HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97 Creating SID No. 264 COMJ\nSSIONR1~SOrDUTIOr: NO. 97. A RESCLU'I'ION OF THE COMJ.,'ISSIOIT OF ri'l!"2 CITY OF BOZEMAN, YO 1 "l' ANA , CREATING SPECIAL niJ?ROVEI\fENT DISTRICT NO. 264 OF 'I'IIE CITY OF 'l 130ZEIJLAN, S'I'ATE OF rONTANA, FOE 'Elm I'un.POSE OFPAVIHG WITH Tvro ~. '. COURSE CRUSHED GHAVEL MACADAMPAnIJEWT, C ONST,WC'l' IHG HEADE'.'tS AND INSTALI,IHG SUCH DRAINAGE STrnJCTURES 11.3 rAY BE NECESS.AHY ON SOUTH l' GRAND AVE:N1JE B1"G'.rWEJJ:NTEE SOUTH LINE OE COLLEGE STREB'L' AND THE .... J NORTH J"HU:; OF CLEVELAND S~~REET, ALT, WITFIN SAID CrL'Y, AND '1'0 SPEOIAM.Y ASSESS TEE }1!JTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF j'AKETG SAID Il- PROBMElJTS AGAnrST TEE FI.ZO:PEH'rY VI ITEnT SAID DIS'l'RICJ:' T.!TillEI1 ",1m BY VIRTUE OF THE PHOVISIONS OF SECTI DIJS 52;2~5 to 5277 INCLTnnVE, OF THE CZEVISlm CCDES OF r/ON'I'AlTA, 1921, AND ANY iJill1;NDLlEU0}S '1'ETm.Erpo. WHERJ~l'!.S :I At a rerultcl' session of the Comr:lission of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on the 23d day of March, A D 1928, the BEdel 0 omr::i Sf:) ion d.uly passed Commission HeGolution No. 91, declaring it to be the j.ntention of s.cd.el Commission to create a special improve.ment distl'ict to be JqlOwn [\11\1 des1gna ted. as Special Improvement District No. 2~4 of said Oity, for "bhe purpose of IJav:i.ng with , two course crushed E;ravel ma,.cadam pavement, eonf3tructing .head.ers and installing such .draina{';e st:C'uctm'es as Llay be neqessaI';'T on South Oru.)1.el Avcm18 between the s011th Ilne of College Street 2.n(l tlle north line of Cleve]-'no. Strect, all vri th:i.n ,,;D,ie c:Lty, and. to SlJoc:i.ally aSf38S.f], tho ontiroOo;3t and o:;cperJso of rna.J.:.1ng ::!<'l.:i.d imp:::'ovo- menta against tho property within mJld.. distl'ict uncler anel lJY virtuc of the pro- v10ions of Sections 5225 to 5277 inclusive, of tJ',e Revised Calles of j'''ontan:., 19;21, and. an;\, amendments tJvoroto, which said Commissj.on Hosolution No. 9 1 i ,,31'0 .1'0 by referred to and made a part horeof for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of saiel district, the estimated cost of said 1mprovcmont, ancl the method of alJSe ssing the Barno against the property within said district. AND WE:SREAS, Notice of the passage of Commios:i.on ~8Golution No. ~) 1 waD dul~i D1J.bli.shod in t11e :3ozernan 'Neekl;? Chronicle, a weokly newsIJtqJcr .fi:c:inted amJ. published :i.n Df.J.:i.d. C i t:r of Bozeman, to-vii t: In the :L Guue 0'[' T'arch 29, InS, ancI by send.ing 8. cOIJY of ,muh not:i.ce by reg:i.st01ol:Jd' uaJl, to each 1) C1' loon, firm or cor- poration, or agent of such person, firm or corpol'ation having pNI'ert~i" w:i.thin the proposed dist:dct at his lilst knovin addl"eSS uIJon the GUlae a.a;y :,;uc11 no tice was first Dublish0(1 ,'-1;1 aforesaid, and clue Droaf .l'avinC: been malie of the .P1J.IJ1:i.cu.tion of sail} notice; Aim WEm-:EAS, VI1 thin the tL.:8 IJrovii'LGrl 1'.1;7 1m! CIYleJ. pu~)lishc)cJ. notice t'ler8 werc fi.lecl vii th tL.e Clcrl: of t.he ComrJ1suio , no protests acainct the Droposec1 work and ag~llnst tt'.e creat:i.on c1Ylcl extcrlt of 8:1.:i.el c11 strict to ,Je 8.sseSlJec).; an.d the ferL:i. c1 Comrn:LfLiJion ViaS in rc{'ul:;.]' seouioli on the l::)th eli"-2T of April, 1 0 ~'~C: at fOUl' 0 T clock Ii ,.' ~::..( ,:. , Ij ~l of 3ai(1 day, at t118 Commis::>ionChamber in t,)HJ Ci.b;! He..ll :3uili'linc: :i.n the m:lid L :1 C1t;y of:1oz,8man, the D8 xne :' e 1n8 t.he t 1me anel IJlace designated for LC3.l'inC: and. '.' J passing upon all protcsts, if any, against the proDosecl work or ccg!:dnst the crea t:L 0 .': .," ,\',,' .,0". ' .:'>',.'