions v!here neeessar;', to bo is (;1W d. 8.m} O}I n:rgoabl e . t f d n,:3a].n~:) a .:un be kn611'JJJ as S:!.)ecial Impl'ovemont Di,3t:eiet No. ::~6~) FunrJ.; s',dd bond. 8 to be r'ed.eemal)le at the option of the City of BozGman, I':ontana, whenev()l' funrl~3 aro 8.vailo.'i1le for that purpose from :3aicl i').Deeial Improvemcnt J)i~3tr:Lct No. :;~G 5 Funl1.; sa 1. d. 1)Ond.s sh8.11 draw siml)le interest at the r'ate of six per cent pOl' annum, \'I.hich u11a11 be clHTgo- able as a part of tho oost of said "}Jocial improvem(mt D.::1d c,hall run from tho cIa te of the registration of saicl bonds unt:Llsaid. bonds are paHl; and. such interest, from the date of the l'egif3tration of tbe bondS until the l)ayr;ilcnt of the first installment, wi.llbe collected by the Director of Finanoe of said City of Bozeman at tho tirno of eolloetiIw Duell -I'ir~3t inst~,llrl1ont; that tl, e e uti 1'0 cost and eXIJenso of said imlJrOVoment withir:. said diotrict s]]I.1.ll be (lefrayocl by a special assosmnen t against the ontire clistriet, eacb lot or parcel of land \'dthill :3cdd (Ustr:iot where in the j_m:provement 3 shall be made, to be assessed for its proportion df such expe nso , each 1 inear f 00 t of the alley l' ron tage of suoh 10 ts or IJarcols of lDnd within said. Special Improvement DifJtrict No. 265 exclusive of streets, avem.ws, ------.-.---..-- -...---...-.----- ..__.n. 0.1103'8 and public placef3, to bo aBse~sed for its proportionate share of suell entire cost; that the amount aF1se:jsed. against eaoh lot or ]!D,rcel of JJU1d. shall be paid in e(lual annaal :lnstallments extending over a pel-lad of nine :ye 8.1' S . Sec. 4. That -bhe City Engineer be, and he is hereby ilirectecl to })repare plans and specificE"ctions for tbc doing of said worl:: and rJaking said. impr ovemon t s. Sec. B That the Clerk of the Commission be, a;:Hl he is hereb;,{ cli- rected to liUblish c\ notice invi ting proposals for the furni:3hing of Llaterials, the :loing of the v;ork and making of said iml)rOVomonts in said. S:pec:Lal Imp1'OVCff1Cmt District 1;0. 265 referring to plalls and specLCieations on filo, by publhJhing the Game in two issues of the BozeElan Daily Chronicle, a :lai1;)' neWSI)a:per printed. and p11.o1ished in the said City of Bozeman, not 1e S~3 than ten days before the time S11.ch bids will be opened, vvhich 31:18.11 be at Ii meeting of the Co'rnmissj.on to be held. on Friclay, the 11 th d.ay 0 f May, 1928. Passed. ancl a:lopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on the 20th :lay of April, 1928. Approved by the Mayor on the 20th day of April, 1928. ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~".._. CLERK Oli' THE C OIVITnSSI ON . ./; ..-......-...- .----