HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96 Creating SID No. 263 ----- ----.-... .. _. COMMISSION RESOLUTION no. 96. ..' ,(~.. A HESOLU'rrON OF THE CITY CQ1'i!jl"IS3ION OJ? TEE CITY OF 130ZEJiAN, I:ONTANA, ./ CHEATING 3PECH.L I;;}'HOVEMENT DIS'rrnCT NO. 26.9 OF THE CITY OF BOZEI::MT( STATE OF MOlJ'I'AJ'lA, FOR THE PU?POSE OF GHADIHG; PAVHm WITH TWO coun.SE CnUSliED GHAnL l'i.CiillAJJ PAVEMEIFr: CONST'WC'I'ING cmICRETI~ cmus ,,"ND SUCH DnAINAGE srBUC~i'U:HS AS ;.AY K8 FJ;CESSXlY CF WS2)'J' OLIVE STl'l.EET n-~:T1fmEN ~CEI~ WEST I,ITTE OF SlATY .w'r<:nUE LrD Tl-m T<:AS'l' I,Il!1D OF ];;IGE'!:E AVENUE WITHIJ'T SAID CIT'!, AND TO SPECIAlLY ASSESS 'rITE -s:n'Tl11TI~ CO;)T AllI) EXPENSE OF I:'AXII:G SAID D,E;WVEIJiTI:ETS AGiLU;;3T TITE: I)ROl'j~r?'ry 'NITIIIN SAID DISTRIOT illJDER AI'ID BY VU.'J'lfS OF TEl}; I'nO\TISlmrS OF S:H;CTIOIJS 5225 to 527'1 IN- CLUSIVE, OF 'rIlE :n;VISJ~D OODESOF ]~ON'.rA1TA, 1921, AND ANY AJ.:lENDlil"Sr:'l'S THEl1.mc. WlTERE).S, At a l'Olc:ular s8ssion of the Commission of the 01 ty of Bozeman, State of Kontans:., held on the 231'(1 eh\;\T of March, ./1.411 D. 1928, the suicl Corwn1ssion ''tu1y pas'3ed Oomm:i.s,o:ion \1e801utio11 No. gO, declt3.l'i.n{-: it to be the intent ion of su.icl Comrdj,s:3ion to cre~).tG ,_". spec :Lal imrJrov9ment eLL strict to be known nnrl (1es:L{~n;).tecl as SIJech\l ImlH'ovement Di:3trict 1')0. :2G3 of sald City, for the purpose of Grading; l'avinE with Two Course Crushec_ Gravel Macarlam Pavoment; Oonstructin.,g Concrete Curbs and s'"lch Ilrainage structures as m"h;Y bo necof,JC)8.ry on West Olivo Streot betwoon the wefit lino of Si:xth Avenue 0.11(1 tLe e:::.r,t line oJ: Si,d;tJ-: Avem.tc, vi:i.thin f;aid Cit;r, ano. to sp oe ia11y cU1S03S tfie entire cost ancl 8Z})On::,0 of maJ-::tn,,~' en.i'l irnprovbD1cnts ae:e.inst tho IJl'Oport;)" within r3li-id di::Jtr iet uncler and by virtue of trIO provi nions of Sections 5225 to 527'1 inclusive, of the Revised Codes of Montana, 19;;1, 2J:J.d any amendments theroto ,wb:Lch saio, Commi:3:;,lon Re,301ution No. 90 is hereby referrod to 0.11(1 mad.o a partboreof for further partiC"uJ.ars in respect to boundaries of suid district, the estimated cost of said improvement, and method, of assos::3ing t.ho <3,.I,me agaiw3t the pr.Oj;18rty within said district. AND WHEREAS, Notice of the pam3age of Conm:is::d.on Re::wlut:i.on was dell;)' pul)lished in/h.e BozOman weekly Chroniclo, a weekly newspaper prihted and publiDhocl in said City of Bozeman, to~wit: In the J.sf'JUe of March 20th, 19;-~8 and. by cenn..:Lng a copy of suoll Yloticeby rei::;1stered FIC.i1, to each person, firm or COrpOI'3. t:ton, or agent of such porson, firM or corporation having proIJerty VIHhin th.o IJroposed J.Jstr:Lo.t at his last Imown ad.d.re(3u u1)on the clF.lY 8U6h notico was first 1mblished. as afore s ,:::.i (1 , c,nd clue l1roofhuvinC been made of the 1mblioation of s8.:1.c1 notice; AND Wl.nBRJLAS, Within tho tin\e providocl by law, aml IJubli~3hed notice there were fil cdw:L th the Cler1: of the Commission IJ!'oter,ts against the Droposecl Vlork and. acaLnst tho creation 8.nr1 oxto)Jt of sa:LCl clistlo:i.ot to 'be assess8cl; ,mcl tho Commission ViaS in 1'0,1:1110.1' 308:::ion OD. t.he 13th rlay of April, 1928 at 4 01 clock r Ii; of s,aiel (ky, a tthe Cornrnissj.on ChnmL)Or in tJ-18 ...- ..-..- .-.-- -. -- - in the said City of Bozeman; the same bein,s the tine uncI ])lQce c}e;'Ji{')lE1.tect Ii hearing and pasr3ing upon all protest;'), if an,;-', ag;dnst the Fi:'O])O sed. war}:: or ! against the creation or extent of said district, or both, and. t.he total area of (l all property wit.hin said. d.ist,~ict tobo assessed bein!~ 148740 sQ,ual'e foot, ai3 state : i in Commission Hor30lution No. 90, and the area of all property witl1in ::;a:J.d c1Jstr:Lct lJ ownod b;y I)01'S011S lJrotesting being ;359i~. 5 s:,;uar8 fcet, the same behy' 2 .115 )~ of said total area and less than 40% thereof, enid. 