. ., ':.',,'.. :";:,:> ::, ',:'>:\>< ,I.:;,'.".,: ----- or estent of said district, or both; 8..nd it fllrther i::.nJOo.ri.Yl{': "cl:,,;\t all of tho proceedings for the creation of said district have teen complied with; NOW, 'l'IIEREFC;l{S , BE 1'1: Im;:;OLVEjD 3Y 'rIm cny CCI\iI,ISGION OF l'EE CITY OF BOZEl'LliE, :::;'1:1:..'1:E OF },.lQN'J:ANA: Sec. 1. That saic1 31J801al IupI'ovement Di:::;td.ct No. ,;64 of the C.i ty of Bo zerM:cn , Sta to of J,~ontana, 1)8, and. the sam e is, hereby oreated. for the pUI'lJose of making the improvements therein afJ hereinafter described. Sec. 0) 'fhat Baiel eJpecial :i.mprOVerJentrs be, and tJoe S:.1Jr1 e r:.I' e , hereby '-'. ordered to be ~ade 1n Gaid Speoial ImproveLlcnt District,No. ~64 as follows; The paving with tvlO 00111' se crushed ~ravel macadam rJavement, constrlwting head.cI's ano. inDt:!,lling such dr::dnage str1JCt1.J.res as may bo nc cessal'Y on South Gr8.ncl Avconue bet-weeHl the :jolJth line of College Street ::\11c1 the North line of Clevehlnd Jtreet, all within said city Sec. 3. That the entire cost and eKpense of mc;king tYee l>pe cial im- pcovements heroin set forth in sairl ['pecia1 Improvemcnt District No. ;~G4 she. 11 be paid. by Special Itnprovement D1:Jtrj.ct Bonc1.s of th 0 denomination 0 f One Hundred Dollars each, and in fractions w.here necessar;T, to be i 88uod. and ChLll'goa'blEJ agail1Gt a fund to 1JO known as 31H')o:L8.1 Improvement District No. 264 Fund; sai d. bonds to 1)e rodeerne.ble at the option of tho City of Bozeman, lloni..ana, whenever funds are available for that pm'poso from said Sp.ecial Im:provemont D:lstI'ict No. 264, Fund; said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of aix per cent. per annum, which fshall be chargeable as a .part of tlie co st of said sp ecial improvemcnt and shall run from the (late of the registration of ~3aid bond.s until said bonds are paid; and such interest, from the date of the registration of the bonds uhtil the paym~nt of the first installment, will be collected by the Director of Finance of said City of Bozeman e.t the time of collecting sU.ch first installment; \ that the entire cost and expense of Daid improvement lIlithin said district shall be defrayed by a speoial assessment against the cntire district, eacl< lot or ])arcel of land wi thin said ctistrict where in the improvemen ts sh.all be made, to be assessed for its pi'oportion of such expense , each sqyare foot of the area of S1.1Cr. lots or parcels of land within said Special Improvement District-No. 264 exclusive of streets, avcnues, alleys and public places, to be assessed for its proportionate share of such entire cost; that the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of land. shall be paid. in equal annual installments cxtend.ing over a period of six years. Sec. 4. That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the d.oing of said work am1 maJ.;:ing said. impr 0 yemen t s . Sec. B. That the Clerk of tb.eCommission be, 8.n(l he is hereby directed pu!.)lish a notice --inviting proposals for tbe f1Jrn.i.shi.ng of mt\tol'ials, the do in,g of the wor]{ am1 ma}~ine; of said improvements in said Spec ial Improvement Distriot No. 264 referring to l)lal1f:! anc1 specifioations on file, b;'l publi shing the sarno in two issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper pr~nted and published in the said City of Bozeman, not less than ten days before the time such bid.s 'will be oDeneli, whioh slmll be at a mooting of theCommisf.:ion to be hele1 on Friday, the 11th day of May, 1928. Passecl and adopted by the CorruniS8ion of the Cit;y of !30zeman at a ree;ular session tJJereof ,helc1 on the l~)th day of API'il, 1928. Approved by the 1\1a;yor on the 13th ilay of April, 19c2d. ~~ MAYOn ATTEST: r~d ._~~~-~- CLEnK OF ~'EE COMIGSSIOH.