'protc~3t8 were, ~y rcgular vote of said Comrnission, clul;;r over-ruled.; anel i.t fUI.tJ-,.:,].' QDpearing tllat all of the }Jl'O- ceedings for the creation of said district have been complied with; NOW, 'TEEHJEFOn.JE, BE I'r RESOLVED BY THE COMI/IIS:3ION OF 'flIE CI'I'Y OF B03Ei,iAN, , STATE OF MCNrANA: Sec. 1. That sahl Special Improvement DistI'lct ITO. ;~63 of the City of Bozeman, State of ~ontana, be, and the same 13, hereby created for the p\li~OSe of making the improvements therein dS hereinafter descrH)cd. Sec. ., That said Special Irrwroveroents be, an d. th e same are, hereby "'. ordered to be made in said Special Improvoment District rIo. ~~6~3 as follovi~3: The Grad:ing; the paving with TViO Course Crushed Gri'!;;vel :Pavement; the construction of Concrete Curbs and such drainage structures as may be necessary On West Olive Street between the West Line of Sixth Avenue and the East Line of Eit,;hth Avenue. Sec. 3. That the entire co~rt and expense of making: the special impl'ove- monts herein set forth in said Special Improvement D:l;;,tl'ict No. 263 shall be paid by Special Iml1l'ovement District Coupon Bonds of the denomination of One Hundred Dollars (:$lOD .00) each, and in fractions thercof where necessary, to be 1 s sue d. anc1 chargeable against a fund to be known as Special Improvement Dlstr lct Ne. ;263 ) Funcl;said bqpds to be redeemable at the, oDtj.on of the City of Bozer!13.n, MOJltana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Impl'ovemenii District No. 263 Fund; sail1 bond.s shall d.raw simple interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, which slnll be chargeable as 8. 1Jart of the cost of said sp ecial impl'ovemen"t and shall run from the elate of the registration of ::10.1,1 bowls 1 - til said bonds are puid; 2Ild such interc,st, from the date of tbo registration of. the bonds until the payment of the fir~t' installment, will be collected by the Director of Finance of said City of Bozeman at the tj.me of collecting sudl first installment; that the entire cost andexlJense of saitl iIi'l:rH'ovement wi thin said 1 district shall be defra;\Ted b;jT a special assessment against the entire district, I .. each lot or parcel of lana vii thin said district vLercin the imp~ovements shall be made, l) to be asser3sed for its proportion pf SUCR expense, oach sq,uare foot of the area of such lots or parcels o~ land within said Special Improvement District No. 263, exclusive of streets, avenues, alloys ~nd public places, to be assessed for its pr,oportiona te share of such entire cost; prov ided,.that each sCluare foot of the land within said district embraced within any corner lot, or tract (and for the purposes of assessment in this district a corner lot is defined as being: any tract of 18.m1, excepting streets, avenues, or alleys, located within a distance of 30 feet of either side line of W Olive Street within the district) sl"tall be \ so aSBG ssed that each 13guare foot of the lan/I. embraced wi tb.in any such corner lot, or tract, shall bear do ublo t118 amount of the cost of such ilnprovomont that a square foot of any ilH1ide lot, or tract shall boar. That the amount assessed ago. inst eaoh lot or parcel of land. r~hall be, paicl in eQ.ual annual installments extending oval' a period of six years. Soo. '1- That the City Engineer bo, and, he is hereby directed to prepare plans u,nd sDecifioationD for tL.e daine: of scdcl wor1{ ancl J:1a1;:inE'; said improvements. Seo. .- That the Clo1'k of tho Comnis"ion be, mlCi he is hereby u. directed to publish a notice inviting proposals for the furnishing of materials, the (loing of t:ne work and making of said. l.mprovements in said. S:pecial Improvement District No. 263, referring to plans and. specifications on file, by publishing the sarne in two iSEmes of the B02ieman Daily Chronicle, a daily ne,vspapor pr inted and pUblished in the said 8ity of 13ozerron, not less than ten clays before tho tirilO such bids wj.ll be opened,which shall be at a J:lOeting of the Commission to bo held. on Frida;;,', the 11th (lay of Ma;v, 1028 . Passed and atlOIJtOd: by the Commission of the Cit;)' of Bozeman at a regular sessipn thereof ,Yleld on the 13th day of April, 1928. Approved bl the Mayor on the 13th day of AIJril, 19~~8. _~__._6JP~____ MAYOR A~:TEST : {J Jdl;R~____~.~._ CLERK OF TIill CO~OO~SSION -..--..----.-- .----".--....- ....--.--.--.. .--....."..- .... .-..-.--. --.-----